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AF Daily - Wednesday June 2

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    AF Daily - Wednesday June 2

    Well now I want a mint garden! What a great idea. I didn't know about chocolate mint.

    The image of hiding in a field of guacomole is a bit goopy. What could you do when the guac oxydizes?

    M3 - hope your arm is better, and the biopsy is ok.

    I didn't get to the piano, but I'm gonna!

    Happy Wednesday everyone.
    AF since May 6, 2010

    Forget the past, plan for tomorrow, and live for today.

    AF Daily - Wednesday June 2

    Good Morning Gaia
    I have normal mint in my garden and dont use it for much other than mint tea.
    I thought Lav was having a laugh about the choc mint, had never heard of it but I wont be able to get it here anyway. The lemon balm is also lovely for tea, its reminded me to get some more. Im a lousy gardener though, just dont have the patience.....

    Going to the premier tonight of Sex in the City with a crowd of girlfriends, it will be a great night and im not even concerned about the champagne reception at the beginning, I feel quite safe now all my friends know and accept I dont drink.

    Im still coughing and spluttering so no cycle for me again today, I really miss exercising so hope I shake this damn cold soon. Have a great day everyone. :l
    "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
    AF - JAN 1st 2010
    NF - May 1996


      AF Daily - Wednesday June 2

      didnt know you could make tea out of lemon balm... ive got loads of it. gonna have to try that.
      Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
      Keep passing the open windows


        AF Daily - Wednesday June 2

        Morning all!

        Oof. I've been working like a D.O.G, and spent my days off from my regular employer working at a new place. As a freelance, I'd like to have as many feet in as many different camps as possible in case one source of income dries up. But that basically means I never say no to work and end up working without a break. Oh well, I'm sure I'll get the hang of this freelancing lark sometime - I've only been doing it for about 18 months now! And, of course, I'm grateful that the work is there because I'd be panicking if it wasn't!

        So I feel like I've head my head in a vice for days - not good for someone who used to use stress as a trigger/excuse to drink, and I was bomarded with drinking thoughts on Saturday night and had to put my de-stress tactics into action to get rid of them.

        But today I'm back at my regular employer so at least I don't have to expend any brain power on learning anything new - and I can see light at the end of the tunnel in the shape of a weekend off!

        Have a good day all!
        AF since December 22nd 2008
        Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


          AF Daily - Wednesday June 2

          Morning fabbies!!

          Thanks for the start gaia! I am the proud owner of chocolate mint! I looked at that link dill, and was pleased to see other uses than a sprig in my tea. I can't see me making organic ice cream with it though. Me having an ice cream maker would be akin to having a still. :H I also have lemon balm, spearmint, and lemon verbena - all for tea use.

          Chill, I like a
          gardening for the "dirt therapy". I can't get in over my head because I don't do well with the summer heat here. You evening sounds like great fun!!! BTW, I have 5 friends who are happily married via internet dating, some with children that came with and some of their own.DG, I counted you in there as I consider you a friend :l Nobody sniggered at my pick joke yesterday, I hope it wasn't taken in a bad light.

          Spuds, let me know how your tea turns out. I'm not crazy for it as a sprig in iced tea and haven't made hot tea with it.

          Marshy, Oof here too. Last night I was plagued with "stepladder legs". Had to get out of bed for ibuprofen I was so miserable. This seems a never-ending project. Now the grass needs mowing. When you accept a new job marshy can you tweak the start time with them a little to give yourself some space?

          LVT, puhleeeeeezzz give me garage sale tips! Any and all are welcome.

          DG did you see my comment about glazing your own pots?

          Lav, how's it going with mr lav? How are YOU doing?

          Happy hump day!
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            AF Daily - Wednesday June 2

            greeneyes;874749 wrote: Nobody sniggered at my pick joke yesterday, I hope it wasn't taken in a bad light.
            Just had a look - very good!

            Gonna sneak out into the sunshine for 10 mins and have a banana...
            AF since December 22nd 2008
            Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


              AF Daily - Wednesday June 2

              Greenie - I cant ever imagine you saying anything that would be taken in bad light!

              Excuse my ignorance but what is "stepladder legs"? Is this restless leg syndrome? I used to be plagued with it when I was drinking as when I was very hungover Id take Nytol to help me sleep plus alcohol which you shouldnt mix and this would cause it. Now I will try to avoid taking any medication into my new pure body :angel:
              "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
              AF - JAN 1st 2010
              NF - May 1996


                AF Daily - Wednesday June 2

                Chill I've been going at tree branches and shrubs like a mad woman. Up and down the step ladder in the yard. I love the "woodsy" feel of the trees but needed to open up my space a bit. It has made a big difference but I get the feeling of living in a fish bowl now. I'll get over it. It's like the house got a haircut :H I know what you mean about meds. I so rarely take any that by the time I use it again, it's out of date.
                Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                  AF Daily - Wednesday June 2

                  As I type this, the yard debris pick-up guys are standing in the street in front of the house eating oatmeal raisin cookies and drinking cold lemonade/iced tea. It is already almost 90 F outside. I told them I appreciated them for the two gargantuan loads I left them the past two weeks. You should see thier faces - makes my little green heart smile.

