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Weekly AA Thread - Week of May 10 - 16

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    Weekly AA Thread - Week of May 10 - 16


    Very interesting discussion here. Regarding the "deprivation" thinking: I heard a speaker say (I paraphrase) that he thinks back to the awful times when he feels cheated or deprived. I have a few bad incidents I can use as a reference, but the last one was a doozy. I know that if I don't drink, that will never happen again. The trouble w/us alcoholics is that we filter out the bad times, & we think we can "put our hand back on the hot stove" as the speaker put it.

    My groups seem to always be in a state of change. There is a certain core group that I always see & am friends with. Then there is a changing cast of characters who seem to use the revolving door of AA. I feel disconcerted about it at times. I just have to see that this doesn't have to affect my sobriety. I just have to work the program & stay sober for this one 24 hour period.

    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
    October 3, 2012


      Weekly AA Thread - Week of May 10 - 16

      Catch, thanks for the hug.
      Mary, just remember you are the lucky one not going out that revolving door, you get it.

      Allergy? I use to get all stuffed up after a night of red wine. Not as much stuffiness these nights.....coincidence, I think not.

      Wish I felt the same about the tiredness leaving. Still tired most of the time, but now I remember what happened the night before and get things accomplished instead of shutting down.

      Life it good AL free. So let's keep taking it ODAT.



        Weekly AA Thread - Week of May 10 - 16

        Hi everyone! I have really enjoyed reading everyone's posts even when I don't have time to write. It' been busy lately but all good in sobriety. One week to go for my 2 year anni. I'm pretty grateful about that!

        I had an old family resentment sort of resurface on a new situation. I was grateful to go to a meeting this morning and as often happens, somebody shared something that meant a lot to me. Gratitude is a good antidote for selfish resentments. Instead of being resentful about doing something for my family, I need to be grateful that I HAVE a family who loves me, and be grateful for my life with it's flexible schedule that ALLOWS me to do something for them on rare occassion, and much for myself every day.

        Catch, it was really always the first drink that got me too. Never the last one like I always thought.

        I'm grateful for all of you here!

        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          Weekly AA Thread - Week of May 10 - 16

          Last night's meeting was on acceptance. There was a lot of great sharing. Acceptance really is the answer to all of life's problems. Acceptance is the one thing I have to get in order to stay sober. For me, drinking was about not being able to accept life on life's terms.

          We got a second opinion on my daughter's lump, & it looks like we're back in limbo. There really could be something there, & we're having it removed on Thurs., so they can take a real look at it under a microscope. She's been unbelievably strong & is an example of how a sober person handles a crisis. She's had her moments of emotion, but at no time did she want to open a bottle & drink. I can only feel grateful that I'm able to go through this w/all my senses clear & intact.

          I'm going to as many meetings as I can. There have been a lot of relapses, & it's disconcerting. At last night's meeting, there was mention of relapse, & the leader claimed that only about 3% of AAers actually attain long-term sobriety. Wow! I didn't know that.

          Wisdom, Courage, Strength
          October 3, 2012


            Weekly AA Thread - Week of May 10 - 16

            Getting out of myelf....

            Getting out of myself is so important when I am inclined to wallow in a resentment and have a pity party. I am truly so blessed with so many things in my life. I'm grateful to be reaching a point where resentments make me uncomfortable - I want to release them rather than wallow in them. I think that's progress.

            Sister is an amazing example to me. Despite her very fresh battle with cancer and having one boob removed, and dealing with pain both physical and emotional, she has not lost her sense of humor and she has not lost her care and concern for others first. This is such a good example for me to experience.

            Her and I talked a bit this morning about regrets. Her belief is that regret is not something of God. Her suggestion is to focus on what I can do RIGHT today rather than focusing on regrets which are always about past events. Can't do anything about past events. We can ONLY do something about today.

            I will be going to a meeting later this morning where a good friend is speaking. She is one of the several many women who came to the meeting where I spoke. It is so nice to continue developing these friendships and to support one another in this way. The phone texts have already been flying this morning between several friends confirming that we will all be there. That is just not something that I've been a part of in my adult life - friends who are just always in touch like that and concerned for one another. (rather than concerned over who will come with me to the nearest bar)

            I hope everyone is having a fabulous sober Sunday!

            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              Weekly AA Thread - Week of May 10 - 16

              Mary, I have heard too that the % of AA success is low. Truly find that somewhat hard to believe since there are many long term sober men and women in the rooms. Oh don't get me wrong, they initially struggled and were in and out of the rooms, but now have long term sobriety. They keep me coming back. I'm hoping I'm learning from their experiences.

              DG, true fellowship is hard to find. I have definitely found it in the AA rooms. Everyone supporting each other from all different walks of life. Just to get through ODAT and let go and let God or your higher power guide you through the day.

              Great weather this w/e in CT. Got to spend some time outside with nature and in the garden.


