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AF Daily - Monday 6/21

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    AF Daily - Monday 6/21

    Gooooooood Morning FAB ABBERS!!

    ALRIGHT!! I love mondays!! New week! New crew! Evertyhing's going to get shorn up and fixed up! My projects will go smoothly and everyone involved will benefit from the experience! Especially ME!!

    I'm going to hop into my shower that I hope isn't about to be ripped out and jump into my BGPs and get this week off right! I'm sober and ready!!

    Have a MARVELOUS Monday!!!
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

    AF Daily - Monday 6/21

    Wow Greenie! Go go GO!!!


    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


      AF Daily - Monday 6/21

      Hi Greenie,
      You go right ahead and do it! You are ready! Go get 'em!
      I just tried prune yoghurt. Something which would never sell in America.
      AF since May 6, 2010

      Forget the past, plan for tomorrow, and live for today.


        AF Daily - Monday 6/21

        Like vegemite? (wouldn't sell in the States?) :H

        'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

        Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


          AF Daily - Monday 6/21

          Gaia;891739 wrote: I just tried prune yoghurt. Something which would never sell in America.
          What? The old farts here eat it like crazy. :H
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            AF Daily - Monday 6/21

            Lav, Mr Lav's behavior yesterday hurt MY feelings. His therapist has a ways to go to "get him ready". How are you feeling about the upcoming anni? You can come down here and we can eat peppermint ice cream and watch them paint the house (from the inside in the AC of course)
            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


              AF Daily - Monday 6/21

              Hugs to you, Lav.
              Guess I'm just an old fart at heart! Greenie you sound to happy go lucky these days!
              Hi Guit!
              AF since May 6, 2010

              Forget the past, plan for tomorrow, and live for today.


                AF Daily - Monday 6/21

                Wow it's a high energy start here today! Thank you Greenie. BGP's are on here as well. Dad will be here shortly for our drive to U of Chicago Hospital. It's thundering and threatening to storm, so he will be stressed out about the drive. I used to get really upset and then it would be just an Upset Fest with the two of us. And my Mom in the middle, conveniently forgetting her hearing aid, which I cannot blame her for! :H No more - I will be peaceful no matter if Dad is uptight or not. He won't be here forever so I will make the most of whatever times I have with him.

                Gaia, Prune YOGURT?? I confess I have not seen that. Dried prunes, canned prunes, prune juice, yes yes yes. Not yogurt though. Maybe that is coming soon to a Walmart near me. Not that I am an old fart or anything. I'm 29.

                Always good to see you G!

                Yes Lav I think Greenie is right that it might take a bit of time for his therapist to "get him ready." I wouldn't do this for just anyone, but you can borrow Johnny for a while if you get lonely, OK? Just be aware that he will try to borrow your makeup when you are not looking. None of us are perfect after all.

                Well, you all have an abbie fabbie day. And good plumbing vibes to you Greenie. There will be no drinking AL here today, that is for sure.

                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                One day at a time.


                  AF Daily - Monday 6/21

                  About that topic yesterday.....

                  A long while back, someone was wondering if they could keep counting from where they left off before the "slip". I said no. I said while it was an individual journey and some people didn't count because it was not beneficial to them, some did. To some it was very important and a huge success indicator to them. To keep counting and announce X days AF!! when it wasn't because you drank (whatever the reason), that it undermined or discounted the actual achievement of those who DID struggle through those urges every single time they came up during the X days. The majority of the people on that thread disagreed. So I shut up about it.

                  BTW, in that case I'm still a virgin. :H:H
                  Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                    AF Daily - Monday 6/21

                    Good morning Ab Fabbers,

                    If Greenie is still a virgin then I guess I am too :H:H
                    God knows there's been no action around here........

                    Thanks for the support you guys, really! Peppermint ice cream on the 30th sounds real good at this point. Can we invite Johnny too?
                    I slept rather fitfully last night & woke up thinking about major mood swings - his not mine!
                    He still refuses to tell me exactly what he is being treated for - what's the Dx? It all remains a huge secret, I'm getting tired of this. Look out when Lav gets pissed!

                    I normally have my grandson here on Mondays but his Dad is home with him today. So I guess I'll pay a little attention to my business instead. The heatwave is on here this week as well.

                    I have 11 half pint jars of raspberry jam sitting on my kitchen counter. There's a billion more raspberries out there - if you want them come & get them
                    Makes me wonder what the hell Mr Lav was thinking of when he planted a 50 ft. row of raspberry canes several years ago...........

