Sooty of the cliffs, I hope you will soon be feeling good enough to return to them! I'm still waiting for Brit's poitics to sort out. It's surely been a bumpy road. I guess the last time there was a hung Parliament was in 1974! If you are like me, you have probably lost faith in governtment in general. We need to make a complete overhaul!
Sped, good to see you. The trip to the mountains sounds wonderful! Especially when shared with a friend. I think I am in sore need of some good girlfriend time. That usually does a lot to chase away the blue moods. Take care of yourself, Sped. Don't let those moods rule you. I'm sure you won't!
Chill, I hope you are enjoying your visit to Boston. I have been there a few times and love it. You'll have to post a bit about what you are doing and seeing. It will revive old memories for me, I'm sure!
Lav, we went out last evening and covered all our tender plants with sheets anticipating a frost. It got down to 36 overnight, so we dodged the bullet! Good thing, because there are loads of pears, apples and peaches on our trees that we probably would have lost. Did you have any frost troubles last night?
Red, I hope your visit with your family has been wonderful. Were you going to see parents and/or siblings? I sure miss my parents and wish I could visit with them. May they rest in peace. Mr. D and I went to visit his brother and sister-in-law yesterday. It's a two hour drive, so it is an all day event when we visit. Our SIL has been diagnosed very recently with Ovarian cancer and her prognosis is questionable. She starts chemo this week. We are praying for her.
Let's all be grateful for this day and for being AF. And let's celebrate our Mothers on this Mother's Day 2010!