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AF daily - Tues June 22

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    AF daily - Tues June 22

    could it be love
    I am blessed with love joy and sobriety.


      AF daily - Tues June 22

      Happy birthday Uni!

      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


        AF daily - Tues June 22

        WOW, what a wild place here today!

        Uni, Happy Birthday & feel well soon

        Marshy, you Mum has a possible lung abscess? Kind of rare I think - can't remember dealing with any during my hospital work days. Hope she's OK.

        Greenie - no fire ants this far north but I did have my annual invasion of tiny, little black ants about 2-3 weeks ago. Little buggers show up every year without fail.

        The raspberry jam turned out real well kids!
        I read that the pectin is in the seeds so if you crush the raspberries with a potato masher before cooking them with sugar you can avoid using store bought pectin (which requires using extra sugar). The finished product has a very intense raspberry flavor - yum.

        We just had a huge storm blow thru here, large hail, etc. Looks like it washed out a good bit of my new hoo. I'll have to go out tomorrow & try to sweep it back into place.

        Greetings to everyone here today & wishing you a peaceful, AF evening!
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          AF daily - Tues June 22

          Lav, I crushed my berries with a potato masher but I still used pectin. I used the no / low sugar kind and I sweetened things up with a little stevia and splenda. I prefer using Stevia and Erythritol but in some things it re-crystalizes and jam is one of them it seems. Anyway...I would LOVE to try your jam!

          Greenie, I hope your stuff makes it through the night. I could loan you several dogs to watch over things. :H about Husband #1's Wife#2. :H

          Marshy, thanks for asking about my Dad. His doc visit on Monday was just a post surgery follow up and we weren't expecting any problems and their weren't any. However he was not happy with a couple of things that my Dad's local yahoo doctors are supposed to be monitoring. He told my Mom to start "getting aggressive." :b&d: My Dad was probably shuddering over that. (I got it from somewhere, right?) I hope your Mom is holding up OK physically and emotionally. I'm sure this was a big shock for both her and your Dad.

          Hi! Could it be love for who? Greenie and #1? I think we need to find her a new boyfriend. Fresh meat. :H (Greenie, just a reminder that Johnny is taken by me and LVT. He has enough women already. One can never have enough eye liner but one can definitely have enough women.)

          Mr. Doggy told me a funny story. He was at the medical clinic today where we service their computers. He was working on one and an intern who volunteers there asked what was wrong with it. Mr. Doggy said it was infected with a virus. The intern said - loudly - "A YEAST INFECTION? HOW DID IT GET A YEAST INFECTION??" This all was within ear shot of the office ladies. I'm sure that will be fodder for laughs for a long time to come. I can imagine it now. "What's wrong with this coffee? A yeast infection. Why is so and so in a bad mood today? A yeast infection. Why is our economy so screwed up? A yeast infection." I'm sort of glad I don't work there. At least for the next few weeks. :H

          Step coach is feeling better today but said they expect to have him hospitalized for a FEW WEEKS. That doesn't sound good considering they try to push you out the door really fast these days. I will probably try to go up there a couple times a week while he's there.

          Well, off to tan a little and then shower and beddy bye. Night night all. I'm so thankful for another sober day.

          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            AF daily - Tues June 22

            Hello from Dallas, TX!!

            What a fun thread to read today. :-)

            Chill, sorry the date didn't go well. Sounds like he might have a bit of a drink problem himself. Hiss, cross fingers, wear garlic.

            Greenie, Hopefully nothing gets stolen tonight. The garage door guys sounds like a real FH himself. Geez. Hope the plumber calls soon.

            Well, I started out getting up at 3:00 a.m. yesterday morning to get on a 5:30 flight. It was cancelled and they put me on an evening flight. I went home and worked from there, i.e. I took a nap. Good thing I did. I got on the 4:55 pm flight and we went nowhere real fast. They said it was weather but there was a mechanic on the plane working.

            Somewhere around 10:30 pm, we took off. It was tough for me, the flight attendants were giving out free booze to us patrons because of the delay. I kept telling them I wanted diet Coke. sigh. I wish they had ice cream. I would have asked for that!!

            I checked into my hotel room at 1:45 a.m. this morning. Yesterday was a looonnng day.

            I slept until 9:00 and got into work at 10:00. The client was ecstatic to see me back. They all came and said how worried they were about me from my last trip. I had a melt down three weeks ago. I couldn't get out of bed and go in. I was on 24/7 rotation and I simply could not get up and go in. It wasn't just drinking it was pure exhaustion. I had worked myself to death. I lost 8 lbs that week. (I have since gained those back plus some more... damn) but I couldn't keep food down, water down, nothing.

            I called my manager and explained I could not get out of bed. They sent the hotel manager into my room to check on me. I was just lying there in bed unable to get up.

            It was horrible.

            This last two weeks at home rejuvenated me but also made me realize how stupid I am. My manager told me, "Cindi, you do things backwards, Take care of yourself first, take care of administrivia second, and take care of the client third." I do it backwards. I am a "failure is not an option" kind of girl. It is going to put me into an early grave if I don't start doing it the way my manager says. She is right. I never pinged her and told her how bad it was. She had no idea.

            That is my fault. I need to learn how to balance work/life/family. One time someone told me that we juggle three balls. Work, fun, family. Only one of those balls is glass. Guess which one?

            So, from this day forward, or actually from two weeks back forward, I am working on not being so dedicated to my job that I let that glass ball break. My family is why I work. What good does it do to let that ball break if I am juggling all three.

            I am still searching and thinking about what else I can do that makes enough money to help pay the bills but doesn't end up in the stress I end up in. Unfortunately, I am one of the few who can do what I do. So, they send me to the difficult accounts. They know I can do it and make it right.

            I don't care anymore. I will not do this again. Ever.

            Marshy, I truly hope your mama is okay. I look online when I can to check on you and how that is going. It sounds like you will know something soon. That is good news. I hope it is not cancer and can be treated with antibiotics, whatever. However, if it is cancer, that is treatable, too. Just take this ODAT. Hard to do when you love someone, I know. I love my mama, too.

            DG, I also think about Step Coach, who is an amazing woman. You are so blessed to have her in your life. Let's hope you have her there a long, long time. My mama had breast cancer twice. Once in her late 40s and once again in her late 50s. She is 86 today and doing great.
            AF April 9, 2016

