Awww Gaia. So many decisions ahead for you. And things that only YOU can decide for yourself.
Here is how I would view those concerns in my own life and circumstances - only what is right for ME.
* I don't want to be married to someone I can't trust NOT to dance with other women (at least not inappropriately) at a party if I'm not there to "babysit."
* I can't imagine having to endure a lot of AL soaked events that *I* am really not having fun at in order to keep an eye on Mr. Doggy.
One thing I know for sure is that drinking is not and will never be an option for me. Everything and everyone else in my life has to fit into my SOBER life. I'm willing to be flexible but only to the point where drinking is still not an option.
These are just things to think about. Is it possible Mr. T might want to join you in leaving early and doing something else non-AL that would be fun for both of you?
These transitions are really hard when one chooses to stop the madness but the other one doesn't.