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AF Daily - Monday June 14

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    AF Daily - Monday June 14

    Hello everyone,

    Great to see so many new people on this thread. What I like about it is that everyone here is focused on the same goal. I love the other daily threads too, and all of my dear friends who populate them, but for me in my recovery at the moment I need the focus.

    Today I am happy about being almost half way through my first full calendar month AF. I am grateful for the early morning air, and the stillness in my garden which calms me as I look out the window. I am grateful to have another day as a sober mommy for my children. And I am grateful that the internet exists, and that through it I have found MWO and WFS.

    Best to all.
    AF since May 6, 2010

    Forget the past, plan for tomorrow, and live for today.

    AF Daily - Monday June 14

    Good Morning Gaia - You are an early riser! Are you in UK?

    Its a beautiful morning here and I have just had a lovely walk through the woods with my dog. As usual there was chatter going on in my mind and I was imagining a conversation I will probably be having this week justifying my not drinking. What I realized when I got back was that I was really trying to make the other person see why it was a bad idea, I am no longer trying or needing to convince myself.... This feels like a huge step forward to me. That nagging voice telling me that maybe I could seems to have gone, I will however stay vigilant as I know he may try and sneak back in. But for now I will enjoy my progress.....
    "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
    AF - JAN 1st 2010
    NF - May 1996


      AF Daily - Monday June 14

      Good Morning Guys!!

      A new week lays out before us, I love Mondays,they are so full of hope and promise.

      Gaia, great work on the AF days, you are really stackin them up!!

      Chilly, Good for you, that is a huge step and one that puts peace in your heart I would imagine. Nice one!

      I came across this quote this morning and I think it applies to each and every one of us....

      Superman's not brave. You can't be brave if you're indestructible. It's every day people, like you and me, that are brave knowing we could easily be defeated but still continue forward.

      Have a great, happy, peaceful, sober day!!

      Oney x
      "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

      AF 10th May 2010
      NF 12th May 2010


        AF Daily - Monday June 14

        Oney - What a fantastic quote! Im going to paste it on the quotes thread if you havent already done so.

        Just been to a yoga class, 1st in ages, it was really nice and we ended with a relaxation with lavendar scented eye pillows.... I have to admit to dropping off to sleep but it was a nice way to ease myself into monday!

        Dont you wish sometimes you could hit the pause button on life and make it all just stop? I feel I could do with a couple of weeks to catch up before it all goes on...
        "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
        AF - JAN 1st 2010
        NF - May 1996


          AF Daily - Monday June 14

          Swimmers take your mark!!!!

          I too love mondays!! The canvas of the week lays before us waiting to be painted in beautiful flowing colors of our lives as we choose to live them. Mine starts with baby blues and pinks like this morning's sunrise. Baby colors, new and innocent, waiting to discover the wonders of the day. (lawd greenie, get some coffee)

          The repair work begins on the house today and I could NEVER EVER IN A MILLION YEARS pull this off if I were drinking. Hate it for the workers as it is to be a 100 degree week. Schmoozing never hurts so I'll make gallons of iced tea for them. See if I can fake the homemade cookie thing. :H

          LVT, the guy asked me directly if my issue was only alcohol or was it drugs too. I'm sure he would have asked which drug(s) if that were the case. He wanted to know what it was like, was it related to my circumstances (that marital fiasco), and what did I do and how did it work and how was I different now. He talked about HIS drinking & depression and understood my points but didn't seem on the page of being ready to do anything. That conversation was 1 to1 in the kitchen. The looks between sister and I were about other topics that were initiated in group setting. (we had a good gossip at breakfast the next day :H) The man is not a stranger - but I've only been in his company 3 prior times at wedding events. I wonder now if he was getting a feel for alcoholism in the family as their daughter and my nephew are expecting. I think it was more about him though. I'd like to think I was a beacon of hope if he's wanting to change.

          Someone knocked on the door at 7 AM Saturday. Sister and I were suprised and I said it must be someone wanting the rotty vanity that was by the street. I opened the door and it was not until I was called by my nickname that I realized it was FH!!!! Can I really be that far removed now?? He had on a hat which he never wears, but honestly I am quite certain my mouth fell open. I gently shooed him away and went back inside where sister and I looked at each other and said "Holy Shit!" :H

          I've got some things to do outside before Mr. Sun gets rolling! :toohot:

          Have an absolutely marvelous monday and use lots and lots of paint!!
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            AF Daily - Monday June 14

            BTW, I snagged a pair of these for the tundra at CVS Pharmacy on sale for $10.39 2 year guarantee, anti-microbal, USA made, diswasher safe, recyclable, SWEET! Everybody needs a pair! I got the pink maui flip-flops

            Okabashi: sandals, flip flops, shoes and footwear

            Chill, in addition to a pause button, I'd like a rewind as well!
            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


              AF Daily - Monday June 14

              I've seen those flip flops at CVS Greenie but wasn't willing to pay $15 for them. Great sale!! I'll see if my local store has the same sale. Can't have enough flip flops for the summer-especially in Pink :H !!

