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AF Daily - Saturday June 12

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    AF Daily - Saturday June 12

    Morning everyone!! Loved the posts today. I really must get over my fear of traveling!! SB-I've been involved in some off the cuff totally unexpected conversations myself over the years-usually instigated by me :H !! I'm just that way-will talk to anyone about anything!!

    CityMama-:welcome: So glad you found us. Here's the link to the toolbox-start at the very beginning as it's very long and the first couple of posts have great information:

    Also, head over to the Newbies Nest under Just Starting Out. We are all pretty new to an AF life and we all support each other with taking it ODAT (one day at a time). Lots of good advice, encouragment and non judgemental support. Hope to see you there!!
    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

    KO the Beast!!


      AF Daily - Saturday June 12

      Morning everyone!! Loved the posts today. I really must get over my fear of traveling!! SB-I've been involved in some off the cuff totally unexpected conversations myself over the years-usually instigated by me :H !! I'm just that way-will talk to anyone about anything!!

      CityMama-:welcome: So glad you found us. Here's the link to the toolbox-start at the very beginning as it's very long and the first couple of posts have great information (all the posts do but this will really help you get started):

      Also, head over to the Newbies Nest under Just Starting Out. We are all pretty new to an AF life and we all support each other with taking it ODAT (one day at a time). Lots of good advice, encouragment and non judgemental support. Hope to see you there!!
      New Birthday: May 8, 2010

      "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

      KO the Beast!!


        AF Daily - Saturday June 12

        Hello Everyone and a big :welcome: to citymama!!

        Had a great read and would love to spend the time responding but decided at last minute to try to refinance our house and property. Appraiser comes this week and lots of work to do to get ready.

        Even if things fall apart, I am glad we started this. We really needed to do some clean up. :H:H

        Citymama, I can't add much to what others have suggested. It is a struggle, no doubt, but doable and many here have succeeded in spades. Listen to the successful ones. They know what they are talking about.

        Love to all,

        ps I'll check in later and see how things are going. Oh, and I pm'd Det yesterday because I had been missing him, myself, and he just said he is doing so well and getting into so many other things that he doesn't have much time to stay on MWO. He said to check him out in chat, though, he still visits there.
        AF April 9, 2016


          AF Daily - Saturday June 12

          Hello Fabbie Abbies! Special :welcome: to Citimama And thanks for jumping right in and starting the thread today and setting a great goal for an AF day! Whatever the outcome, that strength and determination will serve you very well. I second the motions about downloading the book, reading the Toolbox thread, and always having a solid plan in place any time you venture out around AL (i.e. today!) My standard plan for attending events where AL will be present is:

          1. Eat before I go (and while I'm there).
          2. Decide in advance what I WILL drink and take it with me if appropriate.
          3. Have a plan to arrive late and leave early. The exit strategy is very important. If it comes down to a choice of drink or leave, I will leave every time. Sometimes this means my husband and I go in separate cars. That's OK. I'm willing to do whatever it takes.

          I think I'm leaving something out but I'll come back and add it later if I think of it.

          Hello to everyone else!

          I spent quite a bit of time in the last 24 hours helping a homeless guy try to get treatment. I'm going to write more about that in the AA thread FWIW. I'm learning a LOT about how things *really* work in our healthcare system. I am also learning how very little separates me from these homeless guys. I guess I always thought they were very very different from me. Not so much. Alcoholism can lead any of us there. I thank God my bottom was as high as it was. I have no idea if this guy will get sober or not. The odds are greatly stacked in favor of him NOT getting sober. But for some reason, this situation was plopped before me. I am taught in AA to always be willing to reach out my hand to another alcoholic. When the alcoholic practically falls in my lap, there seemed only one right thing to do. I'm glad I helped. He is now in a hospital detox which would NOT have happened for him if nobody were advocating on his behalf, and a few other strokes of luck or God or something. Now it will be up to him what he does with it.

          Well, I just typed more than I meant to! Hope you remembered your sandwich!

