I'm at work, keeping out of trouble.

DG - your story about the woman whose husband drives drunk made me think "well, why doesn't she drive?". But then I remembered offering to drive instead of my parents once when I was sober and they were both well over the limit, and it was snowing hard. They were quite offended that I even mentioned it, and my dad said he was "perfectly all right", so these things are complicated.
Cindi - you're sounding like a totally different person recently! So much more relaxed, less tightly wound. We need teachers over here! But the conditions in schools are so terrible now apparently that it, um, drives teachers to drink. So maybe that's not such a good idea

The bike ride I was due to go on tomorrow has just been cancelled because of lack of interest. (Hey, I was interested!) There seems to be a problem with the way the group runs in that in theory anyone can lead a ride but two or three people seem to think that only they should and somehow deter other people from doing it, but then they plan rides that few people are interested in because of the speed or distance or location. One of the women was telling me that there's a whole history of weird politics between some members and a new "splinter group" of mountain bikers has really ruffled feathers. :H :H
Anyway, I'm going to come up with an idea for a ride that's suitable for new members (shortish, easyish, easy to reach location, sociable rather than a hard slog) and present it at the next meeting and see how it goes down. I'll probably get chucked out!
Have a good day all!