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AF Sunday - 5/2

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    AF Sunday - 5/2

    No Ab Fabbers today???

    I still here - bored as hell but what can you do?
    We are having record heat this weekend, I'm hiding in the AC today.
    Just took a short nap, last night was pretty crappy. I'm watching the Insanity Twins this weekend - they paced the hallway all night long. I wish they came with doggie downers

    I'm reading 'Radical Forgiveness' at Greenie's suggestion. Good book, interesting concept but I'm not quite ready to give up my pain or victim status yet - if you know what I mean. I'll keep reading though, see what happens.

    Wishing a terrific AF Sunday for one & all.
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

    AF Sunday - 5/2

    Hi Lav! At least one other Fabbie Abbie is here with you today! I guess Greenie is on vaca now? Did Chillgirl leave yet? (probably still trying to sit on that suitcase!) LIVING must be interfering with MWO time!

    Lav, I think you deserve a small pity party. But since it does nothing to really help the situation, we'll be radically kicking your :bum: to get out of your funk in a few more days. OK? I really do understand. It's so hard to let go and not be angry / resentful / etc. The problem is that carrying those emotions does NOT inflict anything at all on the other party (oh that it did!) and just serves to bring us down. I love the saying "resentments are like drinking poison and waiting for someone else to die." Anyway... you are not drinking over any of this and that is ABBIE FABBIE!!!

    Went to see Mom & Dad today. That was nice. It seems the weekend flew by and now I'm disappointed with myself that I allowed too much of it to be swallowed up in "funk." Oh well - lesson learned! I bought some tomato and pepper and misc. plants today. I hear the garden calling my name.

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      AF Sunday - 5/2

      make that at least three AF amigos!

      Lavande, DoggyGirl, nice to see you two. I'm having a quiet night in a hotel, all good and AF.

      Lavande, hope you feel better hon.

      Doggy, I'd love to plant some veggies but it's so hard here in the desert. will have to do some 'indoor gardening' one of these days.

      be well

      nosce te ipsum
      (Know Thyself)

