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    Wow another sober week for me I'm getting good at this heh heh



      Wishing everyone a happy and sober weekend.

      Lav, I know you can manage to survive this turmoil.

      I'm only around sometimes because of pute probs but hope to be a regular poster soon.

      Love Pan x



        Remember To Live Your Life Today
        Today is a beautiful day to be alive, to be the person you are. A beautiful
        day, simply, to be. Don't waste energy trying to possess or control. Don't
        let yourself be burdened by things that have happened in the past. Don't
        worry about being "right," or about impressing anyone.
        Focus instead on creating things that have never before existed. On
        adding value to the lives of others. On finding ways to express the unique
        person that you are. Feel good by simply deciding to, rather than by
        abusing yourself or others. Look at everything that happens as an
        opportunity for growth.
        Accept and be thankful for the abundance that is yours. Dust off your
        dreams and find a way to follow them. Life is precious and beautiful.
        Every breath you take is an opportunity to live life to the fullest.
        --Ralph S. Marston, Jr.
        (From the Daily Recovery Readings)

        Hello all! It was a wild and windy night last night! Lots of rain, too. I love listening to the rain and wind when I am safe and warm in my bed at night.

        Lav, I am sorry Mr. Lav seems to be getting worse instead of better. I will pray for you and send you strength to get through this.

        Sooty, I have been following your politics and what a crazy circus!

        Welcome, Shambles84 and good job on your week!
        Pan, I hope you get your computer fixed, pronto!

        Mr. Dill has been feeling under the weather lately and it has kept us in a tizzy. He just found out the "lesion" on his liver is not cancer, so we are breathing a sigh of relief. Still going through tests to find out just what is causing his symptoms.

        Red, Chill, Cyn, Sidney, Jessie, Rusty, and all who stop in, have a sweet AF Saturday.

        Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

        If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.



          Good afternoon from a cold and grey UK.
          Lav I hope you find some resolution soon and Mr Lav comes to his senses and gets himself sorted out
          Dill so sorry to hear Mr D isn't well, but glad that the news doesn't seem to be as bad as you feared.
          Chill you are welcome to come and keep an eye on me anytime!
          Star - I'm glad you're sleeping well. My shoulder woke me about 4 a.m. but I listened to a meditation cd and that helped me get back to sleep
          Red, Rustop, Shambles, Cyn, and anyone I've missed cos I'm very forgetful - keep safe and strong

          ps still no news on the next prime minister as far as I know, haven't seen the news today yet, I definitely overdosed on it yesterday :H


            MAY WE BE SOBER - WEEK ONE

            Good morning May friends,

            Dark here & soon to be raining!

            Dill, I hope Mr D feels better soon.

            Sooty, our weather sounds a lot like yours! Hope your aches & pains are resolving as well.

            Shambles, glad to see you here, Congrats on your AF time

            Greetings to Red, Rsutop, Cyn & everyone. Hope we all have a great day!
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              MAY WE BE SOBER - WEEK ONE

              Hi Gang! A quick hello from rainy Boston.... really happy to be here
              wishing you all a wonderful AF weekend :l
              "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
              AF - JAN 1st 2010
              NF - May 1996


                MAY WE BE SOBER - WEEK ONE

                Hey everybody,

                Just wanted to say hello and let everyone know I'm still here and sober as a judge. Also solemn as a judge and working very hard to not give in to my blue moods.
                Yesterday I worked in the morning and then drove 2 hours north and went hiking in the mountains. Spent the night with a good friend up there. Nice just to get away if only for 24 hours. Had to come back for tutoring job this afternoon.

                Lav, I'm sorry things are still so hard. Is it any relif at all to have him out of the house?

                Chill, thinking of you in Boston. Haven't been there in years but remember it as classy and romantic. I am remembering visiting a high school sweet heart at MIT in Cambridge. Walking along the Charles River. Hope you are having fun.

                Dill, hope your husband is feeling better. I was a wonderful nurse when my children were sick but never a very sympathetic one with my husband.

                Hi Sooty. Been to the cliffs lately?

                Red, glad to hear you're hangin tough.

                Happy Mothers Day Eve!!


                  MAY WE BE SOBER - WEEK ONE

                  Morning all, sunny here today but very chilly. Still no rain forecast so thats a bonus.
                  Sped lovely to see you - no not been on the cliffs lately, my fall caused me to sprain my ankle and altho its almost better I find walking on rough ground quite painful so I'm sticking to pavements at the moment!
                  Lav, Dill and everyone hope you're all ok
                  Have agood sunday folks - we MUST organise a chat session soon - its been ages since the last one!

