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May we be sober - Week 4

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    May we be sober - Week 4

    Hello! I?ve spent the day preparing things for my trip on Thursday including a meeting with the house/garden/pet sitter; I certainly do not have a life that can be locked and left. Redstar, thank you again for your thought provocation. I may write and think about other things but do still have a desire to drink frequently, and while I can handle ?lonely? all of the other factors in HALT are significant triggers. The biggest ones for me, however, are a certain kind of anxious grief and the sort of loss of control precipitated by things such as what has happened with my vision. There are things that it seems I can?t stand, but I have learned by being here that I generally can do something other than drink. I did drink twice since I went ?dark?, however, after my surgery nine weeks ago; it was two nights in a row. I felt the effects remarkably easily as I am really clean in general, and I stopped after what would be for any non alcoholic an insignificant amount (one double cocktail the first night, and two wines the next). This would have meant nothing to the non alcoholic, but I wanted more of course and probably always will. As I am getting used to being alcohol free for long periods I have also accepted at least for now that if I do whatever you want to call it, ?cave?, ?test the waters?, or ?relapse? every thirty to sixty to ninety days, it is not a cause to freak out and keep drinking. We each have to find our own way out and I am finding mine. Hi Lav, I hope you are not discouraged/tired/bored by me, I wish I could put alcohol behind me as you have but I have not to that degree. I love being with you for as long as I can. Hi Rusty, Dill (Dill!), Cyn, and Sooty. Shelley, I can?t wait to find a designer dress for your little buff marathoner self. Love, Ladybird.
    may we be well


      May we be sober - Week 4

      Good morning everyone

      You are right LBH, we all need to find our own way. Enjoy your trip. I too have to get somebody in to look after the animals when we are away. I think the dogs prefer it to kennels.

      Dull morning here. Got a walk in and now off to finish some painting that I started yesterday. Will check back later.



        May we be sober - Week 4

        I'm short on time this morning because we have a breakfast carry-in at work and I had to cook first thing in the morning. Sheesh! That cut into MWO time!

        I did want to say good job to you Sooty getting back in the driver's seat. I'll ride shotgun if that's OK with you!

        I'll write more later.

        Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

        If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


          May we be sober - Week 4

          Happy Humpday Sooty & all friends

          Temps heading up to 95 today, I turned the AC on last night in anticipation.......I'm such a weenie!

          A bit of bad news to share - my daughter-in-law had a miscarriage yesterday. She's OK, that's what's important. We'll just have to wait a little longer for grandchild #2.

          I'm planning an inside day for sure - plenty to do!
          Wishing everyone a wonderful Humpday. Drive straight now Sooty, you hear me??

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            May we be sober - Week 4

            Hi Lav. I am so sorry about the miscarriage of your grandchild and that you don?t have Mr. Lav to share this with. He reminds me of my friend?s late father who was a retired Army General. He never actually told her he loved her or soothed her when she hurt, but he always made sure there were safe tires on her car. It was just his way from his own early childhood, and I am certain he did love her very much. Chill, it will be good to have you home and I?m with Shelley in terms of curiosity and anticipation about your romance. I hope you care to ?spill the beans? as we say here. I characteristically need all the sweet romance I can find in the world to balance other things out a bit. Hi Rusty and thank you for your encouragement, I feel good about my progress; actually I feel astonished. Hi Dill, I really feel for you working away and I am glad it is the home stretch. It will be really nice not to be so tired, yes? Hi Redstar, Hi Sooty. Hi Cyn. The finest wine should be flowing on my travels but I now find I feel far better socially without it. Who knew? I shall likely not be with a computer but I suspect that you can envision me in sober solidarity. Love, Ladybird.
            may we be well


              May we be sober - Week 4

              So sorry to hear about your DIL Lav, I do hope she's not too distressed by the experience cos it can be pretty traumatic.
              I'm driving straight down the road on this humpday and thrilled to have Dill as co-pilot and the rest of you on board.
              LBH have a good trip - all of you take good care of yourselves.
              Mr S and I actually going out tonight - to listen to a local celeb "in conversation" - should be interesting as she's a very old lady and has had a very interesting life.
              See you all tomorrow
              love Sooty


                May we be sober - Week 4

                Lav, I am so sorry to hear about your DIL's miscarriage! I will say a prayer for her and your son.

