For those who are not aware of my story, I will give a short version. Basially I started Bac in February and hit my switch very early - 60mg. I have been AF for 4 months and staying at 60mg. Baclofen has saved my life.
But lately (the last week or so), I have had thoughts of wanting to mod. I doubt if I can, and personally I really dont want to but the thoughts are there. I was at a wedding this weekend and everyone was pressuring me to drink and I hate trying to explain why I didnt want to.
I read somewhere that I believe it was Brave Heart was modding on bac and that got me questioning if I could or not. has anyone experienced this? And what happened? Should I increase my dosage? I truly do not want to mod, and I will increase dosage if I have to but just didnt think I needed to when I hit the switch.
I also do not want noobies to read this and loose hope, bac truly is a miracle drug for this disease.
Any advice would be appreciated.