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AF daily - Sun June 7th

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    AF daily - Sun June 7th

    :yougo::yougo:CONGRATULATIONS on 30 DAYS SOBER PAPMOM!!:yougo::yougo:

    And welcome to the daily thread!! Hope you stop by and share on a reguler basis! Sounds like you are learning a lot on your journey. Sober is so much better than drunk or hungover, isn't it?

    What is speed dating? Whatever it is, I want to hear all about it Chill and Marshy after the Big Event. (living vicariously through you single ones!)

    Lav, I am so sorry about the poison ivy. I used to get it every year too. We have a ton of it on our property. The dogs run through it, and then snuggle up. I have no idea why I haven't gotten it this year. Maybe my immune system is getting stronger??? Just lucky??? Will break out in a rash all over my face tomorrow??? (probably) Dunno. But I'll add that to my gratitude list. And hope YOURS goes away SOON! At least your date tonight won't mind.

    Hi to everyone else!!

    Well, I did the 5K walk. It's beautiful here today - first NON humid day with a reasonable temp in a long time. I've broken bigger sweats during a hot flash. I'm glad to be fit enough these days to do a 5K walk with ease. That would NOT have been the case in the drinking days. Also went to an "away" AA meeting as a friend from my home group was speaking today. And then went and got some more organic rasberries and picked more mulberries when I got home. Yesterday I made a batch of mulberry strawberry jam. Then when I realized how easy it was, I made some mulberry strawberry rasberry jam. I'm going to make some more of that right now.

    I NEVER would have done all this in the drinking days. Never. I would have started to "cure" the hangover with some alcohol around coffee time. By now I would probably be passing out from my first drunk of the day. Then I'd wake up around dinner and drink some more. Ugghhh. You're not kidding I'm glad to not be living that way any more!!

    Ciao!! Hope everyone is really FABBIN' IT UP today!

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      AF daily - Sun June 7th


      Hope you stick around and tell about your sober adventures!

      DG, broken bigger sweat during a hot flash! :H:H:H
      Jam is easy? Hummm.... fig season soon..... hmmmmm. How easy?
      My basil is beautiful so I'm making that squash soup with basil.
      You're right about the drinking days. I never would have had a garage sale.
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        AF daily - Sun June 7th

        thank you DG and Chill Girl for the warm welcomes!! You put a big smile on my face! Yes, sober is soooo much better. I'm so sorry that I wasted so much of my life drinking. Who knows where I could be right now in terms of career and relationships? But, that is in the past and now is what is important. I may be 53 but I'm still young enough to fulfill some dreams and to enjoy life. I hope that one day i will be able to do a 5K walk too. I hope one day I can jog more than 1/8 of a mile LOL!!
        DG- Glad you had a good day. Your mulberryX jam sounds awesome. Too bad we can't sample some of it!!

        Lav-I get wicked poison ivy rashes too so avoid it like the plague. I'm really paranoid and my dogs aren't allowed off leash anywhere it might be near. Luckily the weed was banished from my yard years ago but I have to be vigilant. it's so opportunistic!

        I've heard of speed dating. Right now it's not in my city-i would have to go into Boston which I avoid at all costs. Good luck with the dating scene tho for those brave enough to venture into it.
        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

        KO the Beast!!


          AF daily - Sun June 7th

          Cross post Greenie!! thanks for the welcome! Congrats on your successful yardsale. I've been through 2 of those when I tried to sell my house in 2006. Only made about $150 so you did very well!! Don't worry, I'll be around for a long time so you'll definitely hear all about my sober new life!!
          New Birthday: May 8, 2010

          "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

          KO the Beast!!


            AF daily - Sun June 7th

            Well done Papmom3!

            DG - speed dating is when you get two minutes to talk to a person sitting at a table, then a bell rings and you move on the the next person at the next table and get two minutes to talk to them and so on. And (I've never done it!) I think people write down on a piece of paper if they like someone, and if that person also writes down that they like you, you get to swap phone numbers or something. Sounds a bit like having 20 job interviews in an hour and failing all of them :H

            Lav - my oldest friend had a severe episode of depression about 15 years ago. She changed overnight from someone I know as well as I know myself, to someone who I didn't know at all and couldn't have a rational conversation with. Your description of Mr Lav reminded me of that. A very weird thing indeed. (She was put on Prozac for six months and very slowly got better).
            AF since December 22nd 2008
            Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


              AF daily - Sun June 7th

              Marshy;879188 wrote: DG - speed dating is when you get two minutes to talk to a person sitting at a table, then a bell rings and you move on the the next person at the next table and get two minutes to talk to them and so on. And (I've never done it!) I think people write down on a piece of paper if they like someone, and if that person also writes down that they like you, you get to swap phone numbers or something. Sounds a bit like having 20 job interviews in an hour and failing all of them :H)
              OMG!!! NO FECKIN' WAY!!
              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                AF daily - Sun June 7th

                greeneyes;879193 wrote: OMG!!! NO FECKIN' WAY!!
                Sounds like hell, doesn't it? I thought it was an American invention, though (I'm guessing New York in particular :H). Thought you would all be au fait with it.
                AF since December 22nd 2008
                Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                  AF daily - Sun June 7th

                  There are some guys I've dating where if I had to actually have conversation for two whole minutes, I'd be staring at my watch and tapping my foot.

                  Then there are the very drunken days when I would sit on a bar stool next to some dude yakking the night away for hours. Next day, would not be able to recall two minutes of what was actually said.

                  If people were drunk, speed dating could make for a really really funny reality TV show.

                  If I were single, I'd probably try it. :H

                  Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                  Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                  One day at a time.


                    AF daily - Sun June 7th

                    Doggygirl;879243 wrote:
                    If people were drunk, speed dating could make for a really really funny reality TV show.
                    DG - I love it! The next reality show.... maybe Simon Cowell could present it :H
                    "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                    AF - JAN 1st 2010
                    NF - May 1996

