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AF daily - Tuesday, June 8th

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    AF daily - Tuesday, June 8th

    Ab fabbers!

    I've got another day off! (I'll be making up for it for the rest of the week :H). I'm going to see an exhibition of maps. I love maps! Magnificent Maps: Power, Propaganda and Art - home
    Then for a potter & a swim. Or I might go cwazy and swim first, then potter.

    DG - I looked up "potter" to find the equivalent American term... turns out to be "putter". :H :H
    (:H at no more jam for Mr D if you get a full-time job)

    Momof3, I read your post from yesterday while I was eating breakfast. :yukko: Hope you all feel better soon.

    Hello to everyone who drops in. Have a splendid sober day.
    AF since December 22nd 2008
    Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman

    AF daily - Tuesday, June 8th

    I'm here and I'm clear!
    Goal for today: Try not to be more than 10 min late for work which means GET OFF THE 'PUTER NOW!! :H
    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

    KO the Beast!!


      AF daily - Tuesday, June 8th

      Good morning abbie fabbies! Marshy, thank you for getting us started today. Have a glorious time pottering. Beats the heck out of feeling stabby. I think I will try to use all the new words learned at MWO in one post. Mr. Doggy is definitely thinking hard about all that would be missing if I went to work full time. :H

      Pap, it's a great day in deed if the biggest problem is trying to be no more than 10 min. late to work! (another thing I would have to worry about if I got a FT job....hmmmm....)

      Yesterday was such a glorious day. Moderate temps and sunny. What we missed in "spring" with the early heat wave. Today is rainy but very cool. Nice. Might be one of the last before the REAL summer heat kicks in.

      Our big truck is still in the shop. They are still "waiting for a part." It's getting old having just one vehicle but I just keep thinking that if this is my worst problem for the day, then life is sure grand today. And it will be grand no matter what because I'm not cozying up with AL today - no way.

      Here is my message from the Universe today. Taking Big Girl Pants to a whole new level. :H

      Insecurity, Beth, is the greatest social piranha in the pool of human existence. Yet discovering that no matter what anyone else thinks, you can still choose your own thoughts, manifest your own things, and live happily ever after is like wearing underwater, titanium body armor in your favorite color, with built-in rabbit ear slippers and a ghetto-like hoodie.

      The Universe
      Priceless indeed! I'm going to manifest my own Titanium undies. :grannypants:

      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        AF daily - Tuesday, June 8th

        Hello all,

        Marshy, I have wondered whether it was potter or putter. Does either one have anything to do with golf? Or flowerpots? Or worse... just fartin' around? 'Excuse my French, mes amis!

        I should like to be good at pottering, or puttering. Perhaps it would be useful, or at least help me have more order in the house.

        I love maps too! That looks like a great exhibition.

        DG I'm going to work on the rabbit eared slippers. Now that would help me putter. Oh yeah, and also look for those big girl pants. I know I got some from a little shop in Olde Towne somewhere thinking that some day they might be useful. So when you manifest the undies we can have a fashion show. Ooh la la!
        AF since May 6, 2010

        Forget the past, plan for tomorrow, and live for today.


          AF daily - Tuesday, June 8th

          Morning Ab Fabbers!

          I use the term 'Putzing'. Just putzing around when there is nothing better to do

          Big weather change here too - cool & clear, windows open, AC off - nice! I heat the heat & humidity are due back for the weekend though.

          I've been plagued with a lot os stress induced, bizarre dreams lately (but none involving Colin Tipping Greenie). While I'm out getting my haircut today I think I'll stop & see if I can find something on a CD designed to combat that. Some super soothing music to listen to while falling asleep maybe......

          Wishing everyone a terrific AF Tuesday!
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            AF daily - Tuesday, June 8th

            Good morning, Abbers,

            Everyone is looking good today. Yay!! :goodjob:

            I am doing pretty well, actually, as I titrate up on the Baclofen. I sort of wonder if people hit their "switch" when they simply cannot take these side effects anymore. :H:H

            The only downer for me right now is they shoved my mama into the hospital. Long story and won't go into it but both of my parents are old, 86, and what the system is putting them through is ugly. I have no words to describe. So, plan for today is to get my administriva for work done, have a wonderful afternoon with hubby (it is our 35th wedding anniversary - kind of ages us both, huh?) and be ready to fly in to assist my folks.

            But, really, I am feeling up to any battle I may have to do on my parent's behalf. That is amazing, considering my addiction.

            So, today I am feeling pretty good, hopeful about the Baclofen helping me to beat this addiction and extremely grateful that I can be there for my loved ones.

            Have a nice day, all!!