                Sped, Mr. Dill has actually had a cornea transplant many years ago. He has kerataconous in both eyes, but one was worse than the other and that is the one with the transplant. Other than that, the treatment has just been corrective lenses and contacts.

                it was two nights in a row. I felt the effects remarkably easily as I am really clean in general, and I stopped after what would be for any non alcoholic an insignificant amount (one double cocktail the first night, and two wines the next). This would have meant nothing to the non alcoholic, but I wanted more of course and probably always will.
                LBH, you say it so well. Please enjoy your trip and I will happily picture a sober you somewhere out there!

                Hi Soots, Chill, Rust, Star and all else!

                Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                  May we be sober - Week 4

                  Morning all and a happy and sober thursday to us all. I had a lovely evening last night and enjoyed my hot chocolate when i got home.
                  Busy day again and choir tonight - so if I don't see you later you'll know why.
                  Holiday weekend here this weekend,not that it affects me too much except that the weather forecast isn't too good.
                  Take care everyone and keep very strong
                  love sooty


                    May we be sober - Week 4

                    Lav, I am so sorry for your loss. Miscarriage is a sad thing to deal with, and often minimized by many. It takes time to get through the grief.

                    Thanks everyone for responding to my plea regardng alcohol. I too have slipped, and feel terrible. I just want to be AF, everyday, all the time. Life is so good sober, and so difficult drinking. I am especially fearful of falling back into my old ways. I just cannot do that again. I guess that is the worst part about relapse, can you get back to where you were? It just gets harder, yet you have the skills and experience.

                    I have been extremely busy with work, had an interview last night for a part time job, but it will not work out. Darn, and yet maybe that is a good thing. I will just keep plugging along.

                    Looking forward to the three day weekend.
                    Formerly known as redhibiscus


                      May we be sober - Week 4

                      Hi Sooty and all to come

                      Lav - so sorry about your DIL, hope all goes well next time. Our holiday week-end isnt until next week-end. Weather has been lovely so far but dont think its promised too good for week-end. Just got my windows cleaned and the place feels cleaner already. One daughter is doing exams at the moment so I have different pick-up and drop off times. However, I have most of my to do list done so am pleased enough.

                      Hope those of you struggling are doing ok. It's a constant battle isnt it!



                        May we be sober - Week 4

                        Hi Star

                        We cross posted. I have the AA recovery reading e-mailed to me and the one today is all about learning from our mistakes in our case relapses, very interesting.



                          May we be sober - Week 4

                          Woke up in a terrible mood. 62 degrees out, that's 20 degrees warmer than yesterday. Feels oppressive. This season change..from spring to the hardest one for me. Last summer, as I vaguely remember it, seemed to be one long binge.
                          Lav, so sorry about your DIL. You do not need one more thing to make you blue right now.

                          Dill, how is your husband's vision? Am not sure but seems like my husband's vision is extremely impaired. I quit trying to get him to do something about it years ago.

                          Isn't the end of school crazy? Today my sub job is kindergarten play day. I feel exhausted just thinking about it.

                          Redstar, so sorry about your lapse. It is so evident from your posts how much you want sobriety. I really have no advice. I don't feel like I learned anything from all of my relapses except for the fact that I should not drink alcohol. Have no idea why the binge I was on last August somehow became the last one or if it is the last one for that matter. Ever thought about trying antabuse?

                          Morning Brits, what holiday are you celebrating over there? Is it like our Memorial Day?

                          Funny emails from LBH yesterday. She can't wait to get me all gussied up for my son's wedding, which is not until October. Think she loves the fact that I don't own a dress.

                          Three more days until I leave.

                          Thank you all for being up this morning.


