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AF Daily - Saturday June 6

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    AF Daily - Saturday June 6

    Hello Abbie Fabbies!

    Thanks for all the great feedback yesterday on the job thing. There is a part of me that feels good about the idea of really sinking my teeth into something new. But there is another part of me that can't even imagine being back on a "regular" office schedule. We'll see what the universe has to say about it. I'm trying to wait for any major league level worrying until I find out if they are even going to interview me. :H

    Uni - great to see you!! You will feel good about an AF weekend when Monday rolls around and you are unhung and have some nice memories of whatever you decide to do.

    Marshy - Mr. Doggy and I have talked a lot about "job security" and we actually think there is far more security in "freelancing" with multiple clients than there is these days working for one employer who holds all the cards.

    Well, we are still sharing one vehicle so I am off to Curves and then the farmers market (first time this year to see the egg man!!). I have to be back in time for Mr. Doggy to load up and go tracking. I hope the mulberries that I stuck in the fridge day before yesterday are still good for jam making as I haven't got to that yet!

    I am very grateful to be unhung and ready to rock this morning. The only thing that could make my day better would be the chance to personally go shop Greenie's garage sale! I just know it's going to be an absolute MOB scene there with women cat fighting over who will end up with the good stuff.

    There will be no AL in my life today.

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.

    AF Daily - Saturday June 6

    Morning all! Oh, it's afternoon here already. I'm having a slow start to my day off.

    I bet Greenie is keeping all the good robes for herself

    DG - you're right about the security thing of course. Lots of people here have lost what they thought were secure jobs. There are no guarantees. Might as well rely on the universe as anything else

    Right, I've got a whole list of exciting chores to get done - winter boots to the cobbler (does anyone say cobbler any more?); new trousers to the dry cleaner to get altered; shopping; blah de blah. In my drinking days, I'd have been well into my first few pints of beer by now and wouldn't have been able to do any of it.

    Have a splendid day all!
    AF since December 22nd 2008
    Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


      AF Daily - Saturday June 6

      hello peeps, ive been very busy sleeping. lots of naps yesterday, slept all night, and got up at 12.30. whats that all about, i didnt think it possible to sleep that much. anyway im awake now (for now) and its a lovely sunny day here. ill be out in the garden after a few cups of coffee to keep me awake
      Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
      Keep passing the open windows


        AF Daily - Saturday June 6

        Morning DG and Fab Abber's!

        Have an amazing af day, and best of luck with ya garage sale Greenie!
        Stand tall today everyone, and have pride in ourselves, whether we are 1 hour af, 1 day, 1 year, no matter where we are on our journey, take life back!


        'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

        Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


          AF Daily - Saturday June 6

          Good Morning All,

          Happy Saturday. I have been MIA because I caught a horrendous stomach flu from my youngest daughter. Yikes, it was bad.

          Trying to catch up on the threads. DG sounds like you have a potenital new job on the horizon...just take it slow and really listen to the universe as you said you were going to do.

          AAthlete, I read the post about your son with great interest. My oldest has ADHD and my husband discovered that he has it too as we were going through the testing with her. Anyhow, found out that undiagnosed adults self-medicate with all sorts of stuff, alcohol being one of them.

          Tomorrow, June 6th is my b'day. My neice is visiting with her boyfriend tomorrow and will be here for a few days.

          AF Since April 20, 2008
          4 Years!!!


            AF Daily - Saturday June 6

            Good evening Fabbers!

            Is Greenie's garage sale still going on????

            My MIA spouse showed up to cut grass today (big of him). I also pointed out a ton of poison ivy & sumac that needed removing. It's a little late as I've already gotten it on my chin, neck & upper chest - ugh! Happens every single year, I am so sensitive to the stuff & he isn't.

            Looks like tomorrow is going to be a rain day, not sure what I'm going to get into. I'm sure I'll think of something.

            DG, the thought of returning to a regular job just scares me to death. As good as I feel these days I just don't have the drive for that anymore. I hope everything works out in the best possible way for you.

            Wishing everyone a restful AF evening.
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