          I'm going to visit the AA thread and then maybe take a nap. I sure wish I could go pick a bunch of Lav's rasberries for some jam!!!!!!

          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            AF Daily - Saturday June 12

            DG, I'm getting ready to put some burgers on the grill. You can pick raspberries while I tend to the grill

            Welcome Citimama, you have found a good place! Great people here with lots of experience & terrific advice for you.

            Bets, I love to bake. Send me your address & I'll mail you some scones & a jar of homemade raspberry jam

            Marshy, both of our families (except for the Polish ones) originated in England. I suppose when they stepped off the boat in the new world they figured what the hell - I can talk now, ha ha I think we do do a lot of talking & probably need to be told to shut up once in a while!

            Greetings to all the Abbers - hope your day is a good one!
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              AF Daily - Saturday June 12


              I am sending you a PM. I'm afraid I didn't explain myself very well. Please forgive me.

              Cindi, good luck on the are so funny. I sent you a message in the holistic healing silly wonderful funny girl.

              DG-bless your heart for helping someone in need. I am from Wisconsin but when I travel through Illinois and drive past Starved Rock State Park I think of you and Mr. Doggy.

              Pap, Sweaty, and LV....I love reading your posts.

              I have been sad all day and have done, and still doing...a lot of crying. Part of the healing process, I guess.


                AF Daily - Saturday June 12

                Rusty, I am sorry you are feeling sad today. It's funny - it is really NORMAL for people to feel different feelings. Highs and lows. Ups and downs. Happy and sad. I used to use AL to try to level everything out. (well, and just to make excuses to get drunk!!) It seemed so strange at first to actually let the highs and lows FLOW. So yes, I do think what you are experiencing is just part of the healing process. I hope in some odd way you can celebrate that knowledge.

                PS - I'm packing to leave for Lav's house. I cannot resist burgers and jam!!

                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                One day at a time.


                  AF Daily - Saturday June 12


                  No, I didn't raise my kids that way but when you get right down to it, my mama was doing the exact same thing being touted today as a way to clear toxins. Some of those "old wives tales" have a long history of knowledge and experience behind them.

                  The two drops of turpentine on a sugar cube for menstrual cramps was probably NOT a good idea, though. Thank Heavens she never did that one to me. :shocked:

                  AF April 9, 2016


                    AF Daily - Saturday June 12

                    It's 6PM and i'm in my witching hour! So far i've had diet coke and seltzer with lemon. No juice for me and it's hard to eat compensatory treats as i'm diabetic... yes - even more reason to get the alcohol under control. Just logged onto the board here to remind myself i can stay strong.


                      AF Daily - Saturday June 12

                      You can do it Citymama! I was just posting on another thread that I used to keep a written list of things to do. Fun things, task things, all kinds of things. When a strong urge would grip me, I could easily distract myself by just pulling out the list and picking something.

                      Shopping can be fun. And there are some really great sales going on right now!

                      I am sorry to hear you are diabetic. My Dad is diabetic and I am hoping to NOT go there. That is a motivating factor for me in my sobriety, exercise and diet plans. Good that you are giving up the booze.

                      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                      One day at a time.


                        AF Daily - Saturday June 12

                        Happy Saturday!

                        Everyone in my home is healthy finally.

                        Citymama, Welcome. Check out the toolbox thread for lots of good ideas for staying AF. And, if people ask you why you're not drinking, you can tell them it is because you are a diabetic.

                        Doing lots of laundry and cleaning this weekend. Off to Florida on Tuesday.

                        AF Since April 20, 2008
                        4 Years!!!


                          AF Daily - Saturday June 12

                          M3, good to hear everyone is finally feeling better! Hope FL is for vacation and not work!

                          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                          One day at a time.


                            AF Daily - Saturday June 12

                            Failed But still sober -- just had two glasses of wine - spaced apart at least. urrghhh. i've seen lots of success stories on this board so i feel horrible posting a failure story but i feel like i have to be honest, else it's pointless. going to head to bed with my girls to keep me out of further trouble with the drinking grown ups...

