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AF-DAILY - Sunday, May 9th

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    AF-DAILY - Sunday, May 9th

    Happy Mother's Day to all the mummies...

    I've been away for a week or so, and sorry to read some posts that have brought so much up to surface.

    LVT25, I know what you mean...Yesterday I had ANOTHER day in the kitchen cooking all day, for my step-daughters birthday party...long story, but I was of course the DD, and watched everyone drink the night away!!! I smiled this morning when I knew my head was feeling GREAT on a sunny, delightful day...

    I NEED to get back in to a routine of exercise.... since houseguests...I've been so slack, next week, I'm going to focus on my exercises!!

    Oh Lav....I wish you could meet my husband... he would have so many helpful words for your recent situation..... we have the house free, pop down under for a break!!

    DG, I miss Marshy already too... I don't post every day, life is busy, but I do have a giggle and so with some regular posters..

    AF-DAILY - Sunday, May 9th

    Hi all and thanks Leelou for getting us started. Sounds like it's time for some YOU time Leelou, and everyone who has been so busy "doing" for everyone else lately!

    I haven't been "doing for everyone else" as much as just "doing" it seems. It's another zoom zoom day and I'm really really ready for a little down time, which isn't going to happen for a couple of weeks. But rather than get all worked up, I'm trying to just take things a day at a time, and a *thing* at a time, and enjoy the ride and enjoy having a productive life! I know what the alternative is like - sitting holed up in my house drinking and drinking and drinking and watching life just pass me by. No thanks - not going back there!

    I'm heading out to my regular Sunday morning AA meeting and then going to another suburb as Step Coach is going to be speaking. He has done remarkably well with chemotherapy, but one never knows how many more times he might have to speak. I love listening to his story of recovery, and of helping so many others recover. (heck, none of us knows how much time we have!!) Then I have a lot of prep work to do for the Mary Kay Day at Curves tomorrow. One thing is for sure - there will be no excuses not to exercise tomorrow!!! :H

    Have a wonderful day everyone. I am grateful for AFness and UnHungness today.

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      AF-DAILY - Sunday, May 9th

      Ab fabbers!

      OK, OK, my break lasted, what, two days? Had a bit of spare time today and thought I'd check what the abbers are up to. It's very nice to read that some people would miss me

      Hmm, I don't know. I felt the need for a (longer!) break but also feel myself drawn back so I might shilly-shally about for a bit.

      DG - nothing up at the lido. Too damn cold. I haven't been all week but will go tomorrow even if it is freezing.

      Leelou- one of my plans for today is to sit down for 10 mins and drawn up an exercise timetable that I can stick to. Mine's gone a bit out of the window lately.

      So, we haven't had a government since Thursday after the election caused a hung parliament but everything is carrying on perfectly well. Haha. Until the financial market open tomorrow and dive, dive, dive. (Did my first sober staying up to watch the results come in but only made it until 2.30am before going to bed. Too tired! But at least I could talk about it the next day and remember what I'd seen).

      Oh, remember Pamina's thing about spa treatments and I said I didn't have any luck with the website that was carrying the offer? I tried later that day and it worked, and I've received the voucher for a chakra balancing massage with hot stones - should be interesting.

      OK, I've put off the grocery shopping long enough.

      Have a good day all!
      AF since December 22nd 2008
      Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


        AF-DAILY - Sunday, May 9th

        Good morning Ab Fabbers & Happy Mother's Day if it applies!!

        Boy Leelou, a trip right now sounds wonderful........well, I can always dream

        DG, work in some exercise for me too, please!

        Marshy, very glad to see you back! I think maybe a lot of us were in funky moods last week. Shit happens, right?

        I have no plans for the day, think I'll just see what happens
        Hope everyone has a good AF Sunday!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          AF-DAILY - Sunday, May 9th

          Hi Leelou, DG, Marshy and Lav - Marshy glad your back girl!

          Happy mothers day to all of you mums in the US - Im being seriously Americanized here, need to fight back for Europe or I will be talking a different language when I get back....

          Pants instead of trousers
          Sidewalks instead of pavements
          purse instead of handbag
          and then there's the spelling!!!! :H
          "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
          AF - JAN 1st 2010
          NF - May 1996


            AF-DAILY - Sunday, May 9th

            Happy Mother's Day Abbers!

            I've been reading around the site - what a sad week last week. Hope everyone is looking after themselves.

            Leelou, any me-time on your agenda any time soon?

            DG, it's great to read about your productive busy-ness and that cumulative dovetailing of the new bits you've brought into your life. First Curves et al, then MK, now MK in Curves - good luck tomorrow!

            Marshy: 'OK, OK, my break lasted, what, two days?' :H - Isn't it nice to feel wanted

            Lav, a trip could actually be a really good idea... Meanwhile, lets hope you get extra flowers and cake for granma's day today. :l

            Chill, I know what you mean having lived on both sides of the pond. A few weeks isn't long enough, though, for permanent confusion. Enjoy!

            Well, this side of the pond is definitely an interesting place to be at the moment. I didn't stay up on election night but got up at 6am the following morning only to discover results were still rolling in and counting and recounting in full flow. The BBC was awesome. David Dimbleby went from 10pm to 9am, gave way to another election show 9-11 and was back on air 11am to 4pm. (When did he go to the loo??) And Marshy, there IS a (caretaker) government in place with Gordo in charge and Alistair doing Very Important Things in Europe, as we heard Friday. I can feel a news addiction taking hold for at least the next week...

            I was at the market at closing time yesterday and walked off with loads of veggies and herbs for a pound. Problem is, I don't recognise all the herbs. Time for yet more experimental cooking.

            Have a good Sunday folks.


              AF-DAILY - Sunday, May 9th

              Happy Mumenator's day!!!!

              Pamina, mystery herb cooking sounds like way too much fun. wish I could join you

              be well everyone
              nosce te ipsum
              (Know Thyself)

