Deter I think indoor gardening would be fabulous for you! I wonder if one can grow garlic in a pot?
So who else in the same zone as Chicago is going to put their tomatos and peppers in before Mother's Day and tempt the fates of Mother Nature???? Please respond! My agenda for the day may depend on your answers!! :H
I can't believe how fast this year is flying by. May already???? Where is the time going!
During the visit with Mom and Dad yesterday my Dad got going on some childhood stories that I had not heard before. I didn't realize that they did not have electricity in their house when he was born. He was a young boy when "electricity came to the farm." They had the house all wired and watched the electric company put up all the poles along the road. One day when he was in town with my Grandpa they got the word - power was to be turned on that day. Grandpa let my Dad be the first one to flip the switch when they got home.

Have a great AF day all! Zoom zoom...