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Blew it at 85

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    Blew it at 85

    Well as I suspected I could not make it through a vacation w/o drinking. Had fun and enjoyed myself but the problem of boozing continues. I have been home now for about two weeks and the drinking hasn't stopped. Vacation is my ultimate trigger. Have another coming up at the end of summer. Plan to be booze free till then "plan" . I have done it before and know with concerted effort I can do it. Does anyone else experience just one trigger they cannot work past? ~~ I stopped coming to MWO and think that was a mistake. I had planned on stopping by here and there but didn't. I was having no problem not drinking and was fine with it ~~ made it through 85 days. But the damn bottle always seems to chase me down. After this upcoming vacation I plan not to go away until I have a solid year AF under my belt. Thanks to all and have a memorable Memorial day and don't forget the true roots of this solemn day.
    Tomorrow will be day one!!

    Blew it at 85

    headless - I'm sorry to hear that you slipped after doing so well. I do have a concern about my vacation coming up. I plan to change it up a bit to avoid the old routine. I usually golf most days while I'm away with a group of friends. WE never miss the 19th hole. NEVER. Often we would go on to the 20th So I plan on hitting a spa resort where you can golf, eat healthy, and avoid booze. My friends as extremely disappointed that I'll be missing on our 12th annual event, but this is about me. My sobriety has got to come first. I wish you much luck going forward and please don't ever give up.
    Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


      Blew it at 85

      Vacation is always hard. Pick your self up and get with your plan. You can do it if you went as long as you have.
      And Techie I am jealous of your up coming vacation. Sounds like heaven to me. Enjoy!!!


        Blew it at 85

        Techie - I love your attitude and commitment to saying AF!

        I just spend a 2 week vacation as you know in the States and I found being out of my usual environment and routine was a huge trigger for me wanting to drink. At home I have set up a safe haven and I found myself thinking about drinking ever day I was away so I do understand Headless how difficult it can be. Now Im home Im so grateful that I didnt cave in as I honestly love my AF life and dont ever want to go back to that misery....

        I know its hard but if you could commit to staying AF on your next vacation just think how good you would feel on that achievement. We have to get on with our lives and face it sober and its amazing what we can do if we set our mind to it.
        "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
        AF - JAN 1st 2010
        NF - May 1996


          Blew it at 85

          Thanks for sharing chill. It's good to be reminded what we CAN achieve. I've never been on the Cape sober how was it
          Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


            Blew it at 85

            Thank you Techie

            ...for the encouraging words. I need them right now. I especially appreciated the line "I wish you much luck going forward and please don't ever give up." That to me means a lot and is why I appreciate MWO so much ~~ it's all the positive people here that are willing to stoop down and lend you a hand up. Part of my plan is to remember how much this group of kind people helped me get through the first days which were definitely the most difficult and how this time they can aid my effort again. Be posting soon.


              Blew it at 85

              Hi Headless. I'm really glad you came back and that you are not giving up!! The part of your experience that I can REALLY identify with is where you said the drinking continued for two more weeks. After 60 days of sobriety in 2007, I decided to drink and HOLY COW that was me - once I started I couldn't stop. For way more than an extra two weeks in my case.


              I can't drink. I WILL NOT put myself in any situation where I don't believe I can stay AF. I just can't. It's life and death to me. Like techie mentioned, I would be modifying my plans or cancelling my vacation if I didn't feel 100% certain I could do it AF.

              Believe in yourself. Be sober for YOU. Make it your #1 priority and the rest of life will fall into place.

              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.