                  I have to confess that I bought the cookies because when I ran up to the store to get them, they picked up my trash while I was gone! So I ate 4 cookies and then put them in a zip-lock bag so they wouldn't know I was digging in them. Besides they looked more homemade that way. hahahaha
                  Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                    AF Daily - Wednesday June 2

                    Hey Ab Fabs,

                    Taking a minute while the little guy is napping. He's staying on for dinner too

                    Chill, you need a pot of tea to help your cough! Or maybe some chicken soup.........

                    Spud, when you mix lemon balm with chamomile you get a wonderful tea!

                    Greenie - you asked about Mr Lav - he's still in hiding! I have gotten him to agree to come cut all this freaking grass on Saturdays & try to have a chat. He is so damn resistant, just stuck in his head. He told me last weekend that all he can handle right now is his job & the dog he took from here. I took the opportunity last night to listen to the monthly webcast on Radical Forgiveness & afterwards (finally) listened to the CD - it was very good! Now, if I could get him interested in learning about Radical Forgiveness.

                    Gotta go - hope everyone has a wonderful AF evening!
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      AF Daily - Wednesday June 2

                      Greenie, I'm embarrassed to say that I didn't acutally understand your joke the first time around. When you wrote "P-I-C-K" , it seemed to me like you were referring to a state lottery game of a similar name. I didn't understand it, so, I let it roll. So, any how, I went back and re-read and got the joke. No offense taken here!

                      Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                      If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                        AF Daily - Wednesday June 2

                        Hi Fabbie Abbies! Gaia, thank you for getting us going today! I grew several different mints last year and then didn't know what to do with them! So this year I only have spearmint.

                        Greenie, when I read your post yesterday about picks I thought to myself All the women I was friends with married pricks. That's P-R-I-C-K-S. (or some might spell it C-H-I-L-D)

                        Lav, you are the most amazing woman EVAH for the grace and dignity in which you are dealing with Mr. Lav. If Mr. Doggy did that, I would have been standing over him with a shot gun saying "How do you re-load this thing?" long before now. Have a fun dinner with Energizer Bunny! What's on? Corn dogs sound good to me right now. If only I had a kid to borrow.

                        Marshy, did you enjoy your break with your banana? One of the things we are learning as independent business folks is that we need to re-think vacations. Our tendency is to NOT want to take vacations when things are slow due to $$ concerns. But of course when biz is booming, we are too busy to take any time off. We have to learn to think longer term about business, and take some time off when it is slow. Way different than corporate life! Mean time, congrats on keeping multiple clients in the queue. We believe that is important too. Relying too heavily on one big one can be dangerous.

                        Chill, your gal pal outing to the movie sounds awesome!

                        Deter covered in guacamole. What an image. Hope you and Dx had a wonderful drive home from the airport. I'm sure you are both glad she is home!

                        M3, thanks for providing the links in yesterdays thread. Looks like an awesome place and awesome seminar. Wow. Can you do yoga routines like in that video???? Wow.

                        Hello to anyone I missed! I second the call for a Uni check in.

                        Did I mention that our big truck had a BIG problem on the camping trip and went to the shop over a week ago? We were very fortunate to be able to borrow one of my Mom and Dad's vehicles and not rent one. Well, their other car broke down today. And of course this happens on the day my Dad had a surgery and just got home. And should be resting not stressing. So we will be taking them their other vehicle tonight - no question about that. But he will still be stressing as it seems like a transmission problem with the car. :upset: And our big truck won't be ready until at least Monday as they are waiting on a part. A part that must be coming from Marshy's house or something.

                        The expenses are roaring right now. Did I also mention our dryer is on the fritz? Mr. D has kept it limping along, but I'm getting tired of having a hassle about 1 out of every 2 loads of laundry.

                        And Mr. Doggy has to work with one of our lawyer clients at a deposition. People generally wear suits to these things. Mr. D got his suits out of the closet last night for the first time in a few years. :H is all I can say about the fashion show. I must be a REALLY good cook. Either that or the "late night snack pizzas" are catching up. So he had to go shopping today.

                        And I have no desire to drink over any of it. That's a miracle!!! I AM having to try hard to keep my hands out of the Weight Watcher chocolate snacks though. Oy. It's always something. (better chocolate than booze though!) I want some of Greenie's cookies.

                        Well - gotta run. Gotta take Mom & Dad's car. I hope we make it there without a break down. That would be just our luck to have a total of 4 vehicles between us and only 1 working.

                        Tomorrow will be an awesome day though - I can feel it coming!

                        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                        One day at a time.


                          AF Daily - Wednesday June 2

                          DG I am LOL:

                          All the women I was friends with married pricks. That's P-R-I-C-K-S. (or some might spell it C-H-I-L-D)

                          AF since May 6, 2010

                          Forget the past, plan for tomorrow, and live for today.

