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AF Daily - Thursday June 17

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    AF Daily - Thursday June 17

    Hi Abbie Fabbies! Not much to say today other than hello, and isn't it a GREAT DAY TO BE SOBER!!!!

    I'm hoping for an update about painting projects, internet dating, EOs in boxes and FH haircuts, and other important life stuff! And of course if anyone is struggling with AL today, I hope you will come talk about it. JUST DON'T PICK UP THAT FIRST DRINK!!!!

    We met with the decorator today to talk about the possibility of remodeling our 2nd floor. I'll just say that we have LARGE taste. Yikes. It's scary to think about such an expenditure right now, but then it was always be scary to consider that sort of expenditure. Why? Why not? Blah blah blah. We'll probably do it. It's just saying "yes" that is so hard.

    OK - I'm off to Curves and then for some work on these fake nails which are a pain in the behind some times. But a nice distraction from thinking of large remodeling projects. One this is for sure - this carpet has GOT to GO. People with 5 dogs should NOT have carpet. Well, people shouldn't have 5 dogs.

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.

    AF Daily - Thursday June 17

    Hello, DG and all to come! Yes, we are truly in need of updates!
    5 Dogs!! OMG! isn't that called a kennel??? LOL!! It has been many years since I have had fake nails...when I was with Borghese they were mandatory, they even paid for them! They always made me feel clostraphobic! These days, I keep them business length and well manicured and painted. So much better for me!

    Yesterday was a great day! I kept baby Luke (6 weeks old today!) for the afternoon, so my daughter could get her hair cut and foiled and run a few fun! He kept trying to locate a nipple on my! He is starting to smile and engage with his eyes and expression! Tomorrow is my granddaughters 7th B-Day, we are having a family party on saturday! Needless to say, I am grateful for my sobriety! I shudder to thing where I would be today had I continued to drink.

    Cindi, for the entire time that I have been here at mwo we have discussed your job as being a major issue in your sobriety. Perhaps this is all a blessing from the universe to you at this time. During the past 15 years I have lost my job due to a merger. Yep! each job was one that I truly enjoyed and excelled at. The financial hits that I incurred were beyond inconvenient, but, I am actually happy at where I am today. I no longer have the pressure, nor the constant travel and I have learned to live with less. Funny thing, I am so much happier! I am hoping that, what ever happens, you are able to deal with it sober and find something new that will be an asset to your life!

    Have a Great AF Day, All!
    A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

    AF 12/6/2007


      AF Daily - Thursday June 17

      Hi DG, Kate and all to come,

      I was starting to wonder whether it's Thursday today when I didn't see a thread earlier. I've been feeling very tired on and off ever since I handed in my project at the end of last week. I didn't work today and was able to take a nap, but wasn't sure what day it was when I woke up .... thanks for telling me!

      Remodeling? - I say go for it! We only live once, might as well do it in style. What I don't get is how you manage to type so fast with fake nails??!!

      Kate, your day with Luke sounds fabulous. I met a 2-week old in church on Sunday, and he was sooooo tiny.

      OK, so tomorrow is Friday, and the weekend is almost here. YAY. I'm off to figure out whether to hide or join in the insanity that will the England game tomorrow night.


        AF Daily - Thursday June 17

        I FEEL STABBY!!!!!

        The garage door doesn't fit. At least the guy could speak English so we could discuss it. I have decided that is one of my stipulations. Anyone having anything to do with the work on my home must speak English. Too bad for the painters. Funny thing is nobody has given me addresses of his painted houses to go look at (thank you very much Mr G :h) Anyway the garage door opening must be enlarged because the door is too tall. Aslo, we are crossing our fingers that the the mechanism for the automatic opener will fit. The new back door didn't fit real well either. The contractor will learn that he needs to work with measurements, not assumptions. Not very much has gone right so far. But no matter what, I would never drink over it. DG, remodeling as in structural work?

        Speaking of that first drink. I second "DON'T PICK IT UP"! Crossing that boundary changes everything.

        FH still wants a haircut. I saw him today over some business issues. I feel so badly for him I think I feel ill. Not guilt or responsibility, mind you... just extreme sadness.

        Lav, did you get the e-mail from Colin Tipping? Wondered what you thought about it.

        I went to the doggie park yesterday and it was incredibly hot. I went home when I started dripping sweat. I am considering a summer cut for little doggie. Does anybody do that for their doggie?

        Well, must call some people about painting. Sheesh.

        Cindi, you have been not wanting that job for a while. Income aside, what are the top 3 reasons you are hanging in there?