            AF April 9, 2016


              AF daily - Tuesday, June 8th

              Good Morning All,

              Marshy, Hope you did not lose your breakfast while reading my post! Everyone is well today and back to school thank goodness. My husband is still home grrrr. Wish he would get on to work so I can get to work. Speaking of work, DG, I am perfectly fine working FT as long as it's on my terms (I suspect you feel the same way too). I work for myself and my office is in my home so I am the keeper of my hours. It is the 9 - 5 grind that would kill me. I'm not cut out for it. Of course, when I was drinking, working at home was not good and I probably would have been better off with a job where I went to an office and had regular hours.

              Cinders, I am sorry to hear about your parents. It is so good that they have you to advocate for them. It is very very hard to do for yourself when you are not feeling well. It is absolutely unacceptable what elderly people have to go through with our health care system (all of us for that matter). I wish you the best with them. I know from personal experience that it is no fun living far away from your parents in their time of need.

              I'm headed to Florida next week with my eldest daughter. She is getting out of school 2 weeks earlier than my younger two. I am visiting an old friend whom I have not seen in over 20 years. He was the best friend of my fiance who committed suicide many many years ago. I am anxious anxiety over going to see him because it will bring up alot, but all in all I am looking forward to spending some time with him. He is a dear person and I want him to meet my daughter who happened to be born exactly 14 years to the date after my fiance killed himself. He has two children whom I haven't met yet either. One of them is named after my fiance. His death was very hard on both of us and we leaned on each other quite a bit early on.

              AF Since April 20, 2008
              4 Years!!!


                AF daily - Tuesday, June 8th

                Good morning! Good morning!

                I am home after what seemed like a pretty long, long weekend! 1200 miles in one week is a little much for this home body! I am really glad I do not have to travel for a living! I did manage to keep an eye on you guys from my "crackberry" and I'm glad to hear everyone sounds so well. I don't have much time to comment on everyone, and I'm bad at that anyway, but remember I do read all your posts and care--truly!

                I would say happy belated birthday to M3, and Greenie-I knew you'd enjoy your garage sale. It is fun to watch the different people!

                Even though I was absolutely furious with my husband by the time we left town on Friday, we managed to have a really good trip! It would have been nice to have the camper, but it worked out ok. I drove back and forth to my sister's house so I didn't have to watch them drink to drunkenness every night. The first night, my SIL was well into her cup before I got out of there, but she is harmless, just repeats herself a lot. My sons stayed in their tents, and don't seem to mind being around all the drinking. I asked them what they thought about watching people drink and slowly get drunker. Did they still want to drink when they get older? Of course, but they wouldn't drink that much. LOL
                It was so wonderful to be able to hop in the car and drive the 20 miles to the farm, and feel great the next morning! My in-laws are also chain smokers, and it almost made me sick to my stomach to think about how shitty I would feel if I still drank and smoked like I did. I'm also more at ease around all the drinkers. But, I will admit, there was a twinge when they brought out the Bud Light Lime which sounded pretty good after a hot day watching motocross! So, the boys and I headed to the ice cream store.

                There were some really bad storms in the area last night. Tornadoes were spotted so we spent the evening in the basement. We got lucky here though. My son and I were headed right into it for a baseball game when they called it off. I am so grateful we turned around when we did!

                I still don't have my garden planted, hell, I haven't hardly done any yard work or anything outside! I hope now, it slows down just a bit, I can stay home and get some of MY stuff done! The garden will def have to be down-sized this year.

                On the up-side. I think sister Terry is heading in the right direction on her long road to recovery. She has good and bad days, but they hired someone to come in and help her, so that is peace of mind for her hubby and the rest of us. Her next step will be radiation to the pituitary to try to shut down the Cushings disease. A little scary, but has to be done.

                Ta ta for now!:h
                NF since June 1, 2008
                AF since September 28, 2008
                DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                  AF daily - Tuesday, June 8th

                  Oh! And I started writing a book! :H Reading them kept putting me to sleep, so I decided to write one. It is about my drinking life. I'd like to turn it into some kind of memoir for young girls. I don't know. I've got a long ways to go with it. My kids are fascinated with it, but I won't tell them what it's about or let them near it! I need to keep it under lock and key actually. I figure, if Carrie Fisher can do it, so can I!!! :H

                  A theme kept popping up as I was writing, and so the title will be "I Don't Remember" or "I Can't Remember".

                  Maybe I could include some stories from my friends here at MWO???????????
                  NF since June 1, 2008
                  AF since September 28, 2008
                  DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                  :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                  5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                  The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                    AF daily - Tuesday, June 8th

                    Fabbies!!! Wow, everybody had sandwich material today!!! I have to hop in the shower. GF who is living in Japan is "home" and we're going to lunch at a gas station. :H Really! Kind of place that would be in iners, Dives, and Drive-ins". Don't have those in Japan. She gave me the red kimono robe that is currently showing in the neighborhood. I'll check back later on.
                    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

