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May We Be Sober ~ week 2

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    May We Be Sober ~ week 2

    Good morning friends,

    Sooty, be very, very careful my dear
    I had a very nasty fall down steps myself nearly 10 years ago.........I'm still scared to death near steps. I really pay super attention now when I have to go up or down steps

    Greetings Cyn, chill, Red, Spud, Shelley, Rustop, Tulipe & all who stop in today!
    Need to get myself ready for a visitor.
    Have a great day everyone!

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      May We Be Sober ~ week 2

      Hey! Where is everybody?! Hope all is well for everyone -- Sooty, give yourself plenty of time to heal, it's worth it in the long run.

      Sorry that it is cold and gloomy in the east...I'm enjoying the last bits of naturally-cooled air here in the desert. Each day that has cool mornings is like a gift - we've already passed 90 degrees, and soon will be into the 100s, so we're soaking it all up now. The desert has had a spectacular blooming this spring, and that is always interesting to see these spiny plants put forth such radiant and vibrant blossoms.

      Take care all - desert wishes for an AF Wednesday to come (happy hump-day Sooty!)
      to the light


        May We Be Sober ~ week 2

        Hi to everyone. I have been reading the threads but not posting as nothing new is going on with me. Just working and coming home.

        How can we make this thread last, I feel that we are running out of gas or something. Is this success? Or maybe just taking a break.

        Sending you all a great AF day.
        Formerly known as redhibiscus


          May We Be Sober ~ week 2

          Hi everyone

          I guess everyone is just busy. I know that I am and really have to make the effort to try and get on here every morning to keep myself focussed. I hope this thread continues, there is a nice feel to it.

          Have just finished power hosing the patio, now off to do some painting. Weather a bit iffy so dont know if I will be able. Catch you all later.



            May We Be Sober ~ week 2

            Meditation For The Day

            Turn out all thoughts of doubt and fear and resentment. Never
            tolerate them if you can help it. Bar the windows and doors of your
            mind against them, as you would bar your home against a thief who would
            steal in to take away your treasures. What greater treasures can you have
            than faith and courage and love? All these are stolen from you by doubt and
            fear and resentment. Face each day with peace and hope. They are
            results of true faith in God. Faith gives you a feeling of protection and
            safety that you can get in no other way.

            I don't always start my mornings with the Daily Readings, but I often do. Today I went there looking for inspiration to get through another long work day. It's been very stressful lately.... Lots of tension around me from coworkers who are over burdened at the moment and an evil boss who is running amok. I will make a conscious effort to summon inner peace and calm. I will take as many small breaks today as possible to refocus.

            This thread has been important to me and I too hope it keeps going. But it seems many dear friends have fallen away. I miss them. (LBH, Lodestar, Lil, Pnut, SD, Sky, Mandalay, others I can't think of at the moment) I hope that they are doing well. Lil PMs me from time to time, so I do know that she is still doing great. She is busy with a remodelling project. Anyway, I feel the losses and that does seem to take some of the stuffings out of posting. Does that make sense to anyone? Still, I will continue to post, at least for awhile longer.

            Red, have you had any luck with your job search?

            Sooty, you have a new PM! I still think you guys are in for a rough ride in the months to come. It's not easy for "powerful" people to set aside their egos and ideology and work together.

            Lav, who was your visitor yesterday? Was it Mr. L?

            Chill, I still want to hear what sights you've seen!!!

            Rust, Tulipe, Cyn, Sped, all to come, Have a good AF day.

            Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

            If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


              May We Be Sober ~ week 2

              Winning an argument is never the goal of a true spiritual master. Winning someone's heart is.
              The setting side of one's integrity is not required to win someone's heart, but the setting aside of one's anger may be. It is possible to make a point without making an enemy. It is possible to be right without being righteous. Debating does not have to be debasing.
              If there is someone with whom you are disagreeing this day, would it not be wonderful of you to disagree without being disagreeable?

              Dill thank you for the daily reading I always enjoy them, you made me want to post this one which i received yesterday, it arrived in perfect timing for me just as i was taking myself too seriously and pulled me back down to earth...

              We have lost some post-ers on this thread but I know from chatting with other MWOers that many follow it without posting. In fact there are so many members and guests who never write a post but who get so much support from reading them. I think our little ongoing story of life is important to show a picture of further down the line of sobriety so lets make sure we keep it going.

              Dill, im staying in a New England town 40 mins north of Boston and im kinda living like a local, my friend is working most of the time and im finding my way around. On Sunday we went to Newbury Port a lovely town on the coast and this weekend we will go into Boston.

              Wishing you all a great AF humpday!
              "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
              AF - JAN 1st 2010
              NF - May 1996


                May We Be Sober ~ week 2

                Good morning all!

                Thanks for the reading Dill, it means a lot to me right now!
                Faith & hope have kept me going while fighting all the negativity that seems to want to take over......

                My visitor yesterday was an old work friend. We busted our butts together for years in the hospital, watched each other's kids grow & now both of us are enjoying grandmotherhood
                She had never seem my embroidery equipment in action before so I gave her a good demo. I took her out to one of our local eateries for lunch, stopped in the Neuchatel Swiss Chocolate factory store for a taste - Yum It was a very nice, relaxing afternoon!

                I haven't seen or heard anything from Mr Lav since Saturday morning. I just hope he is actually working on his issues during his absence & not just hiding - such a waste of time!

                Chill, sorry the weather has turned so chilly here on the East Coast. Suddenly I find myself dressing in layers again, turning the heating system back on, etc. Boo, hiss. Hope you are enjoying yourself anyway

                Happy Humpday Ms Sooty!!!! Hope you are staying firmly on your feet!

