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AF Daily - Monday June 8

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    AF Daily - Monday June 8

    Hello Fabbie Abbies!

    How's your Monday?

    Greenie I had to LOL at your garage sale, but making $300 is a good deal and well worth the effort, especially since you got to clean out a lot of stuff. The psychology of sales is an interesting topic - maybe now you are a pro?

    Lav I hope the poison ivy goes away. Wish there was a magic cure.

    DG - looking for a FT job? How are you finding the job market? It sure would be a change from doing the self-employed stuff back to FT office. daily hosiery again, heels again, ugh. BUT on the upside, lots of activity and hopefully more $$$! I hope you find your prefect situation.

    Hi Marshy, Spuds, and others to come. Looking forward to a great AF day.
    AF since May 6, 2010

    Forget the past, plan for tomorrow, and live for today.

    AF Daily - Monday June 8

    here goes to another alcohol free day,it sure is a great feeling, :-)

    :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

    Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
    I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

    This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


      AF Daily - Monday June 8

      Well if I started with the wrong date, that means automatically we are all already another day ahead in the AF tally, right?
      AF since May 6, 2010

      Forget the past, plan for tomorrow, and live for today.


        AF Daily - Monday June 8

        Gaia, I think you get credit for just getting the day right! (numbers are simply clarification)
        I could do another sale.... but I really want the stuff out of the garage sooner.

        I swear marshy, I thought speed dating was a joke of some sort when you said that! I'd obviously not heard of it. I guess I'm not very hip.

        I found why the wood at the bottom of the vanity is wet all the time and it isn't from water dripping off the shower door. Feck, it's in the wall or something as there is mildew in the vanity, in the adjacent closet where there is wet carpet. :upset::upset: Why is it I have showed it to 4 men with the goal of fixing it and I had to figure it out myself? I feel stabby.

        The yard sale made almost enought to pay for the bathtub refinishing in the other bathroom (today), but this wasn't in the plans. Grrrrrrrrr Repeat: I am grateful to have my little piece of the planet...

        I am AF, handling this and you know what? AL didn't even enter my mind yesterday when I discovered that and dragged every mildewed thing out of the vanity and closet. THAT ROCKS!!! That single realization takes away the stabby!!

        Let's hear it for sober crisis!!! :banana::banana::banana:

        Marvelous monday to all!!
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          AF Daily - Monday June 8

          Good morning Af Fabbers,

          I'm with you Greenie on the sober crises - believe me!!!
          I have to keep my head on straight if I'm going to come thru my mess alive

          I have a full day with my grandson today which is great! The weather has cooled down 20+ degrees so spending some time outdoors is in order.

          Wishing everyone a wonderful AF Monday!
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            AF Daily - Monday June 8

            Morning Gaia, Mario, Greenie, Lav & all to come,

            Slept fantastically well last after not being able to sleep on Saturday. I blame the weather. Why not? :H

            Greenie - my parents had that problem in their shower room. Turned out it was caused by a split pipe under the floor, and water was coming up through the carpet. I hate it when things go wrong like that, as I'm totally incapable of fixing them myself and have to find someone reputable to sort it out. It's the finding someone part that I hate. I'm still looking for an electrician months after my bathroom light packed up (there's another light, so I'm not stumbling about in the dark in there).

            Not working today, so I'm off for a swim and a potter. A woman I met ages ago at an AA meeting told me about a Monday evening meeting that she chairs and I never got round to going, so I might do that later.

            Have a good day all!
            AF since December 22nd 2008
            Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


              AF Daily - Monday June 8

              Hi all - going to jump in here for a while.

              We're moving into a NEW rental soon. flat walls, hopefully no damp issues, and no maintenance Yay! much smaller of course so am decluttering like mad.

              Lav - I'm envious of your 21deg - am sweaty in 30deg here as always

              Hey Gaia, Mario and all to come...


              Marshy - cross post, hello!
              Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



                AF Daily - Monday June 8

                Great bets!!

                Marshy, I'm just hoping it's not a pinhole in a floor pipe because this house is on a concrete slab so that means ripping stuff out and applying jackhammer to slab, and concrete patch. HOPING for the wall!
                Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                  AF Daily - Monday June 8

                  Wow - busy morning already but its great to see everyone up and about! Trying to get myself motivated on this lovely Monday morning. My wife runs a daycare out of our house and my son is officially on summer vacation, and I'm feeling left out!!

                  My son had his friends over Saturday night for a sleepover and homework burning. Five kids each with a trashbag full of assignments made for a pretty big fire, but they seemed to have a great time and no one got burned so I'll rate it as a success.

                  Have a fan-fricken-tastic Monday that is both safe and sober!
                  Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


                    AF Daily - Monday June 8

                    Good Morning All,

                    Thanks for the Happy Birthday Wishes. Had a nice day. My niece is here from NY with her boyfriend. Relaxing day. The stomach flu has been running through our house. Last night was my middle daughter's turn. I was sitting with her on the floor next to the toilet at 3 am holding her hand and I thought, this is what love is all about...seriously.

                    Papsmom. Congrats on 30 days. A huge milestone.
                    AF Since April 20, 2008
                    4 Years!!!


                      AF Daily - Monday June 8

                      Hello Abbie Fabbies! Welcome back Bets! Good to have you hanging out with us for now. Sounds exciting moving to a new place! I need to do some decluttering myself. I keep buying more crap and I need to stop that!!!!!

                      Gaia, thanks for getting us started today. I'm not *looking* for an FT job. There is one available at one of our customer sites that Mr. Doggy thought I would like / be good at if I WERE looking for an FT job. So we've been busy discussing the pros and cons of that. I passed along a business card to the consultant who is overseeing the hiring process. It remains to be seen if he even wants to talk to me. Mean time, the list of "cons" is growing longer by the day. And for Mr. D too as each time I do something I would NOT have time to do if working FT, I make sure to mention it. (no more home made jam for PB & J's brought a sad look! :H) What are YOU up to today?

                      Good to see you Mario!

                      Marshy, good to hear you have a day off - seems like you've been working a lot lately. What's potter again? I believe I asked and you answered that some time ago but I forgot. I'm pretty sure it's not something you will be smoking with friends.

                      M3 - glad you had a nice B-Day! I'm trying to imagine how nice it could have been with the flu still running through your house, and the people in it.

                      AA - homework burning. Why didn't I ever hear of that as a kid??? Sounds like a blast!! Glad nobody set their hair on fire. Hope you have a Motivation Monday. Can't wait for your anniversary next week!! Will you be going to get your 3 year coin?

                      Greenie I'm :upset: with you over the leak in the bathroom. What a mess!! I'll hope right along with you that it's not buried in concrete. You are so right that sober is a much more effective way to handle this sort of stuff. Well, ALL sorts of stuff.

                      Lav, if I tried to drink my way through the situation you are in, I'd probably end up in jail for murder. Once again, Mr. Lav should be thankful he is married to you and not me. Have an awesome day with EB (Energizer Bunny)!

                      I am waiting for the water company to come and replace the water meter which has never worked in all the years we've lived here. Speak and they arrive! Zoom zoom...

                      Have a fabbie AF day one and all.

                      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                      One day at a time.