              Good Morning everyone from foggy grey New England. Sun is supposed to shine later on then go back but tomorrow is supposed to be gorgeous.(I am thankful I have a job; I am thankful I have a job).

              This week starts my first week without going to my part time job and I don't work at the RE office on Saturday so it's "almost" like being on vacation. I hope I use the time productively. I might even hop into chat one of these nites. Wednesday nite I start my 6 week online course in Dreamweaver and I'm very excited. At least now I'll have plenty of time to devote to the lessons whereas before I would have been squeezing the time out of practically nothing. See? Lemonade!!

              Have a great day everyone!! Greenie-what does FH stand for?

              New Birthday: May 8, 2010

              "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

              KO the Beast!!


                AF Daily - Monday June 14

                Morning all - am so glad to hear that everyone is off to such a wonderful start! Hate to write and run but it is time to start my day....

                I'm really finding that spending a couple of minutes meditating in the morning really helps focus my mind and start the day off right. Now, I have to try and not do the normally alcoholic thing, which is stopping doing something that is working for me. Just like always, one day at a time!
                Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


                  AF Daily - Monday June 14

                  FH is former husband or fuckhead, depending on how he acts. What's a dreamweaver class?
                  Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                    AF Daily - Monday June 14

                    Good morning all!

                    Didn't realize it was so late. I like Mondays as well, especially when I'm not too busy! I have a little work to get to today but not too much

                    Hot, humid & hazy here as well Greenie. I think I'll spend my afternoon organizing in my cool & dry stock room

                    My EO was here Saturday & told me he is going to go ahead & tell his therapist to 'get him ready' to return home. WTF does that mean???? I think he's stepped into insanity-land this time. After 8 weeks here on my own I'm thinking this really isn't so bad............

                    Wishing everyone peace, comfort & an AF Monday!
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      AF Daily - Monday June 14


                      What does EO mean? I think I need a Glossary of Terms for MWO.

                      Regarding Mr. Lav? Don't you just wish you could get in someone's head? Being alone isn't so bad, is it? I've been alone all my life....never been married, never lived with anyone, and YES, I've dated A LOT! And no, I am NOT gay. Somewhere here thought I was a gay man. AHEM. Nope, I am a single, white female, and straight. (heh, heh ;-) ) Well, it seems like you've enjoyed your quasi-singlehood the last few months, Lav.


                        AF Daily - Monday June 14

                        Hey Rusty, me too!! But I haven't dated a whole lot unless you count the one night stands after drunken binges in college and my 20s and 30s. My mom actually accused me of being gay one day because I didn't want to go on a second date with a guy who called his FW (I'm getting it!!) the C word!! Course she was in the beginnings of Alzeimers but we didn't know it then. Still floors me that she thought being gay was such a horrible thing!!

                        Lav, I sure hope his therapist takes his sweet time getting him "ready" to come back home-like maybe forever if that's what you want.

                        Greenie-LOL on the definition of FH!! Dreamweaver is web developing software that pretty cool but I can't figure out this newest version. I used to work with the first version about 10 years ago when it was super easy. This is supposed to be really user friendly but its too overwhelming right now. My brother asked me to take over the maintenance of his website and I stupidly said yes. But I found a course that he's willing to pay for and if I do well, maybe I'll branch out. I'm pretty cheap. Always have been apparently :H :H
                        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                        KO the Beast!!


                          AF Daily - Monday June 14

                          Hi all! Reporting in from Mary Kay dAy at curves. From the iPhone. Miss the big keyboard but on the bright side, no need for a sandwich today. . Iove Mondays too. Enjoyed reading evryones posts. I am so grateful for contented sobriety today! Lurking is easier than posting from the iPhone so I shall sign off now!
                          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                          One day at a time.


                            AF Daily - Monday June 14

                            EO would be "estranged one". Fuckhead still works though if necessary.

                            Lav. At the risk of being snarky I have to ask.... WTF??? Get him ready? How about she teaches him to get HIMSELF ready?? He needs some big boy pants a' la titanium. Lav, what about you? Are YOU ready?
                            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                              AF Daily - Monday June 14

                              Happy Monday Ab Fabbers!

                              Greenie, I swear, you make the energizer bunny look downright lazy!! Will you be sun bathing during the hot weather!?!? LOL!

                              Lav, I am thinking of you and hoping that you are enjoying this time of independence! I am a firm believer in autonomy, even when in a relationship or marriage!

                              DG...wishing you great success on your MK event today!

                              I had a wonderful weekend, spent saturday going to Sex in the City 2 with my was very entertaining and fun! Then I took her family out to dinner for her B-Day! That baby gets more beautiful every day!! Yesterday was spent with my daughter her old friend who lived with us for a while, her son and all three grandkids....we had a fabulous day!

                              Last night I was thinking, I have made some very tough decisions in my lifetime, but, today I am happy to be where I am. None of this would be possible had I not made tough choices and continued to move forward. My two greatest decisions, divorcing my ex, even though he took me to the cleaners financially and getting sober. The second I do not believe would have been possible, had I not made the first decision!

                              Happy Monday All!
                              xo Kate
                              A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                              AF 12/6/2007

