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AF Daily - Friday May 21

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    AF Daily - Friday May 21

    Hello all,

    Tulipe here. As I wrote in the Army thread, I have decided to change my name. Tulips are not my favorite flowers. They are someone else's favorite. It is time for me to define my image in accordance with what I like, not what someone else likes.

    Gaia is the Earth Mother, and although it has not been my primary and consistent mission in life to be a mother figure, I do like the idea of her being the ground, the Earth, and solid force.

    So thank you for your patience as I change my identity. I feel it is for the best.

    Have a great day!
    AF since May 6, 2010

    Forget the past, plan for tomorrow, and live for today.

    AF Daily - Friday May 21

    Hi Gaia,

    I was originally going to call myself Marshdweller - but thought it sounded a tad troll-like :H

    It's certainly important to be happy with your identity in all ways

    I'm hugely relieved today because I've settled a financial dispute I was having with a company. Far too long and boring to go into. But, guess what?, instead of getting drunk over it and making stupid decisions, I put up with the stress, sought sensible advice and managed to work it out. Woulda thunk it?:H

    Mini heatwave here all weekend! Got into work this morning and there's a table of free drinks available that are "left over from the Christmas party" that people can help themseves to. It's all juice/soft drinks, and people have been joking that there definitely wouldn't be any booze left. Nope.

    Have a good day all!
    AF since December 22nd 2008
    Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


      AF Daily - Friday May 21

      hi G instead of T,it is good to find ones self,i beleive we lose that ,with the addiction we inherit,i wish you well my dear,cant please You,how can we please anyone else,gyco


        AF Daily - Friday May 21

        Morning fabbers!!!

        Gaia, Thanks for the start. I love the name and the whole reasoning behind it!! Just a thought, but if "formerly so-snd-so" is added to the signature, other members can make the connection to who you are so to speak.

        Marshy, huh. I just thought of you as marsha. Clever eh? :H I don't picture marshes where you are. Splain yourself, please. I recently did the court thing too and I know what you mean. All those ducks line up in a row really willingly when you ask them sober!

        Got a guy coming over to give me an estimate on the house repair stuff, I've got to fly around with the vacuum and get the coating of pet hair up and that'll have to do.

        Went to doggie park last night and peeps were asking about vacation. After being suprised I didn't do any fishing, one said I bet you did some drinking! I ignored and he said You did drink, right? No, I don't drink. Not at all? No (smiling, shaking head no).

        And it hung there. I didn't feel the need to explain, but I did want to move on and didn't know how. That moment of silence stretched on while I thought of my brother who does not drink. Never has. He doesn't like the way it makes him feel. This is true for me as well. I DON"T like the way it makes me feel. For entirely different reasons and in a different time frame, but it is true. So that's what I've settled on if that happens again.

        OK, off to vacuum. Have a day the far exceeds your expectations! Which I trust are good ones.
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          AF Daily - Friday May 21

          Morning Ab Fabbers,

          Gaia - I like your new name! I think it suits you

          Marsha, Marsha, Marsha - I thought you were the Brady Bunch Marsha!!!!

          Speaking of chores - I'm heading out now to order 5 yards of mulch to be delivered. It will be dumped in a huge pile on the driveway. Then I get to spend many, many dirty & sweaty days spreading it around my garden beds. Anyone interested in helping??? I didn't think so

          Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Friday!
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            AF Daily - Friday May 21

            greeneyes;863586 wrote: Marshy, huh. I just thought of you as marsha. Clever eh?
            Well, Marsha sounds exotic and Russiany. I like it. (I've sent you a PM)

            Re the not drinking thing. I was thinking about this today listening to a guy on the radio saying he doesn't drink and the presenter asked him if people thought he was weird when he was at parties, and he said no. Made me think about a friend of mine who doesn't drink (never had a problem, just doesn't like it) and she's always the life and soul of any party, with a diet Coke in her hand. Warm diet Coke, at that - she doesn't like it cold :yuk:

            Hmm, Lav, I don't get the Brady Bunch reference. And I suspect it's just as well :H
            AF since December 22nd 2008
            Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


              AF Daily - Friday May 21

              Hi again,

              Marshdweller - that is a different one! I think Marshy makes me think of marshmallows. That's a nice image. Glad you financial dispute was taken care of.
              Greenie - the idea was not to 'lose' the past but change for the future. But I appreciate the tip. Interesting your tale from the doggie park. I think it was right to not explain and let it hang there. What a roobe, actually.
              Lav did you get those 5 yards spread? I bet it felt good to shower if off afterwards.
              Now it's Friday. I'm cooking dinner, and I know Mr. T is going to open a bottle of wine. I don't feel great about it, but I don't want him to behave differently because of me. But in all honesty I wish I didn't have to deal with wine on our dinner table so soon. I fear it will make me grumpy. Maybe I'll have NA beer? I bought some just in case. Oh it's giving me a stomach ache just thinking about it. Must get the meat in the oven now!
              AF since May 6, 2010

              Forget the past, plan for tomorrow, and live for today.


