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AF daily - Tues June 22

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    AF daily - Tues June 22

    Marshy, I'm glad to hear that your Mom is doing better too, and it sounds like you are handling very well for someone in 'our' condition.

    Morning to all and happy Tuesday. Just wanted to share a quick Father's Day story that helped refocus me on what the priorities in life truly are. I had been talking about getting a basketball hoop for outside so that my son and I could shoot baskets together (I played in high school and a little bit in college). My son has traditionally been shy about going out and shooting with his friends because he hasn't practiced a lot and feels he is not very good when compared to them...

    So, for Father's Day he and my wife went out and bought an entry-level portable basketball system for the driveway. The perfectionist in my said, 'thanks the the gift and what a great idea - but I want something a little bigger/better, let's take it back and upgrade it!"

    Here's where I insert my foot into my mouth, as a little later in the day my son confided in my wife that I had hurt his feelings by saying that. After she told me, I realized that I (and I is italicized for a reason) was only thinking about myself. All my son wanted was to be able to go out and play basketball with me - he didn't care how big or fancy it was (as a matter of fact he was super-excited to help put it together).

    So, long story short we kept the one that he bought for me, he helped me put it together, and we had a great time shooting baskets the rest of the day. I was reminded of the importance of keeping everything in perspective, and that everything doesn't have to be my way for it to be right. Sucks that I can't realize some of this stuff up front BEFORE it happens, but I did apologize to my son, and thanked him for being honest about his feelings.

    Just a good, old-fashioned reminder that sober or not, I am still going to make mistakes in my life. Being sober (and content) just allows me the option of handling them a little differently, and for that I am grateful..

    Safe & happy Tuesday to everyone!
    Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


      AF daily - Tues June 22

      AA - Love your story thanks for sharing it.... Its a perfect example of appreciating whats really important.

      My Sister had a nice fathers day one too.... she is a single mum and the father is sadly not in contact with his children. Her daughter (18yr old) is a typical pain in the ass teenager always wanting more and throwing tantrums and the like. She is actually away in Greece on holiday with her pals and on Sunday she unexpectedly called home. After telling my Sis how her holiday was going she told her when she rung off to go look under the sofa. There she had left a fathers day card for my Sister acknowledging that she had played the roll of mum and dad......
      "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
      AF - JAN 1st 2010
      NF - May 1996


        AF daily - Tues June 22

        AA I love your stories. They are like Aesop's Fables.
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          AF daily - Tues June 22

          Wow! You guys are up and at em bright and early today!:goodjob:

          Marshy, I'm glad they are moving right along with the testing. Still praying for a good outcome.

          Chill--I can only say Thank God I'm not on the dating scene! UGH! I'll stick with DG and just ogle unobtainable famous men!

          Ok, aren't figs pretty close to prunes and vegamite?? I don't think I've ever seen a real one...only in a Fig Newton which is disgusting by the way.

          And, your question about ants is weird, Greenie, because I had a dream about ants last night. A young friend of ours had them on him and they were biting bad! But, no, we don't have a big issue with them here thank goodness! I am quite impressed with your patience and perserverance and standing up for yourself on this house project! You go girl!

          I am trying so hard to be patient with the greenhouse project. We are waiting for a calm window of time (30 minutes) but the wind keeps blowing. Except this morning of course, it was dead calm, but DH goes to work at 5:45 am and the other helpers are fast asleep. Sigh. Soon.

          DG I hope your friend is ok. I know exactly what you mean about being able to pick up and drive anywhere, anytime. One of the best parts of being sober!

          Thanks for sharing your father's day story AA. I can relate, and Chill--how nice for your sis, I would have to frame that!

          Have a great day all! :h
          NF since June 1, 2008
          AF since September 28, 2008
          DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
          :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
          5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
          The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


            AF daily - Tues June 22

            Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday to me!!!

            I'm at home, my doctor took me off work. Feel kind of guilty but my manager is cool about it and I feel good knowing that I don't have to deal with the stress today. We shall see how long this lasts.

            Love you guys!
            Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


              AF daily - Tues June 22

              HAPPY BIRTHDAY, UNI!!!

              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                AF daily - Tues June 22

                greeneyes;892801 wrote:
                HAPPY BIRTHDAY, UNI!!!

                Yes! Happy Birthday! So how does it feel to be 29?? Are you sick? (I probably missed something!) Whatever is going on that the doctor is keeping you home from work over, I hope it improves soon.

                LVT - UNOBTAINABLE men??? Johnny??????? WHAT are you SAYING!!! :b&d: ( How frustrating that wind must be! You might have to resort to ordering million dollar organic veggies on-line this year.

