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AF Daily - Friday June 11

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    AF Daily - Friday June 11

    Cinders;884335 wrote:

    I basically fell asleep but "napped" with such vivid dreams and I could not open my eyes to wake up. It was horrible. I kept dreaming I was trying to get out of bed and falling down, and then I would realize I was still in the bed and hadn't moved.

    Cindi - This sounds very like sleep paralysis which I have suffered from all my adult life. It usually occurs during period of anxiety in your life. When I get it, it feels like Im awake and usually I think there is an intruder in the house and I want to get up but my whole body is paralysed including my ability to call out. It can be caused by certain medications so if it happens again it could be connected to your increase in dosage.
    "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
    AF - JAN 1st 2010
    NF - May 1996


      AF Daily - Friday June 11

      Cindi, that sounds horrible. Please be careful, it's obviously powerful stuff. But, yeah, I know how it feels to want everything NOW!

      Papmom - not my grandson - I don't have kids even! Just a friend's kid. Good for you for dealing with the job news in a positive way, and having a plan to work on this weekend.

      Greenie, forgot to ask earlier - are you thinking that your sister might have a problem?
      AF since December 22nd 2008
      Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


        AF Daily - Friday June 11

        Hi All...crazy busy day for me today, but I am now finished until Monday! I even sent in my expense report today! Yeah! Me!

        Gosh Marshy, Chill is so right about the Circle of Life. I absolutely love that song. I played it for my granddaughters when I talked to them about the death of my father. I think it makes sense and it softens the thought of loss. At least for me it does.

        By the way, I want to thank everyone for their well wishes about my new grandson. Yes, LVT Luke is a beautiful name! I also love his middle name, Theron, I think of an author!

        Over the past few days, I have been really finding myself coming from a place of pure gratitude. Hippie wrote a great post on Thinking that we are a different case of alcoholism. Don't we all!!! I can remember BSing myself about having larger issues than most and therefore it was harder for me to stop drinking than it was for others. Pure BS! The pure fact is that alcoholism is wicked and cunning and it twists our thinking. From my experience, and yes, it is only my experience, I think our thinking stays somewhat skewed for a year or more after we stop drinking and that is why so many never make it to even the one year mark. Just when we think we are sailing along.....a new wave of twisted thinking comes in and we either fight or take flight! I am wishing everyone the where with all to fight and keep pushing forward!

        Have a great weekend all!
        xo Kate
        A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

        AF 12/6/2007


          AF Daily - Friday June 11

          Evening all,

          papmom, I'm tucked down in the southeast corner of PA 1/4 mile from the MD stateline (pretty much sitting on the Mason Dixon line). We planted I don't know how many raspberry canes several years ago & they have just exploded!!! They apparently like growing here
          I will have raspberries coming out of my ears for the next 2 weeks or more - come help yourselves

          Kate, congrats on your new grandson, how wonderful!
          I promise you that I will keep moving forward, no matter what!!!!

          Have a good night everyone!
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            AF Daily - Friday June 11

            Yeah Lav....I am rooting for you!

            And....I am so jealous of your wild raspberries! Yummy!!

            Sweet Dreams, All!
            A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

            AF 12/6/2007


              AF Daily - Friday June 11

              I'm such a dumb blonde!! I originally had Kate's name down for the grandson congrats and changed it to Marshy!! Well, congrats to both of you -Marshy, will you be an honorary relative?
              Oh Lav, I so wish I could come and pick some yummy rasberries!! You're only about 6 or 7 hours from me!! It's doable as a day trip :H
              New Birthday: May 8, 2010

              "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

              KO the Beast!!


                AF Daily - Friday June 11

                Marshy;884373 wrote: Greenie, forgot to ask earlier - are you thinking that your sister might have a problem?
                No. Sounded like that though didn't it? I just didn't like the idea of people discussing whether or not it should be served because of me. No... it's more than that. Let me sort through this.....bear with. Is it considered normie behavior for one's sister to say Yes, do serve wine because she'll be fine and I want to have wine. How does she know she'll want wine days from the conversation? Why do I care? Why am I mulling over this? Ugh. I can't even begin to guess at normie behavior.
                Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                  AF Daily - Friday June 11

                  greeneyes;884749 wrote: No. Sounded like that though didn't it? I just didn't like the idea of people discussing whether or not it should be served because of me. No... it's more than that. Let me sort through this.....bear with. Is it considered normie behavior for one's sister to say Yes, do serve wine because she'll be fine and I want to have wine. How does she know she'll want wine days from the conversation? Why do I care? Why am I mulling over this? Ugh. I can't even begin to guess at normie behavior.
                  Greenie, would it have felt different if they'd asked you if it was OK to serve wine? As you say, the idea of us being discussed rankles, especially when we just want to feel "normal" and fit in.

                  I think it shows a lot of caring from your friends, though. They obviously want you to feel totally comfortable and don't know if having alcohol around will be a problem for you. And they thought maybe you'd be embarrassed if they asked you, so they asked your sister instead. I can see the thought process involved.
                  AF since December 22nd 2008
                  Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                    AF Daily - Friday June 11

                    Well yes,,, and they are her DIL's parents so I'm just friends by association. It prob was awkward for them.
                    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