                Red, don't worry - the thread is safe as far as I'm concerned

                Greetings to Rustop, Cyn, Tulipe, Shelley & everyone!
                Have a wonderful AF Humpday one & all!

                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  May We Be Sober ~ week 2

                  Lav - Dont worry about the weather it gave me an excuse to go shopping yesterday for some warmer clothes :H

                  The apartment complex im staying in has a magnificant clubhouse in a real country lodge style with a roaring fire and im going to plant myself down there for a while with my book
                  "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                  AF - JAN 1st 2010
                  NF - May 1996


                    May We Be Sober ~ week 2

                    Thanks everyone for the vote of confidence for our thread. I appreciate the daily reading, Dill, and understand the stress you are experiencing from your job. I have not had any luck, and at this time will wait till fall to look for a new job as I have three time offs planned this summer and can only take so much stress(good stress) at a time. I am learning to take care of myself, know my limits, and make choices that are good for me. NOt to say that I am not looking and if I see something I will send in a resume.

                    Chill, thanks also for the reading. I have been resentful lately, realized it, but still struggling. I need time off and will not get it any time soon. I am just burnt out. But not drinking.

                    Lav, thanks for saying that we're safe as far as you are concerned. Hope your hubby gets it together soon. Good to hear you are taking care of yourself.

                    I had an insane craving last night on the way home....hungry and tired. Luckily, I realized my triggers, passed up the liquor store and came home and nourished myself. I was so grateful last night, slept well and feel healthy today. What a blessing.

                    On one of the threads today, maybe mollyka's, she said she had drank twice in six months, and her doctor laughed at her "drinkthink" that she had to start her sober time over again. It was very good to hear, for me. I hate to be so rigid and want to see the changes made and focus on that. The skills we have learned, and asking for support are so important. Life sober is so much better, it is a miracle.

                    Sending you strength and hope.
                    Formerly known as redhibiscus


                      May We Be Sober ~ week 2

                      Good morning, All.

                      Red, I understand completely what you are saying about being burned out. I'm with you. Lucky for me I get a summer break, starting June 9. I hope you can find simple, comforting activities to carry yourself through this stressfull time.

                      On one of the threads today, maybe mollyka's, she said she had drank twice in six months, and her doctor laughed at her "drinkthink" that she had to start her sober time over again. It was very good to hear, for me. I hate to be so rigid and want to see the changes made and focus on that. The skills we have learned, and asking for support are so important. Life sober is so much better, it is a miracle.
                      I love this story. Thanks for sharing it here. I think that as problem drinkers, we took drinking to a compulsive extreme. Now many of us take AF to a compulsive extreme. It is great to be AF, but I am in agreement with mollyka's doctor. You shouldn't feel you are having to "start over" everytime you drink (relapse). This is a process and continues to be. However, for many, the danger of the one drink is that it will open a floodgate. In this case, compulsive avoidance is a saving grace!

                      Well, Chill, Cyn, Lav, Sooty, Rusty, onwards and upwards, my friends!

                      Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                      If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                        May We Be Sober ~ week 2

                        Good morning everyone

                        Beautiful morning here. Had my walk in the woods with doggies and friends and have spent about 2 hours in the garden so a nice day so far.

                        Lav - Glad you had such a nice time with your friend. My mother used to have a saying "old friends are rare, new ones beware". Dont know about the beware part but there is great comfort to be had in spending time with people who really know you.

                        Chill - Glad you are enjoying Boston, its a beautiful city.

                        Star - Thanks for posting that about the drinkthink. It really applies to me after the week-end.

                        Dill - Thank you for posting the readings. You are right about one drink sometimes opening the floodgates. That's why MWO is so important in our daily lives. When I started out I was striving for perfection and if I had one drink I stayed away. This time I dusted myself off, took my supplements more rigidly and am back AF again.

                        Have a great day everyone.



                          May We Be Sober ~ week 2

                          Good morning all,

                          Sign me up on the Compulsive Avoidance list Dill
                          The last freaking thing I need to do now is complicate my life even further with AL or any substance.

                          Nothing to report on my spousal situation - he's still hiding & non-communicative. I have to keep my mind very, very busy in order to keep the anger/resentment from creeping in......
                          I feel that I do truly understand his problems but there is absolutely nothing I can do about them. He needs to do the work to change his thinking. This is all very tiresome, really.

                          Well, the sun is out today so I hope I can get a little work done outside - the weeds are trying to take over already!
                          Wishing everyone a terrific AF Thursday!

                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            May We Be Sober ~ week 2

                            Hello everyone, so frustrating that I couldn't get on here yesterday, my favourite humpday as the internet wasn't working! So happy day after humpday one and all!
                            The weather is getting warmer woo hoo, however the weeds are growing like billyo and I can't do much about them cos of my bad arm.
                            Its lovely to see so many of us still around - I wish us all strength and fortitude.
                            Love Sooty


                              May We Be Sober ~ week 2

                              Hi Guys - Sooty happy "dayafter" humpday

                              Lav - yes AL is just a further complication to our lives but isnt it funny how we used to actually think it was a good idea to drink when things werent going well.... now it just looked like blind insanity, i really am dumbfounded that the same brain that is in my head right now used to think like that.....

                              Sun is out in Massachusetts and im off exploring thanks to my GPS system....
                              "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                              AF - JAN 1st 2010
                              NF - May 1996


                                May We Be Sober ~ week 2

                                Allan Carr calls it a type of schizophrenia - it sounds harsh but how else do you explain the fact that I still drink it after all the pain it's caused me and my kids. And I agree with you Star, need to focus on improving in the right direction, all the stops and starts is so discouraging.
                                make the least of the worst, and the most of the best - everyday.