        Have a great one. I've always liked Thursdays.
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          AF Daily - Thursday June 17

          Hi kate and pamina! My sandwich post took so long I missed you! :H
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            AF Daily - Thursday June 17

            Oh and it is so hot and humid here that someone at the doggie park said the only thing separating our town from hell was a screen door. :H:H:H
            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


              AF Daily - Thursday June 17

              greeneyes;889026 wrote:
              Cindi, you have been not wanting that job for a while. Income aside, what are the top 3 reasons you are hanging in there?
              Income, income, income. I make the most in the family. Hubby relies on that money to pay the bills. He is finally making decent money, though, and we could squeak by if we had to. Sell a car, get the house refied (working on that right now.), other cost cutting measures.

              We'll figure it out.

              Kate, I am at that place where the job means so much less to me than my happiness and sobriety. My dad asked me once, "if you quit your job does that guarantee you will get sober?" I said, "No, but if I don't get out of this job, I can almost guarantee I won't."

              Others can get sober on the road. For me, HALT. Lonely and Tired follow me around. I need to find something where I am working here, with my family, with my hubby, with my dog.

              Well. I agree with everyone. Today is a wonderful day to be sober and sober I am!!


              Love to all,
              AF April 9, 2016


                AF Daily - Thursday June 17

                Hi again everyone! Hee hee. I'm so glad to sometimes take a deep breath and then talk about something silly such as fake nails. :h My falsies are not very long. They just look a lot nicer when I keep them done up. I've tried manicures / paint jobs with my natural nails but the polish just doesn't stay on long wah wah wah etc. I get gel nails which I like about a million times better than the old acrylic nails of way back when. Or maybe that's because I had them about a foot long back then. Same time frame as 5 inch stilletto heels which no longer work for me either.

                These hard as a rock nails are EXCELLENT for composing sandwich worthy posts. Try it! You'll LIKE it!!!

                Kate I'm :H that your nails were considered a business expense. What a rockin' cool job that must have been, stress and all! :H

                I didn't make it to Curves or the nail place. I've been putzing in my office and sort of taking it easy today. I need this. Later I'm going to read my book. A friend of mine loaned me a whole bag of books by Jodi Picoult and I'm liking them. I'm on my second one and I'm reading Salem Falls.

                Pamina, that happens to me too sometimes where a project is finally complete and I nearly collapse. I think we manage to run on empty through a deadline, then our bodies quit on us. Probably not the best way to do things!! I'm trying to operate at a less stressful pace these days. Hope your project turned out great!

                Greenie how on earth does a handi person get a door all the way to your house before figuring out it won't fit??? I agree on measuring first! We are talking to the same decorator we worked with for the first floor remodel. We really liked her creative suggestions (colors, flooring, fixtures, paint, etc.) and her guy who does all the actual work is really good. She is also open to our very wierd ideas. We didn't end up doing this but she actually drew a living room fire pit design just to convince us it wouldn't really work like we thought. :H (We were still drinking /drugging then if you didn't already guess!) The biggest part of the 2nd floor project will be the bathroom remodels. Since we have 2 king beds in our bedroom instead of one (there we go with 5 dog issues again!) we would be turning the smallest other bedroom into a walk in closet. That's my kind of closet! We would be adding some windows in the master bedroom as well. LOTS of plumbing changes. That's big $$$$ but to me, it's not worth doing if we're not going to enlarge the master bathroom. Or closet. Anyway, we're probably nuts but as Pamina said, we only live once. We don't have kids and college educations to worry about. Just dog education but that is less expensive.

                Cindi, I think life is a big balancing act. Rarely for me anyway, is anything all good or all bad. As a former road warrier in corporate life, the more I liked my work, the more tolerable the down sides of traveling were. But when you are really stressed out about the work itself AND have to deal with level 10 amounts of travel....YIKES!! And at some point travel just really wasn't for me any more. It was sort of fun when I was younger. I wouldn't do it again unless it was TRULY a choice between that and starving. And I think I'd move to a trailer and work at McDonald's first.

                Kate I'm :H imagining the baby trying to "feed" on your face.

                Well, my break is over now so I will go back to cleaning off my desk!

                I'm so glad I'm not drunk right now. I would have been passed out at this time just a few short years ago.

                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                One day at a time.


                  AF Daily - Thursday June 17

                  I would agree on the balancing act, DG. I can easily immerse myself in work, which usually leads to me skipping my lunch-time workouts, which leads to me grabbing some junk from the snack machine, which makes my body feel bleh.... and on and on... I need to remind myself that just as I don't work to live, I also don't live to work, and I have to make time for myself no matter what. Course, easier said then done but nobody is perfect, right??