                            May we be sober - Week 4

                            Good evening all!

                            Couldn't let the whole day go by without stopping in for a moment.

                            My DIL went to the hospital today, was scheduled for a D&C at 11 am, but never got in untill nearly 4 pm. Too many emergencies kept pushing her back on the schedule. I don't know but back in my day a miscarriage was an emergency.....they didn't make you wait 48+ hrs to get into the OR. Guess I'm just getting old! I had my grandson all day (breakfast, lunch, 1 hr nap, dinner, bath, and a whole lot of play time) I'm exhausted
                            Also just thought I'd mention that I called Mr Lav Tuesday evening to let him know what was going on. His response was 'Gee, that's a shame, thanks for calling'! Now is that an a$$hole or what??

                            RedStar, sorry to hear about your slip. I don't know what to say, just don't be too hard on yourself. You have come a long way & I believe you will be OK! If I started drinking today - with all the BS going on in my life I'm damn sure I would never stop!

                            Sped, it's been 95ish here the past two days, ugh! I've been hiding in the AC as much as possible. We had thunder storms & hail this afternoon. I really hope your summer in California is wonderful!!!

                            Dill, Sooty, Cyn & everyone - greetings & good night!
                            Wishing everyone a peaceful night.

                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              May we be sober - Week 4

                              Good Morning Gang from here is sunny Portugal we have 25o here (about 76f), my parents left yesterday and I realized that for almost a month I have been with constant company. I so love my own space and my little cottage and Im in heaven here with it being just me and Elle again (my dog). I intend to have some real chill time this weekend in the garden and catch up on all my spiritual podcasts and reading... get myself grounded again.

                              Im sorry a few of us are having some challenging times with AL and Lav, you are certainly being tested by life at the moment... Im grateful this didnt happen early in your recovery as it would probably have been too much to bear.

                              I enjoyed my trip so much but im afraid there wont be any long term romance, It was wonderful to get to know my online friend as we have been through so much together, especially in our very 1st few weeks sober.

                              The trip was a huge learning experience and it has left me feeling slightly uneasy re AL. Being out of the safe haven i have created here I found myself thinging about drinking on a daily basis. It triggered all my stupid thoughts about how I could probably drink normally now and even when I was having these thoughts another voice was saying "bullshit". I then had the thought, well maybe it would be ok to get really drunk as im on vacation!! Thankfully as I was with a fellow MWO-er, he would laugh and dismiss it every time I mentioned it but it has made me realize that if id been away from home with a friend who was a regular drinker, i would have most definately caved in, of this there is no doubt. This makes me very wary about travelling and I need to be much more prepared next time and set in place some counter active thoughts to change for my drinking ones.

                              I am a complete creature of habit and love routine and i can see now that this served me well in staying sober as i quickly set up a new pattern of life. Lunching yesterday with my girlfriends who ordered wine never remotely triggered an AL thought as I am now used to this situation as with everything I do in my weekly routine. Take me out of that and BANG! Im a loose cannon.....

                              Sorry to have rambled on but I have missed my daily posting and am very happy to be back... Sending you all much love and peace this weekend, LBH im very happy to see you posting again :l

                              I will leave you with the daily affirmation It is ok for me to feel my feelings, as they help me deal with all the experiences I have during the day.
                              "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                              AF - JAN 1st 2010
                              NF - May 1996


                                May we be sober - Week 4

                                Thanks for the kind thoughts, Lav and Sped. I try not to get too discouraged as I realize I have come a long way. But I know that I, like everyone here, can go back to the old ways too quickly and may not come back. That is the scary part. I often wonder what happens to people who are posting and then just stop. I often think they are back to the way they were.

                                Chillgirl, thanks so much for sharing your struggle. I too find it hard when I travel and out of my routine. There is so much comfort in routine, safety, security. I think for a time our thread became threadbare because we have not been talking about the real struggles we are going through in staying AF, not that the other stuff is not important too.

                                I have a three day weekend I am really looking forward too. I love time off.
                                Formerly known as redhibiscus