                Chill and AA, those are awesome father's day stories. AA, I can really relate to that "bigger better" thing. I'm the same way and now I'm wondering how many times I've trampled someone's feelings with that, and not even known it. I need to raise my awareness level on that one. I'm glad your son talked to your wife and that you were a big enough person to "right" the situation and enjoy the afternoon with your son!

                Gaia, chocolate ice cream sounds way better to me than an AL drink does. I mean, by a LOONG shot. You too will get to this place where you won't be craving AL. Can't say the same for the ice cream though.

                Well, I contacted a local shelter over the weekend to volunteer. I just got a call wondering if I could pull together 6 - 8 people on July 17 to help serve and clean up lunch. Rubber, meet road. I hope I can convince some friends to join me. The first thing that came to mind is that I'm sure all my non-alkie friends will be too busy. But I'm betting I can pull together 6 - 8 alkies from AA willing to help.

                Many thanks to you who have asked how Step Coach is doing. I haven't heard anything new today. I'm sure someone will get a call, and then the chain of calls will be kicked into motion. I'm grateful to be part of the list.

                Well, I need to go do some actual work today.

                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                One day at a time.


                  AF daily - Tues June 22

                  Gaia;892630 wrote: Hello Hello one and all!

                  Had a very productive morning and got back to find myself with an AL craving. Yuck. Why? Why me? wah wah wah. Well, two bowls of chocolate ice cream later, here I am still AF.
                  I completely understand that. There is no contest between the ice cream and AL choice. Husband #1 is a builder so I've been talking to him every day over this stuff. Yesterday, as I was hanging up I said "I'm going to get ice cream. A big fat drink crossed my mind, but you know I can't do that." He laughed and said ice cream sounded like a good idea. It really did cross my mind gaia, but it didn't stop . It just kept going. You'll get there - you are doing great!

                  Are ya'll in the floor about husband #1? You knew about him, right? :H:H
                  Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                    AF daily - Tues June 22

                    HAPPY BIRTHDAY UNI!!!

                    Hope your day is a great one.

                    Greenie you make me laugh again. I don't know about Husband #1. Sounds like he gave you a nice response. Good to have help from a builder. Is FH #2?

                    DG I had to smile about how your non-alkie friends will be busy. But I admire your spirit in getting a group together to do some real help.

                    Chill and AA - also thank you for sharing the father's day stories. AA especially with your son it is great that you realized what was important to him.

                    Well now I must get dinner on, kids in bath, etc. etc.
                    AF since May 6, 2010

                    Forget the past, plan for tomorrow, and live for today.


                      AF daily - Tues June 22

                      chillgirl;892601 wrote: Marshy is your Mum a drinker?
                      Yep, she is. I don't know if she'll be told to give up/want to/be able to.

                      AAthlete;892712 wrote:
                      everything doesn't have to be my way for it to be right
                      I like that.

                      LVT25;892749 wrote: Still praying for a good outcome.

                      Thanks LVT.

                      Doggygirl;892821 wrote:
                      You too will get to this place where you won't be craving AL. Can't say the same for the ice cream though
                      Ain't that the truth

                      DG- how did your dad's hospital visit go?

                      Gaia;892864 wrote:
                      Is FH #2?
                      That's what I wondered too :H

                      Happy birthday Uni! Hope you're feeling better soon
                      AF since December 22nd 2008
                      Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                        AF daily - Tues June 22

                        yes, FH is # 2

                        The reason #1 is not doing the job is because his wife wouldn't let him! :H Even if he did it while I was in FL! double :H

                        The guy came and took the garage door. Looks like I'll need to be having a moonlight madness garage sale tonight with no garage door, heh? He said No when I asked him if he was being punative by taking it today.

                        Such is life!
                        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                          AF daily - Tues June 22

                          My dad just sent me an email entitled "help!". My stomach lurched. Turned out to be a question about his new ISP. I'm sure he's just trying to take his mind off things but geez. :H

                          Having another sale Greenie? Have you got anything left?
                          AF since December 22nd 2008
                          Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                            AF daily - Tues June 22

                            Not much! The stuff in the garage is mostly stuff I planned on keeping if it makes it through the night :H
                            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                              AF daily - Tues June 22

                              What's funny is FH doesn't even know this is going on. I guess he'll be suprised when he sees it. If he notices that is.
                              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                                AF daily - Tues June 22

                                greenie maybe he'll wander in looking for another haircut.
                                AF since May 6, 2010

                                Forget the past, plan for tomorrow, and live for today.

