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AF Daily Wed 5/26

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    AF Daily Wed 5/26

    A glorious morning to you, fabbies!

    I hope everyone feels good today. It is beautiful out here. I have a new attitude today.

    I changed my mind about the house. Or the way I choose to think about it. I said I don't love it and I didn't all of a sudden reverse that, but it's mine, it's where I live now so I will treat it with love and respect. I decided this while raking numerous bags of gumballs yesterday. I thought I'd never see the day that I raked gumballs but I needed to work out some negative feelings about my dad. The tundra (oops I mean yard) just looks better and I'm sure it feels better on little doggie's feet. I'm going to really try to hold this feeling even through the brutal summer when I doubt I'll be raking. Oh, by the way, sober raking. That's new. :H

    OK, thanks for listening to that.

    Where's raven joy been? And uni?

    I must hit the road. Hapy hump day!
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

    AF Daily Wed 5/26

    Good Morning All,

    Greenie, I really admire your positive spirit!!

    LVT (responding to your note from yesterday). I can understand what you mean about dermatologists. I stopped going for three years because I felt no one really took my concern around my skin seriously. Then I was referred to this new dermatologist by my fairly new family doc and she went over every inch of my skin. So, keep looking for a good one. I am sure they are out there.

    Feeling a little scattered these days. Looking forward to going away for the weekend.

    AF Since April 20, 2008
    4 Years!!!


      AF Daily Wed 5/26

      Good afternoon Greenie, M3 & all Ab Fabbers,

      Somewhat sad day today. My DIL had a miscarriage yesterday. She's OK & that's what is important right now. She was still in the first trimester but it is still somewhat unsettling.

      Hot as hell here today Greenie - think I have your weather! 95 degrees & yes, the AC is on. My Southern Coon Hound mix dog is sound asleep under a shrub somewhere - she absolutely loves the heat

      I'm thinking about a short nap..........
      Have a good day everyone.

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        AF Daily Wed 5/26

        Hi Greenie, M3, Fabbie Abbies,

        Lav - so sorry to hear about your DIL. A miscarriage, even early, is always hard to take. I'm glad she is ok, and remember that the best predictor of pregnancy is... pregnancy! So hopefully in a few months she can start again.
        M3 hope you are feeling more settled, and getting ready for your great weekend!
        Greenie - treating where you live with love and respect is a noble thing. And you are bound to enjoy it after doing so.
        Night all!
        AF since May 6, 2010

        Forget the past, plan for tomorrow, and live for today.


          AF Daily Wed 5/26

          Hello Fabbie Abbies!

          Lav, I am so sorry to hear of DIL losing the baby. I'm glad that she is doing OK under the circumstances. I hope there is another try in the near future.

          Gaia, through a lot of introspection over the last year, I'm realizing just how big of a driver fear used to be in my life, and still CAN be if I get off balance. For me, serenity and acceptance is the opposite of fear and *fighting* my life. I too think it's normal to go through a wide range of emotions when we quit drinking. I know I avoided anything uncomfortable for many, many years and hid behind a bottle. So there is a lot of "stuff" piled up for me to deal with. The good news is that you CAN work through all these things and build a calm and peaceful life for yourself. It took a lot of time for us to reach the bottom of our drinking careers - it all doesn't get "right" over night. (I know it probably sucks to hear THAT over and over!!) You are doing great with your sobriety - I hope you will just keep putting one foot in front of the other and see where it all leads you.

          LVT - I'm with the others who say keep looking for a decent doctor!

          Marshy, I thought of you today. I took Sister to her follow up appointment with her surgeon. Her last name is "Marshall" and I found out today she is from England. She came here years ago as an exchange student and never left. I think you should come over here and take a few classes!!!

          M3, your yoga / detox weekend sounds fabulous. I hope you will share some of what you learn with us when you get back! Mostly, have a great time and relax.

          Greenie, it sounds like making peace with your house is an important step. I bet little doggie is happy the gumballs are gone! Sober raking. I haven't tried that yet. :H

          While driving around with Sister today, I asked her if she ever had a boyfriend before she went to the convent. She said she did, and he took her to a dance and then left with another girl.

          Me: You must have been heartbroken!
          Her: I was! I put a hex on him.
          Me: Did it work?
          Her: Yes. He married the ugliest girl in school.

          :H :H :H I don't know why I found that hilarious, but I did. Maybe I'm secretly thinking I'll make a list of ex-boyfriends for Sister to hex.

