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Journey thru June - Week 2

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    Journey thru June - Week 2

    Hi Soots, Lav & Rusty wishing you all a great AF friday!

    Lav - I SOOO wish I lived near you, raspberries are my fav berries and I have them every morning on my cereal... yum
    I hope Mr Lav suprises you tomorrow with some conversation.

    The world has gone football crazy, I dont want to admit it to the guys but I do love all the ceremony & excitement surrounding it although I will be sick of it in a couple of weeks! I guess it is nice though to have something going on that unites different nations instead of the usual bickering that goes on in the world.
    "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
    AF - JAN 1st 2010
    NF - May 1996


      Journey thru June - Week 2

      Morning all,
      Lav I too am on my way over with a bucket to get some berries.
      Good luck with your husband's visit. Wondering, would you be able to meet with him and his therapist?

      Chill, watching my 2 younger sons who are huge sports fans get caught up in the world cup frenzy. Even though they claim to not care a lick for soccer!

      My last day here for a while. Heading to my sister's east of here tomorrow. Then on to Arizona. Feeling very melancholy this morning. It's foggy, damp. Too much coffee on an empty stomach.
      waiting for people to wake up!


        Journey thru June - Week 2

        Lav I'm coming right over - raspberries are just my favourite. We are going to plant canes this autumn - it sounds like you must have loads.
        Chill I agree that it is good to have sporting events that unite people ... if only that unity would last.
        Sped have a good trip - hope you're feeling better now
        Rusty, lovely to see you, glad you're doing so well.
        Where is everyone???????????
        love Sooty


          Journey thru June - Week 2

          Rusty, Chill, Shelley, Sooty & the rest -

          Can't wait until you all get here While you are picking rasberries I'll put some burgers on the grill, make some potato salad - yum! If we only could get together for a day or two...... Raspberries are everyone's favorite I think. We have some many to share!

          Well, we'll see what happens tomorrow. I haven't heard a peep from him since last Saturday.

          Where is Dill today? I know LBH has no computer access right now.
          Wishing everyone a peaceful evening.

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Journey thru June - Week 2

            Happy AF Saturday one and all. I've got a busy day planned so I'll see you later this evening.
            Will we still be friends after my country has beaten yours at football?????:H
            Thinking of you Lav - hope he contacts you soon.
            Dill - come back here right now!
            Loads of love to everyone


              Journey thru June - Week 2

              Good morning, June travellers!

              Sorry I missed posting yesterday, it was just one of those busy days! I had a wonderful, looooong walk in the cool of the morning. I met with a friend for coffee and a chat. Then it was home to garden and a few chores, then off to a doctor's appointment with Mr. D., shopping at Gander Mountain, and dinner at Fazoli's. Of course, when you live rurally like I do, just getting somewhere takes awhile! By the time we got home it was time to settle in and watch the movie we got from Netflix. The movie was really good. It had childhood star Gary Cooper and a young Anthony Perkins. It was called Freindly Persuasion. I enjoy watching old movies because they are from a time when movies were entertaining and positive, not like today's movies where there are so many that are so raw and nerve-jangling. It's nice being able to enjoy a movie AF. I don't know how many movies I have watched that I don't remember a minute of!

              At Gander Mountain we bought things for our new hobby: a used 23 foot boat! We have never had a boat before and it is really exciting! This one is pretty old and needs a lot of tinkering, but it is just about ready to launch!

              Sped, I am definitely enjoying summer break!!!
              Lav, it has been so rainy lately! It is hard to keep up with the weeds! My lime and chocolate mint plants are safely in the ground and doing well. I used one of the lime mint leaves in my ice water a couple days ago and found it very pleasant.
              Sooty, I hope your peas are ready to pick! We have been enjoying ours!
              Chill, Rustop, Rusty, Red, LBH, Giai, Spuddle, and all who stop in, have a great AF day!

              Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

              If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                Journey thru June - Week 2

                Good Morning Guys,

                Lav-I love raspberries! I wish sometime you could change your avatar and put a picture of your garden/yard on it so we can envision what our BBQ will be like. Make my burger medium, please, with a little onion.;=) :-) So sorry Mr. Lav is MIA again. Maybe he is like an alcoholic, if he runs away/self-medicates then his problems will go away? He sounds like his pain is so deep...if he only realized that you would both feel better if he would talk to you about it. It's so sad because you're such a lovely person....someone anyone would treasure as a spouse and friend. Are you going to have a date with your favorite guy today?

                Sooty....Um, sure, we can still be friends after OUR country beats yours at football. Why break up over a silly game like that?:H This country has gone nuts over the World Cup, and the fact that the Chicago Blackhawks Hockey Team won the Stanley Cup for the first time in 49 years.

                Dill-great to see you. Hope you are enjoying summer break....must be a relief because I know your job is stressful.

                Chill-Lovely to see you, too.

                Star, LBH, Sped, and all my other friends, have a wonderful Saturday!


                  Journey thru June - Week 2

                  Hi Lav, Dill, Sooty, Rusty and all to come....

                  Lav - your description of lunch sounds devine! Wouldnt it be just wonderful if we could all actually beam ourselves over and have a MWO lunch together.....

                  I have just spent a lovely morning drinking coffee with Mario and the lovely Mrs Mario who are over in Portugal this week

                  Dill - I havent seen an old B&W movie in years! It reminds me of rainy sunday afternoons at my in-laws, me & MIL would be watching one together while the men discussed sport in the other room...