                    Have a great day everyone!
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      AF Daily - Monday 6/21

                      Can I be a virgin too??? Then I could offer it to Johnny.... :h

                      The bottom line is that one cannot drink and be sober, as much as our addicted minds would all like to believe that.

                      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                      One day at a time.


                        AF Daily - Monday 6/21

                        G-Mornings Abbers,
                        Greenie, you are off to a roaring start!! I hope you find out what is going on behind that wall!! What color are you painting the house?

                        DG, I hope your day with your dad goes well. He is very lucky to have you watching over him!

                        Lot's to do here this week! I am looking forward to taking a couple of extra days off over 4th of July! Looking forward to the Cherry Creek Art's Festival!

                        Have a good, safe day All!
                        A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                        AF 12/6/2007


                          AF Daily - Monday 6/21

                          Smoky taupe kate. White trim, red door.

                          Lav, 2 virgins and peppermint ice could johnny refuse? :H Make that 3, you know DG will insist! :H
                          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                            AF Daily - Monday 6/21

                            Good Morning Abbers!!

                            Lav, get pissed and stay pissed. Enough is enough. Okay, rant over. Been married for 35 years and have had to get really pissed a few times. Still together but sometimes just barely.

                            However, I do have to admit that hubby has been a pillar of strength and support through my alcoholism. He gets angry and sarcastic, too, but I can't blame him there. I guess I'll keep him as long as he wants me.

                            Screwed up flights today. Client is going to be angry. They can get over it.

                            This whole slip thing has taken on a life of its own. I see both sides but have to agree with the starting over at day 1, at least for ME. I realize today that I truly want to be sober and it will take work and effort. If I "slip" it will be a conscious decision. I am not drunk before I walk into a bar or go to a store and buy something. I did find some beer the other day hidden in the recess of my closet and did not drink it. Wanted to. But didn't. It is amazing to me that warm beer looked even a little appealing. :yuk:

                            However, someone who is able to get days of sobriety where before it was everyday drinking is definitely doing better. They just can't say they are sober. Perhaps they are soberer?

                            Anyways, to other things. Greenie, I hope the plumber just missed something but the good news is that you haven't done all the other work first. Pulling out the drywall and finding the leak is much easier than having to move everything out, ruining new cabinets, etc. So, if it was going to happen, this was a good time for it.

                            DG, I wanted to ask you about PAWS. Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome. You should be well outside of that window by now. Did you go through it? Do you feel like you have come out the other side, if you did?

                            I hope everything goes well with your daddy today.

                            Kate, Oh yes, Cherry Creek. :-) One thing that did break my heart was the book store that closed in Denver after I left. What was it called? Tattered Covers or something like that? OMG, I loved to go down there and meander around that store.

                            Gaia, Prune yogurt sounds yummy. However, I actually like prunes. Unfortunately, they don't like me. lol

                            Mr. G, Vegemite is just one of those things I am going to have to try one day. It seems huge in your part of the world. It sounds horrible, though.

                            Well. Best let the client know I am not making it in on time. Sigh. I hate days like this. But at least I am sober!!! :-)

                            AF April 9, 2016


                              AF Daily - Monday 6/21

                              Hello all,

                              I've just found out that my mum might have cancer. She had what the doctor thought might be pleurisy and the doc sent her for an x-ray and the results have come back today and the doc says she has to see a specialist.

                              My mum has fluid on both lungs and a dark patch on one lung. The doc says it could be one of several things (which is why she needs to see a specialist, obviously) but that cancer is a possibility.

                              Her doc is now working on getting her appointments for another test on some machine that is more sophisticated than an x-ray (my mum couldn't remember what it was called) and an appointment with a consultant. Hopefully the test will be sometime this week, but don't yet know about the appointment with the consultant.

                              My parents were due to go on holiday on Wednesday and they've had to cancel that. My dad sounded really worried when I spoke to him, and my mum sounded less worried but she said she was really relieved that they are not going on holiday because she's been feeling really awful and trying to put a brave face on it and trying to be enthusiastic about going away but just wanting to sit down instead.

                              There's nothing anyone can do but wait for tests. It might not be cancer, of course, but there's something about that word that seems so chilling and final. She used to smoke but she hasn't smoked for at least 15 years so that's something in her favour.

                              I'm crying about it already when it might not be life-threatening, but at least I'll be sober to deal with whatever happens.

                              OK, I know that's a bummer of a post, and it might turn out to be Ok. It's great to read everyone so upbeat today, just can't comment on everyone's posts at the mo.
                              AF since December 22nd 2008
                              Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman

