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AF Daily - Monday May 31

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    AF Daily - Monday May 31

    Last day of May and on to another month.
    Having a quiet day here, doing some writing and thinking, and thinking about treating the wood floor for water stains. Bought something from the store which says it gets rid of water stains on the feet of chairs - wondering if it works on wood floors.
    Otherwise thinking about cleaning the inside of the piano with a toothbrush. Anyone clawing to join me?
    What are you up to?
    AF since May 6, 2010

    Forget the past, plan for tomorrow, and live for today.

    AF Daily - Monday May 31

    Hi Gaia, and all to come,

    Re water stains on your floor, are you talking unvarnished/treated timber? Anyway, i'm sure you're onto it. A good googling will turn up some idea's too. Must get the toothbrush out for my piano too. err....soon.
    Chilling here, after another challenging, jampacked day at work.

    A grand day to all.

    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


      AF Daily - Monday May 31

      Morning fabbie ones!

      You know..... much as I hate to, I really must delcine on the toothbrush cleaning. I gave that up when FH moved out and took his with him. :H:H:H:H:H just kidding

      I think I just used up my smiley quota but it was worth it.

      Thundering and gray here. I am doomed to stay inside and sort out stuff for impending yard sale. I don't mind gathering the stuff.... How the feck do you price it all??? I must google and educate myself.

      Have a marvelous Memorial Day Monday. Think of all those people in USA guzzling booze at BBQs today and rejoice to not be one of them. It's not a good weekend to be on the road. BTW, I watched a clip here on impaired driving. The post is titled "shocking" . Intense~ chilling. It was aired as a Christmas holiday DUI deterent last year.

      Anyway, if you're out, have fun and be safe!

      PRancy, great going on the boardwalk choice!!
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        AF Daily - Monday May 31

        Morning Fabbers!

        Happy Memorial Day to us! Heading 8 miles down the road to my son's house this afternoon for a BBQ. Driving past cows & cornfields can be boring but otherwise safe

        I have no piano experience Gaia - sorry I can't help with your project. Is there any way to get a small vacuum attachment in there to get the dust???

        Wishing everyone a terrific AF day!
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          AF Daily - Monday May 31

          Hi Fabbie Abbies! I hope everyone is having a fabulous holiday. It's a sober and simple one for me! Mr. D is still at dog training. My gardening and flower potting is done. It's going to storm and i'm goofing off. Life is very, very good.

          Prancy YOU GO on the decision to go spend some quality time at the beach with the doggies rather than drink or feel sorry for yourself. Sometimes all it takes is just changing the channel. Maybe I'll go resurrect the "Don't Stare At The Marshmallow" post.

          Lav, watch out in case a cow decides to cross the road without looking both ways!

          Greenie, your post is reminding me that I have to reorganize my closet. But I don't think I'm doing that today. LOL - your comment about hubbies toothbrush was definitely worth using your entire smilie quota!! :H:H:H

          Cleaning pianos with TOOTHBRUSHES???? Makes me glad I quit piano lessons at an early age. Gaia, I hope you have at least ONE fun thing planned for today LOL! (although it always feels good when those cleaning projects are done!)

          G, your day work sounds interesting. It's nice that you have found something you enjoy in addition to your "night job!"

          The rain just started! It's a real thunder boomer! I hope the power stays on. I'm going to curl up with a book.

          I'm so glad to be sober today. In years passed, I would have been well on my way to Very Drunk by now. It's almost noon. Holidays called for starting "early" which for me, was REALLY early. I would have practically been on to the hangover part by now. Did anyone else ever have days where you had two drunks and two hangovers? Start too early, get drunk early, end up sleeping a bit, wakeup with hangover and start drinking again for round 2? Oy. I'm glad that is NOT me today.

          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            AF Daily - Monday May 31

            Top of the Memorial Day Aberoooos! a day of deep reflection ironically...DUI's across the fruited plains.

            say, has anyone else had trouble getting on chat? I'm locked out for some reason dang it.

            DoggyGirl, not only did I do double/drunks but my life would often oscillate between hung over and drunk in a constant blur of pain and misery. whew! I'm glad we are here

            Dx is out of state visiting with friends so I'm home alone and just trying to keep busy and keep my chin up. I tend to suffer from separation anxiety (maybe I'm a Labrador?) LOL

            Gaia, Guitarista, Greeneyes, Lavande, DoggyGirl and all to come have a SUPER good and AF day

            nosce te ipsum
            (Know Thyself)


              AF Daily - Monday May 31

              Just thought I'd stop in and say a quick "hello"!

              Det, I haven't tried chat in quite some time. I hope you get your problems resolved, especially since Dx is out of town. (If you are a Labrador, you are a very smart one to be able to post so well.)

              I just returned from a graduation open house where I was offered wine or beer. "No thanks, I think I'll just go for a soft drink for now," was my response. It was actually a bit difficult to do, but I managed it. But you know, it helped that the party was outside in the heat where drinking really doesn't appeal to me as it is so hard to stay hydrated even without drinking al. And coworkers were there, so it was nice not to have to worry about being a drunken fool!!

              DG, Greenie, Guitarista, Lav, Giai, and all who pop in, have a peaceful and AF evening.

              Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

              If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.