          My message from the universe today is "don't resist." I saw that this morning before I ran out the door, and have been thinking about it all day off and on. I often resist what I know is the right thing or good thing to do. I fight with myself. Shadow boxing. What a waste of energy!

          Almost as much of a waste of energy as my years and years of drinking. NO MORE!!

          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            AF Daily Wed 5/26

            Awww Lav, I'm so sorry about your DIL's experience. I hope they have a speedy recovery from it and continue with the plan.

            LVT, yes keep looking for someone who "looks"!
            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


              AF Daily Wed 5/26


              I hope you and your daughter in law are doing okay. It was just a short time ago that you wrote of her pregnancy and how very happy you were about it.

              Good night all.
              AF Since April 20, 2008
              4 Years!!!


                AF Daily Wed 5/26

                Hello Abbers,

                Popped in and saw Lav's post and had to send my condolences. The loss of an unborn child is always painful. There is nothing one can say or do to make it "better." It can't get better.

                Greenie, you just crack me up!! Were you wearing your bathrobe while raking? Or do you just leave that for the figs?

                DG, your posts are very kind. You have a good heart. I am glad you quit burying it in all that booze. Your presence here is invaluable.

                momof3, it is good to hear that someone with the sobriety you have can still be "scattered." Posts like yours remind me that life on life's terms sober or drunk is still life on life's terms. Sober, you can take it on and keep on going, drunk, you can't do anything at all.

                Gaia, I am glad you are here.

                I hope all have/had/will have a wonderful day no matter where on this planet you are.

                AF April 9, 2016


                  AF Daily Wed 5/26

                  No cindi, not while raking. But..... since you asked
                  The garbage man's truck has a mechanical thing that picks up the can and dumps it. (two men on truck used to do it) When I saw that I told him I'd start using my can (herbie curbie) so he didn't have to get out of the truck and pick up my one bag. He said he didn't mind but I didn't want to bother him with it so I drop it in one of the neighbor's in the early AM and in my robe. Did you know I have a new red one that is a long light weight cotton kimono from my friend in Japan? My next door neighbor (in hair curlers getting her paper) hollered to me as I was headed across the street to see what I was doing with my trash bag and I was in the midst of a ballerina dance slinging my trash bag when a car crested the hill and I had to wait in the middle of the street. :H At least it wasn't a school bus
                  Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                    AF Daily Wed 5/26

                    greeneyes;868543 wrote: No cindi, not while raking. But..... since you asked
                    The garbage man's truck has a mechanical thing that picks up the can and dumps it. (two men on truck used to do it) When I saw that I told him I'd start using my can (herbie curbie) so he didn't have to get out of the truck and pick up my one bag. He said he didn't mind but I didn't want to bother him with it so I drop it in one of the neighbor's in the early AM and in my robe. Did you know I have a new red one that is a long light weight cotton kimono from my friend in Japan? My next door neighbor (in hair curlers getting her paper) hollered to me as I was headed across the street to see what I was doing with my trash bag and I was in the midst of a ballerina dance slinging my trash bag when a car crested the hill and I had to wait in the middle of the street. :H At least it wasn't a school bus
                    Great visual!! Thank you. :l:l

                    AF April 9, 2016


                      AF Daily Wed 5/26

                      You have a neighbor who still wears hair curlers?

                      That is kind of scary.

                      Seriously. There are many implements of torture you can use to curl your hair within an instance.

                      I wear mine really short and it takes 5 minutes to do mine in the morning. I am extremely lazy on the hair care/skin care front. I keep trying to do better but it irritates me so much.

                      AF April 9, 2016


                        AF Daily Wed 5/26

                        I know! If she said anything about my robe I was ready to come back on the curlers :H Then on the other hand, who knows what MINE looked like right out of bed.
                        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                          AF Daily Wed 5/26

                          Just a quick check in to say hello and thanks for the grins. And, thanks for the encouragement on the skin doctors. It really is quite amazing how much influence you all have had in my daily life. Today I am beating myself up for not putting my sunscreen on because it wasn't "hot". Well, my arms are hot now!:upset: I'm thinking how disappointed M3 and everyone would be of me! Tomorrow for sure!

                          Been on the go since 5:30 am and I am beat. Had some great days mowing/trimming, etc at the cemetery and it should look beautiful for Memorial Day!

                          So Sorry Lav about the baby. My husband's niece recently had a miscarriage after trying very hard to get pregnant. My niece is expecting finally after trying very hard to get pregnant--hope she carries to full term.

                          Good night!:h
                          NF since June 1, 2008
                          AF since September 28, 2008
                          DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                          :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                          5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                          The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:

