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AF Daily - Monday 6/21

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    AF Daily - Monday 6/21

    Very sorry to hear about your mum Marshy. I hope she's comfortable. You take care too.

    Lav, i'll trade you a BIG jar of Vegemite, (tastes like belgiun chocolate Cindi) for a jar of your rasberry jam.

    Have a great evening all.

    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


      AF Daily - Monday 6/21

      Marshy and DG :l Isn't it great that Greenie has those BGP that have been stretched out with so much wear they'll fit anyone in any circumstance. And that you're both sober to cope with present challenges...

      DG, medical emergencies are always frightening. It's wonderful that you're able to step in to support step coach and his wife, particularly at a time when your own dad has health issues. Thoughts and prayers to all of you. Make sure you look after yourself, though.

      Marshy, what a relief that your mum gets to see the consultant so soon. Hopefully you'll have more answers tomorrow, and she'll get the care she needs. Fluid on the lungs doesn't sound good, whatever is causing it. Try to get some sleep. PM me if I can help.


        AF Daily - Monday 6/21

        Marshy, so glad to hear that your Mom is getting treatment right away. I don't know how these things normally go in UK but even here things aren't always that fast.

        G - I thought "vegemite" sounded like a bug. And here it is chocolate. Who knew?

        I feel that I am learning to handle the array of medical issues with calm. That is a blessing and definitely not how I used to handle stuff like this. On the drive home I caught my thoughts trying to wander into the future with worry about Step Coach. I was able to jump right back into today. That is real progress for me. Things are not good with Step Coach. But he is still thinking about others and setting a good example.

        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          AF Daily - Monday 6/21

          Doggygirl;892286 wrote: Things are not good with Step Coach. But he is still thinking about others and setting a good example. DG
          Like so many here, DG...On that note I think I'll jump into the nest and kind of meditate on everyone for a while. See if I can contribute to the raising of the universal vibe. :h
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

