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AF Daily - Saturday May 8

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    AF Daily - Saturday May 8

    GET UP YOU LAZY BUMS!! :b&d: Well, I've neglected to post in the Abbercizer thread (another one we need to resurrect!) and so will happily use some :b&d: here.

    Good to see you Sheepish - stop being a lurker!! We need POSTERS!!

    LVT, I'm glad your sister sounds stabilized at least. I know what you mean about AD's - I would be terrified to take them. I know they help a lot of people but if you are an unfortunate side effect - :egad:

    I had something on my mind today I feel like sharing. I was thinking how us AL abusers always want to drink whenever anything stressful or difficult happens. I was thinking - what if ALL people drank whenever they felt stressed or upset? What would the world be like then?

    It just made me realize how very selfish I was all those years to think *I* deserved to check out, ignore my responsibilities, act immature, and DRINK every time the least little stressful thing happened. Geez. I really am grateful everyone doesn't act like I used to.

    With that, I am off to try to cover up the plants that I foolishly put in before Mother's Day!

    Marshy, I understand but miss you already. I hope you come by once in awhile and tell us what's up at the Lido. Well, hopefully not to much is really "up" publically but you know what I mean. Well, if something WAS "up" in a speedo or something, I bet it would be funny. And then I would HOPE you would remember your good friends here and how we can always use a laugh.

    OK...Happy AFness to one and all.

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.

    AF Daily - Saturday May 8

    Thanks DG for starting this today. We just can't let the daily af thread die or we will get a bad reputation! :blush:

    Something rather alarming I learned is that more young people are using alcohol and drugs because they are stressed. Hmmmmm, I wonder where they learned that? It is so true we used alcohol (among other things) for every reason under the sun. It is so illogical! In our community and I guess society in general, alcohol use/abuse has been so acceptable--even in our youth. I watched a good friend of mine's son load several cases of beer into his pickup at the grocery store yesterday for his high school graduation reception. I'm sure she was inside paying for it. Excuse me? People don't even stop to effing think, do they? Am I becoming a total prude or just waking up myself? Why is there alcohol at a high school graduation reception? I informed my husband and boys that there would be no alcohol served at our kid's high school graduations. College yes, high school, no.
    Are some of these kids going to go out and drink no matter what--yes. Will they maybe think twice about it if they have been told it is totally unacceptable for the last 18 years--perhaps.
    I'm starting to gain a passion for this anti-underage drinking thing, can you tell? I just made so many bad choices as a young person, starting with drinking at age 14. After learning some of the science I have to at least wonder if that didn't contribute to my al abuse in later years.
    Ok, I'll hop off my soapbox for now.

    Happy Mother's day to all moms out there, by the way! :h
    NF since June 1, 2008
    AF since September 28, 2008
    DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
    :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
    5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
    The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


      AF Daily - Saturday May 8

      Hi Kids,

      I was actually on here attempting to start this thread this afternoon when we lost power!
      We never did get the rain that was promised today, just a lot of wind - strange weather this weekend.

      Well, Mr Lav showed up today at my insistance. We had a calm 20 min. chat, he signed the tax forms that needed signing then crawled back under his rock. Apparently he is not ready yet to resume his life.....
      Guess I'm going to sit & wait - really don't know what else to do. But, I did have some nice grandson time this evening so all is not lost

      Our kids didn't get into (much) underage drinking - with Mom the nurse & Dad the cop - they knew they didn't have a chance!!! Our 18 year old nephew, just weeks out of high school killed himself driving drunk. That was 7 years ago & his parents are still suffering horribly. They feel tremendously guilty because they never really tried to correct his behavior. I would advise any parent to do anything they can to prevent another tragedy like that.

      On a lighter note, I wish everyone a good night!
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