                AF Daily - Friday May 21

                Gaia, when you get to the point that you don't feel deprived by abstaining, the whole picture changes. I don't know how to tell you how to get there, but it is true. On vacation at dinner, my sister ordered a glass of wine. It was a VERY generous glass and I looked at it sweating on the table and studied it for a moment. It no longer reperesents a nice glass of wine with dinner because I know what happens down the road. I never thought in terms of "a" glass anyway.

                Wonder what would happen if you told him in all honesty you wish you didn't have to deal with wine on the table so soon?
                Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                  AF Daily - Friday May 21

                  Good day to all AFers. Those that already are and those who wish to be! It is Day 3 for me and I am feeling better. It would be hard no to..... But still feel so weird and know the effects are all from the copious amounts of alcohol I drank on Monday and Tuesday. Stopped about 1 on Tuesday and AF since. I set the drink tracker but put in Tuesday as the start date, which it was not. It now says Day 4 and I am only on Day 3. For some reason, it is driving me crazy. Is there any way to reset that? Thanks. prancy


                    AF Daily - Friday May 21

                    Welcome prancy, good to see you here! Congrats on your 3 AF days, keep going you will love the results

                    Marshy - the 'Brady Bunch' was a sitcom back in the early 70's depicting the day to day lives & struggles of a large blended family. The middle sister Jan was always supremely jealous of her perfect older sister Marcia. Kind of lame thinking about it now

                    Well, I'm waiting on the mulch delivery. If anyone wants to stop by...............I'll be here
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      AF Daily - Friday May 21

                      Evning guyz!!

                      If only I could change my name. Johnnyh bores me to bits :-) (then that is pretty close to my real name tho. can't change that fact, huh?!)

                      The thought crossed my mind today that I cannot see myself staying AF for the rest of my life. I don't even know how to make it through another couple of months to make it to 6mths. I just realised I need to start focusing on the daily challenge again. ODAT. The thought of making it for much longer seems daunting. I don't know how. I've struggled quite a bit more then usual today. How many times more untill I give in?!
                      God help me, cause I don't know how. Today I was thinking, I just feel like getting wasted, drink some booze, smoke some pot or whatever the hell will get me away from this place (I was feeling a bit depressed today too.)

                      How to stay positively focused on the near future and not lose hope?!!!
                      AF since 15th March 2010

                      The journey is the goal. As long as you're fighting the good fight and you're not giving up on giving up, you're winning. It's not about how often you get knocked down, it's about how often you get up again. Sobriety the goal for sure. But striving to get to that goal is what it's about. Not getting there. Because the journey never ends. The journey is the goal.


                        AF Daily - Friday May 21

                        Hello All,

                        Just returned from a very challenging yoga class. I was sweating it.

                        Gaia, I agree with Greenie, there will come a time where others' drinking doesn't bother you. It took me a loooong time. Fortunately, my husband doesn't drink much, but if he did, I would have asked him to support me by not drinking in front of me for awhile. I think it is important to ask for (and get) whatever you need to stay AF. You have to come first!

                        My 2 cents anyhow.

                        Off to take a shower. Have a great day all.

                        AF Since April 20, 2008
                        4 Years!!!


                          AF Daily - Friday May 21


                          There will come a time when you won't feel so overwhelmed by it all. Just think of what is happening right now as a warped mental construct and a challenge to your sobriety.

                          As you mentioned, it is a good idea to take it one day at a time right now. Stay in the present day day at a time. Those days add up and pretty soon it's a year, then 2, etc. And, you no longer worry about never being able to drink again because it's just not that important to you anymore.

                          AF Since April 20, 2008
                          4 Years!!!


                            AF Daily - Friday May 21

                            Hi again,
                            I could use a yoga class right now!
                            Johnny I have not much useful to say since you are way ahead of where I am. But you can't really want to wake up the next day and have regrest? I remember how Shirazgirl said that since going AF she had almost no guilt. That sounds nice.
                            Greenie and M3 - yeah I look forward to that day. I said that it wasn't that I wanted wine, but that I felt like I wanted something special to drink too. He was sympathetic, and told me he loves me. That helped a lot.
                            Whew do I feel like I have a long way to go.
                            AF since May 6, 2010

                            Forget the past, plan for tomorrow, and live for today.


                              AF Daily - Friday May 21

                              Gaia, I never drank AF beer or wine. But I do have 'special" drinks. I recall one time (at my sister's at holiday) I announced I was feeling left out and needed something in a wine glass. I was happy wiht the sparkilng grape juice but I really "needed" to hold a wine glass. It wasn't so much what was in it but that I had a special glass like everyone else.
                              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

