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I am sorry Rach, but you know we all can relate. I doubt very few people started out on this program and were 100% perfect from the beginning. Focus on what you have done right and are proud of and move on from there.I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me
Rach, I know how you feel. Hubby will not quit until he has a medical reason to - I know that. The fact that he drinks a different "poison" than I do makes a difference. I just finally had to decide that it doesn't matter what he does - I need to do this for me. I need to do this because I want to be productive, I want to be healthy, I want to live longer, I want to lose weight, and I want to wake up feeling good, enjoying every day. I am tired of wasting my time in bars and waking up with regret. If that's his choice fine. He holds his booze better than me, and it doesn't seem to affect him as much, so I have to stop making my decisions based on what he is doing and what works for him.
It's hard, but it can be done. I am reaching out to find more activities that do not include drinking, whether they include him or not. I am not willing to end my marriage over this, but I am not willing to end, or at least deteriorate my life because of my marriage!!
:l Hang in there - we can do this. Let yestday pass and focus on today.
Hi Rach:
Been there thousands of times. I have quit so many times in the past, all with the best of intentions.
I get to feeling good. Feeling clear, and then the monster creeps up. An overwhelming and powerful urge to drink that stops all other rational thought.
All memories of past hangovers, and past vows to make it the last one, all blotted out.
All the best thoughts, of making a new life for yourself, become second or third priority.
Keep trying. You can do it. I'm still hanging on myself, sometimes hour to hour.
Don't give up.
Hang in there Rach. I thought I was on the wagon, and I'm off again for the past few days. Keep trying. This is you against the monster. Though you love your husband, but in this matter unfortunately it's each to his/her own.Paddy
Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog -eace: