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AF Daily - Tuesday June 15

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    AF Daily - Tuesday June 15

    Hello Abbies,

    Well I missed lots of fun yesterday - Greenie I just fell out of my chair when I was that FH wanted a haircut. I also think that FH is about the funniest acronym I've seen. Do you think he might want you back?

    Lav what is he 'getting ready for?" It does take 2 to tango, last time I checked, and I am do glad to hear your resolve in not letting him drag you down again. I think we can never blame someone else for our drinking, but the environment can be right for us to stop taking care of ourselves. I can certainly relate to that, although I accept for responsibility for my actions.

    Morning Chill, Marshy, LV, Papmom, AAthlete, I gotta get kids up now. Check in later.
    AF since May 6, 2010

    Forget the past, plan for tomorrow, and live for today.

    AF Daily - Tuesday June 15

    Morning fabs!

    Thanks for the start gaia! I'm up eating apple slices with the chocolate peanut butter.

    FH, yeah well I guess he might want me back. I seem to be his reason to live, to make him whole, and all that - in tearful non-conversations (monologues) He confuses love with need. It isn't me he wants, it's my stability and energy - what I represent that he doesn't have. I can't go back to that. It's toxic for me.

    I'm going to cease the budding relationship with the painting crew. Too many things went awry and my confidence cannot be restored. This is what went wrong before I stopped them before they painted.

    Not enough wood for the fascia repair.
    He forgot about the 15 feet of siding that needed to be replaced, saying I hope I can find some that matches.
    The non-english speaking painters showed up and were preparing to spray paint without masking windows and trim and protecting shrubs and didn't seem to think it odd to be painting over 8 years of dirt, pollen, mildew and peeling paint. WTF?? Ever heard of prep??? I couldn't even talk to them about it but they sure understood my version of NO!
    When I told the head guy no cig butts in the yard after I saw some, he said he tells them that, but they keep doing it. That small thing tells me his painters don't follow simple instructions nor do they respect the customers property

    Cant' believe I finished off that peanut butter. Stress eating. Beats the hell out of drinking!

    Back to bed now!
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      AF Daily - Tuesday June 15

      Morning Gaia & Greenie & all to come,

      Greenie - what are you doing up at this hour? Dwelling on the painting? Prep is everything. I had my bathroom painted after a pipe in the wall leaked a couple of years ago. I can't remember if it took 3 days or 4 days but 90% of that was prep and then it only took a few hours to actually paint it - and it's not a big bathroom.

      I'm not working today. Off for a swim, and then maybe I ought to go out on my bike for a bit of training or something coz I'm doing a 50-mile ride on Sunday. Eek!

      Have a good day all!
      AF since December 22nd 2008
      Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


        AF Daily - Tuesday June 15

        Yes marshy. I was doing trial runs in my head about firing the guy. I hate doing stuff like that. But what I hate worse is when my inner voice tells me something and I ignore it. I sooooo don't want to hurt someone's feelings but I can't move forward with him after the effort I put into treating my house with love and respect and changing the energy in it. It undermines that. Does that make sense or do I sound nutty?

        Overhydrate this week for that bike ride. I used to race and it will make a diff.
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          AF Daily - Tuesday June 15

          Good morning Gaia, Greenie, Marshy & all to come!

          Gaia I am wondering why Mr Lav feels he needs to be prepped before returning home! Sounds to me like he's handed control over to his therapist - I don't like the sound of that. I'm a control freak & need to be in charge of what is happening to me. I need to maintain my self control to stay out of trouble in the future.

          Greenie, having poor quality contractors working in your home sucks! Tell them to go away & don't feel bad about it. It's your home & you should be happy with the work being done.

          Marshy, I can't even imagine a 50 mile bike ride - Yikes!! Good luck with that

          OK, need to get my woirk done & looking forward to meeting some old friends for lunch!
          Wishing everyone an Ab Fab day.
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            AF Daily - Tuesday June 15

            Good morning Abbers,

            Gaia, it is fun to see you starting the thread every morning. Thank you for getting us off to a good start.

