Daily Recovery Readings
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I generally do not attend meetings on Mondays these days, so you all are my meeting. I really like the 24-Hours a Day reading today about "Taking it Easy." That is so important for me to do. I can easily get wound up tight as a drum about things that are going on around me. So this is always a good message for me.
A.A. Thought For The Day
A.A. teaches us to take it easy. We learn how to relax and
to stop worrying about the past or the future, to give up
our resentments and hates and tempers, to stop being
critical of people, and to try to help them instead.
That's what "Easy Does It" means. So in the time that's
left to me to live, I'm going to try to take it easy, to
relax and not to worry, to try to be helpful to others,
and to trust God. For what's left of my life, is my motto
going to be "Easy Does It"?
Meditation For The Day
I must overcome myself before I can truly forgive other
people for injuries done to me. The self in me cannot
forgive injuries. The very thought of wrongs means that
my self is in the foreground. Since the self cannot forgive,
I must overcome my selfishness. I must cease trying to
forgive those who fretted and wronged me. It is a mistake
for me even to think about these injuries. I must aim at
overcoming myself in my daily life and then I will find
there is nothing in me that remembers injury, because the
only thing injured, my selfishness, is gone.
Prayer For The Day
I pray that I may hold no resentments. I pray that my mind
may be washed clean of all past hates and fears.
Even if a person DESERVES my resentment because they "did me wrong" the only person a resentment really hurts is me. And I DO find that I am far less likely to have an urge to drink when I am "taking it easy" than when I am all worked up. Best to take it easy, which I am about to go do in my garden.

Strength and hope to all who might be needing some today. Phil, I am so glad to hear you are home.