                  Glad to hear everyone doing well and engaging in great conversation. I have a confession to make - for my three-year anniversary I went out and bought an iPhone 4. Think that officially makes me an Apple fanboy after years of resisting the urge! Hate to admit it, but we got a iPod Touch for the house a couple of months ago and it sold me. I justified it by telling myself I had saved all kinds of money after all these years of not drinking.... Isn't the alcoholic mind wonderful that way?? :H
                  Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


                    AF Daily - Thursday June 17

                    AA, Mr. Doggy is a techie dude and was TOTALLY anti-Apple for years. He got an iPhone (3) about 6 months ago and became a convert. He's practically part of the cult now. He even bought a Mac and all the stuff to learn to develop iPhone apps. I won't be telling him how much you :h your iPhone 4 as we need to direct all the millions of dollars we've saved on drink/drug expenses for the remodel. Yes I DO love the alkie mind. I can't even describe all the cool stuff I have now with all my savings on booze and smokes! :H:H:H I need a bigger closet to put it all in....

                    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                    One day at a time.


                      AF Daily - Thursday June 17

                      DG...I highly recomend sucking face with a baby!!

                      Cindi, on the topic of work and money, I think both can be an addiction every bit a tough to break as alcohol! I know for me it was! Ten years ago, I was making 3 times the money that I make today, I was also stressed and exhausted, 24/7! My job had a lofty title and the paycheck to boot! Just a few years earlier Dave was an ER Doc, making twice what he makes today, but he was definitely headed for an early grave. We decided that even though Dave changing jobs meant him earning another residency at a cost of 10's of thousands of dollars, it would be well worth it, I want him around for a long time to come! Then, I lost my job to a merger, almost immediately I had head hunters calling, I did some interviewing and was offered some lateral positions, but, rather than making me feel happy, it made me feel ill. I took a huge step, one that would be considered "going backwards", best step I ever made! We can learn to live so much fuller and more happy lives with far less money, and sobriety is Priceless!
                      A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                      AF 12/6/2007


                        AF Daily - Thursday June 17

                        DG...I highly recomend sucking face with a baby!!

                        Cindi, on the topic of work and money, I think both can be an addiction every bit a tough to break as alcohol! I know for me it was! Ten years ago, I was making 3 times the money that I make today, I was also stressed and exhausted, 24/7! My job had a lofty title and the paycheck to boot! Just a few years earlier Dave was an ER Doc, making twice what he makes today, but he was definitely headed for an early grave. We decided that even though Dave changing jobs meant him earning another residency at a cost of 10's of thousands of dollars, it would be well worth it, I want him around for a long time to come! Then, I lost my job to a merger, almost immediately I had head hunters calling, I did some interviewing and was offered some lateral positions, but, rather than making me feel happy, it made me feel ill. I took a huge step, one that would be considered "going backwards", best step I ever made! We can learn to live so much fuller and more happy lives with far less money, and sobriety is Priceless!
                        A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                        AF 12/6/2007


                          AF Daily - Thursday June 17

                          AAthlete;889240 wrote: I justified it by telling myself I had saved all kinds of money after all these years of not drinking.... Isn't the alcoholic mind wonderful that way?? :H
                          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                            AF Daily - Thursday June 17

                            Late check in here - been a busy day. Had my assessments with my therapist today - yep, definitly dealing with some severe anxiety. Looks like we all have been there on the job front. Feeling pretty tired so going to head to bed, just wanted to check in - still sober.

                            Oh, and DG - Jodi Picoult is AWESOME!!! Read nineteen minutes and my sisters keeper. Awesome books.

                            Ciao for now guys.

                            Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                              AF Daily - Thursday June 17

                              Hey DG-I'm right behind you with 3 dogs (and 2 cats)!! I only have a queen but it's just me so it'll do for now. No kids either so all my $$ goes to the dogs :H !

                              Greenie and DG: I've been through minor reno and the promise of "we can do it in 5 days" turned into 4 weeks. Grrrrr. He still had a ton to do to finish as the limo picked me up for a week long business trip and my friend was due in 6 hours to stay with the dogs. Got home and the bathroom sink didn't work and the bath surround was peeling from the wall. Double grrr. He did make it right tho and threw in a day of house cleaing as well as cut the price by $500. Never want to go through a major reno tho!!

                              Great day today and very glad I'm still sober. No choice and no desires not to be.

                              Have a great nite everyone.
                              New Birthday: May 8, 2010

                              "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

                              KO the Beast!!