            Greenie, At least you have enough sense to send them packing. He can't control his workmen? :excuseme:

            btw, Chocolate peanutbutter? I have had the chocolate hazelnut stuff but not the peanut butter. Who makes it? (I can't believe I am asking this, last thing I need in the house.)

            Marshy, 50 mile ride on Sunday? I'll be thinking of you as I lounge in the pool with the grandkids. :goodjob:

            Lav, It sounds like EO is trying very hard to lay responsibility at someone else's feet. I doubt his counselor is telling him to do what he/she says. This just gives him wiggle room to say in the future, "I wasn't really ready. I need to get my head on straight. I " I seldom give marital advice because heaven knows I am neither the perfect spouse, hubs isn't either, and our marriage has been far from perfect BUT I am going to suggest that if you do let him come back, it be under the proviso that this is the last escapade of this kind. He is either committed to the marriage or he isn't. That is what marriage is about. Good times, bad times, sickness, health. You know the drill.

            Sorry if I overstepped, if so, just ignore what I said.

            Meanwhile, still cleaning house and getting ready for the appraisal. Amazingly and stupendously happily still sober. :happy:

            Despite DH's bad mood this morning and his subsequent b@tching about anything and everything I do and am. He then left the house, called my daughter and told her to check on me. :H:H

            I told her that despite him, I was going to be sober today!!

            Love to all,
            AF April 9, 2016


              AF Daily - Tuesday June 15

              Hello again,

              Ouch, Cindi, not nice but if you stay sober you are doing the best for YOU!

              Greenie did you fire then yet? I mean, really, painting the dirt into the window? That's a gross one. One loud 'BASTA' outta do it.

              Marshy I agree - water water water before you are thirsty. That's a real haul!

              Well back to food. Greenie your snack sounds delightful. Sinful, even. Well I'm back to cooking sausages now.
              AF since May 6, 2010

              Forget the past, plan for tomorrow, and live for today.


                AF Daily - Tuesday June 15

                Cindi, first... LMAO about husb call to daughter!!!! second.. I went to a health food store to try some peanut butter from the machine that grinds up the peanuts for you. They had several machines, one peanuts, one almonds, one hazlenuts? and one with peanuts AND semi-sweet choc. bits cr maybe it was carob, who cares it was chocolate. It wasn't as good as it sounds. dammit! :H
                Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                  AF Daily - Tuesday June 15

                  Universal, get yer arse back in here!!
                  Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                    AF Daily - Tuesday June 15

                    Hello Fabbie Abbies! Everyone sounds so strong and so fabulous despite whatever inconveniences or BS life might be dishing out at the moment. Proving once again that sometimes life is grand, sometimes life sucks but we DO NOT HAVE TO DRINK OVER ANY OF IT!!!!

                    I really had to smile re-reading yesterdays thread. :H I hope none of my Xs ever come round. If so I guarantee I will be posting from prison.

                    Lav congrats on the pending EB#2!!! THAT is something exciting to look forward to. Hey if EO wants to go live under a bridge, I know some guys who could show him the ropes. "Get ready" indeed...

                    Gaia thanks for starting us off! What are you doing with those sausages? I have LOTS of bratwurst from the piggie we butchered last fall. I need some new ideas!

                    Greenie, fire them (hope that is long since done!) and don't look back. I can commiserate on that stress eating. I won't even TALK about my Weight Watchers weigh in today. I knew it was going to be horrible but I made myself go face the music. They have a saying there - "Turn the page." Sort of like, today is a new day. So I'm turning. And chocolate peanut butter is NOT on my page for today! (nor are Dunkin Donuts or Dairy Queen sundaes or lots of other crap I devoured last week....)

                    Hello to everyone else! I have to zoom zoom as I am meeting a friend to work out at Curves today. Have a fabulous day one and all, no matter what life is dishing out!


                    PS - Cindi, you sound fabbie. I'm so happy for you!!!!!
                    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                    One day at a time.

