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AF Daily - Tuesday May 25

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    AF Daily - Tuesday May 25

    Morning all,
    Sorry to repeat as I posted this on the Army thread too, but I know not everyone goes everyone so I risk overkill for advice.
    I'm not sure my thoughts are healthy - I'm having negative thoughts rather than positive ones. Fear keeps me going but for how long? I was reading about SMART Recovery, and the CRAFT tools, and I sure wish I'd been given more positive help than threats. HOWEVER, maybe the positive help would not have worked and the threats did?
    Johnny and Prancy hope you got a good night's sleep.
    DG hope your AA meeting was great! Congratulations again on your 2 years.
    Now let's go slather on that sunscreen!
    AF since May 6, 2010

    Forget the past, plan for tomorrow, and live for today.

    AF Daily - Tuesday May 25

    Morning all!

    Gaia - fear is one of the things that still keeps me going, but I see it as a positive emotion rather than a negative one because it's helping me. It's an underlying feeling that's always there about how I'll end up if I start drinking again. On top of that are all the positives - I'm healthier, happier, more confident etc (there are so many!). So it's a mixture for me.

    I certainly don't think it's "unhealthy" to have negative thoughts - it's perfectly normal, especially in the early AF days - but it helps if you can get them to work for you.

    I'm zooming off to the pool. There was a queue out of the door and down the path yesterday because it was so hot. The queue wasn't even moving so I didn't bother waiting. Today it's cooled off a bit so I'm hoping I can get in.

    Have a good day all!
    AF since December 22nd 2008
    Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


      AF Daily - Tuesday May 25

      Mornings, mornings, mornings.

      Aeh.... actually afternoon....

      Had a fantastic night indeed Gaia, thank you very much. Actually... the night was too good and I woke up at twenty to eight realising I had forgot to set the alarm. (I have to leave home at 7.30 to be at work in time).

      Marsy, I'm jealous. of the weather (allthough ours isn't that bad today) and the swimming. Could do with a nice swim now.

      Manage to pop home during lunch today. that was great too.

      Gaia, just don't let those thoughts overwhelm you. As long as they're thoughts and you're able to shake them off, that's fine. But be weary that you are not starting to feel to hopeless, etc. I have a way unfortunately when the negative thoughts start rolling, there's often no stopping. I get depressive. Hence i'm on anti depressants.

      HOpe you all have a great AF day!!
      AF since 15th March 2010

      The journey is the goal. As long as you're fighting the good fight and you're not giving up on giving up, you're winning. It's not about how often you get knocked down, it's about how often you get up again. Sobriety the goal for sure. But striving to get to that goal is what it's about. Not getting there. Because the journey never ends. The journey is the goal.


        AF Daily - Tuesday May 25

        Hello All,

        Thanks for the well wishes about my arm. I am getting this dang melanoma cut out of my arm on Tuesday. I'm looking forward to that. Gaia, Chillgirl and wishes to you too.

        Gaia, Try as much as you can to just accept where you are at with your emotions and just observe/experience them instead of judge them. I found myself vacillating between extreme anger and sadness in the beginning. It makes sense since the Al is a way to keep such things at bay.

        I'm off to a 3 day yoga retreat this weekend. It will be all about detoxing your body through yoga, nutrition, thoughts, etc. I can't wait....leaving the kids behind with my husband and driving 6 hours to get there. I'm love a road trip!

        AF Since April 20, 2008
        4 Years!!!


          AF Daily - Tuesday May 25

          momof3 best of luck with your procedure. we've had our share of melanoma in my family. I know what you're going through. You'll will be in my thoughts and prayers!
          Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


            AF Daily - Tuesday May 25

            Good afternoon fellow Ab Fabbers,

            Gaia, like Marshy I put my fears to good use these days! I have them working FOR me instead of against me - brilliant, huh? Try it, it works

            Weather heading into the 90's for the next few days Marshy. I have no pool so I will likely hide inside with the AC on!!

            M3, best wishes for your procedure next week. It's always best to get rid of that stuff as soon as you can. Enjoy your yoga retreat, sounds nice.

            Got my bloodwork results this morning & was happy to see my efforts to lower my cholesterol are working. Has anyone ever heard of Red Yeast Rice? The Chinese have been using it for many years, works the same as the statin drugs but without the cost or side effects. I've been taking half the recommended dose for 4 months & my cholesterol dropped 14 points! I'm going to increase to the full daily dose now & recheck my cholesterol level in 6 months - woo hoo!

            Greetings to johnny & Techie, hope you are well

            OK, time to get back to work. Wishing everyone a terrific AF Tuesday.
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              AF Daily - Tuesday May 25

              Afternoon abbers!

              Gaia, thanks for the start today. You pose a good question that I guess has an individual answer. When Chief decided to have beer one day and slid right on down the slope, it scared me to death. Fear was already an ingrained thought pattern for me, and an effective one. Then I wondered and pondered and questioned in spite of the fear and had to know for myself. The more I wondered the more the fear dwindled. And guess what? The fear was well warranted. I don't have fear now. It's more of a respect for the danger and appreciation of myself and my limitations. I have to say though, that I don't consider my thoughts to ever have been negative, really. I don't know anything about SMART or CRAFT. Maybe you could look around and find a good grounding guided meditation. And m3 is right about the observe/acknowledge thing.

              M3, what a fabby weekend!!! Do white light visualization about your arm, right?

              Lav, I have heard about the red yeast rice. I think I used to take it but didn't do blood work to confirm efficacy. I suck at things like that. Garlic, niacin, full glass of water before meals, whatever.

              Well, back to it....

              Have a good rest of the day!
              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                AF Daily - Tuesday May 25

                Lavande, Good news about the blood work. I've heard of the red yeast but have not known anyone who has taken it. Very, very cool.

                Greenie, Tell me more about the white light...

                Thanks again for your well wishes. (Thanks Techie!). This melanoma is a powerful message to keep this freckled Irish skin covered with sunscreen and/or clothing!!

                AF Since April 20, 2008
                4 Years!!!


                  AF Daily - Tuesday May 25

                  m3 this is just a quickie search for you to get the idea. You can do it with a specific area, organ etc. HEALING MEDITATION
                  Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                    AF Daily - Tuesday May 25

                    Thanks Greenie....I'll check it out.
                    AF Since April 20, 2008
                    4 Years!!!


                      AF Daily - Tuesday May 25

                      Quickie late check in here. Just to say the yoga weekend sounds wonderful M3! My life is super crazy hectic and busy right now, but I love what I'm doing for the most part so that's ok.

                      Best wishes on your surgery. I lost a good friend to melanoma cancer. He was a very big, strong veterinarian with a huge heart to match and 4 kids. He was in his 30's. I have spent lots and lots of time in the sun and have many moles and skin blemishes and dry patches. Last year I drove 2 hours to see a dermatologist and he spent about 5 minutes looking at me and told me they were age spots. That was about the 3rd doctor that acted like my concern was more out of vanity. I know what to watch for, and I have my hubby check my back for me, but wish I had a doctor that cared.
                      NF since June 1, 2008
                      AF since September 28, 2008
                      DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                      :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                      5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                      The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:

