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Daybyday 30 DAYS AF today

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    Daybyday 30 DAYS AF today

    Hi All
    Congrats on putting in the hard work and enjoying the benefits. Yes their is life without al and it is yours to enjoy. Way to Go !!!

    Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
    AF 5-16-08
    Stay Healthy and Keep Fighting
    AF 5-16-08


      Daybyday 30 DAYS AF today

      Wonderful!! Keep this feeling close to your heart!
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        Daybyday 30 DAYS AF today

        techie;862426 wrote: daybyday you are an inspiration. I can't even stay employed for 30 days Seriously though, I hope I can report the same very soon. I WILL daybyday. :rockon:
        Thank you for the giggle and yes you will! :thanks:
        AF since April 19, 2010
        NF since Nov 10, 2000

        "One reason I don't drink is I want to know when I'm having a good time."
        -Lady Nancy Astor


          Daybyday 30 DAYS AF today

          Good for you daybyday. Wonderful news. Mary is right the first 30 days are the hardest and you did it!



            Daybyday 30 DAYS AF today

            I am very happy for you daybyday
            Keep up the great work, you'll never be sorry!

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Daybyday 30 DAYS AF today

              Tonight all the girls from work went out for dinner and drinks. My first time going out since becoming AF. Figured why not....on the 30 Day anniversary of being AF, go out and have some fun. Lots of wine and drinks around, I stuck to a virgin ceasar and water.

              When I left the restaurant I kept thinking somethings not right, I've forgotten something??

              Finally realized I've never left a restaurant sober before! I actually had no idea what it felt like to leave a restaurant having no shame, no regrets on what I might have done or said.

              As someone said on a thread in here earlier a great quote about AL always waiting out in the parking lot.....lucky tonight to have left her there. Happy to get home sober.
              AF since April 19, 2010
              NF since Nov 10, 2000

              "One reason I don't drink is I want to know when I'm having a good time."
              -Lady Nancy Astor


                Daybyday 30 DAYS AF today

                daybyday;862545 wrote: Tonight all the girls from work went out for dinner and drinks. My first time going out since becoming AF. Figured why not....on the 30 Day anniversary of being AF, go out and have some fun. Lots of wine and drinks around, I stuck to a virgin ceasar and water.

                When I left the restaurant I kept thinking somethings not right, I've forgotten something??

                Finally realized I've never left a restaurant sober before! I actually had no idea what it felt like to leave a restaurant having no shame, no regrets on what I might have done or said.

                As someone said on a thread in here earlier a great quote about AL always waiting out in the parking lot.....lucky tonight to have left her there. Happy to get home sober.
                YOU ROCK DBD....CONGRATS!!!
                Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                  Daybyday 30 DAYS AF today

                  Thanks Techie, I used to roll too but now that I've been AF I can usually stay on my feet!!
                  AF since April 19, 2010
                  NF since Nov 10, 2000

                  "One reason I don't drink is I want to know when I'm having a good time."
                  -Lady Nancy Astor