                  Today's affirmation is "I know that it's okay to be sad sometimes. Sadness is just another feeling. I allow it to be, and then it passes away." This certainly describes me earlier this week but as it says, it passes.... :happyheart:
                  "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                  AF - JAN 1st 2010
                  NF - May 1996


                    Journey thru June - Week 2

                    Good afternoon June friends

                    Chill, speaking of moods.......... mine was fairly dark yesterday anticipating Mr Lav's grass cutting visit today. He left me last weekend with a lot of unanswered questions clogging up head. Well, I believe I now have a clear picture of what is happening in his head. It is simply the same problem that he's always had.......he's still operating in child's ego. He has never ever been able to put away the wounded child victim mentality, pull on the big boy pants & operate in an independent adult manner.
                    I asked him today if he was waiting for permission from someone to be a grownup - he actually said yes!!!! Can you believe it????

                    Rusty, he is not a drinker or user of any substance. He worked 29 years as a police officer & detective. He is intelligent, college educated & quite capable of doing anything he wants to do! He was emotionally wounded by his alcoholic father & overbearing mother. Frankly, they were pathetic people who not only messed him up but his 3 siblings as well. These feelings of inadequacy rise up & bite him in the ass everytime something significant happens in life such as his retirement from the PD, the death of his parents in the last few years & now with his anticipated retirement from his current stressful job.

                    I just need to get him to understand that I AM NOT THE ENEMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                    I have been on his side, his friend, his #1 cheerleader for 40 years. I'm pretty sure he heard my message today so I guess at least some of my hope has been restored. I am a pretty damn nice person when I'm allowed to be

                    I just want to thank all of you for being my friends & listening to me, I love you all!
                    Staying on the Sober Bus Sooty - no matter what!

                    Wishing everyone a lovely & fulfilling day!

                    PS: Dill, where are you going to use your boat? The Chesapeake Bay is just minutes away from here - wouldn't that be nice?
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Journey thru June - Week 2

                      Morning all - Lav i really hope that one day he will realise that you are on his side - it does sound like something is beginning to happen with him ... lets hope he grows up real soon!
                      Well rain is forecast for this afternoon so Mr S and I are off out for a walk this morning to test the dodgy ankle - and yes I'm going over to the cliffs! I'm so excited. Will report back later.
                      Have a lovely Sunday everyone
                      love Sooty


                        Journey thru June - Week 2

                        Good Morning Sooty and all to come....

                        Lav - Just thinking about Mr Lav, Im sure he does realize you are not the enemy and as he hasnt much to communicate he doesnt seem to have any arguement with you? Therefore, I wonder why he felt the need to leave, hopefully because he needed some time on him own to deal with the issues of the past. Maybe underneath that silence in his own way he is working them through? I really hope so..... :l

                        Its a beautiful day here and I was out cycling by 9am, wow on a sunday morning that would have been unheard of, I never want to stop appreciating my sobriety! Amazon delivered me "Mindful Recovery" a spiritual path to healing from addiction, I think someone on this thread recommended it? So Im planning to spend the afternoon reading in the garden.

                        Sending you all much love and wishing you a peaceful AF Sunday
                        "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                        AF - JAN 1st 2010
                        NF - May 1996


                          Journey thru June - Week 2

                          hi all. hope a great sober sunday is on the way.
                          chill, you inspire me with your cycling. i used to cycle loads and really enjoy it. slowly getting back to it. only going about 4 miles at the moment, but its a start. it must be so difficult for people who have never exercised. im finding it a bit hard but i know i have it in me and i know how much i enjoy it so it makes it easier mentally. its raining today so i may do some much needed bike maintenance. my gears and brakes are a bit iffy (yeah of course i use that as an excuse for my lazyness). soon ill be pedalling off into the sunset....prolly not the sunrise.... im not a morning person
                          Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
                          Keep passing the open windows


                            Journey thru June - Week 2

                            You can do it Spuds!!
                            "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                            AF - JAN 1st 2010
                            NF - May 1996


                              Journey thru June - Week 2

                              :H:H:H :l
                              Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
                              Keep passing the open windows


                                Journey thru June - Week 2

                                Good morning, friends!

                                Chill, let me know what you think of the book. I am not the one who recommended it, but maybe I should read it. Cycling sounds like fun!
                                Lav, Is Mr. L transferring his feelings about his mother on to you? Maybe his leaving is giving him the space and time to sort out his confused thoughts and feelings. It sounds like your last visit was more positive. Maybe he is turning a corner, eh? I hope so.
                                Sooty, hurray!!! Back to the cliffs today, you lucky girl!
                                Sped, have a good time with your sister! Have you been doing a lot of soul searching on this trip in regards to your marriage?
                                Hi Rusty! Sports fans over here are all excited about the World Cup, too. It's not something I am into though.
                                Hi Spuddle, it's raining here today, too. It seems like that's all we ever have lately! The ground is saturated and the weeds are knee high out in the garden!

                                "Years of living with an alcoholic is almost sure to make any
                                wife or child neurotic. The entire family is to some extent,

                                ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS, p. 122
                                Lav, this topic on Daily Recover Readings reminded me of Mr. L. I'll bet his parents never made amends to him and he has suffered for it. Daily Recovery Readings

                                Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                                If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.

