Lots going on here today, lots going on here yesterday. Most important thing is that I'm still AF, and moving along towards the next goal of ONE CALENDAR MONTH AF. 6 days to go.
I was at an event last night and did not take a drink, although I wanted to. This internal struggle is tiring. I am a little bit fearful. I feel somewhat alone in my struggle. MWO helps a lot, though, without it I don't think I could have come this far.
OK enough complaining.
Actually I thought I would return to something we were discussing a few days ago. A year ago, it really helped me to count the AF days. Although I was playing with modding, experimenting really as I guess for some people modding does work, and trying to discover where I could fit in on the spectrum of one's relationship with AL, it was tremendously helpful for me to say, "I'm AF 15 out of 20 days". From this score keeping, I learned what it felt like to be AF, and learned that I could do it, and that drinking was a choice. I also learned, after my body adjusted to being AF for a while (for me it takes about a week), on days that I did drink I would get a terrible hangover and really suffer the next day. When I was drinking daily, I never got hangovers. It was a learning experience for me to feel the pain, and something which helps me stay AF, even though at times like last night I didn't really want to be AF. But geez I'm tired after being out last night. I can feel the effects of things other than AL on my body, and I am wondering how I got through days after drinking a bottle of wine the night before prior to going AF. I must have been a zombie and not known it.
I am also noticing people's breath. Funny how if you don't drink you can tell who drank at lunch and who didn't. Or who just had one glass of wine at the cocktail and who didn't. I find myself backing away from the lunchtime drinkers at evening events just to get some fresh air, man! And then they seem to come closer to me so I keep backing up and backing up and inevitably wind up backed in to a corner, literally!
Please please, I tell myself, I hope I keep the strength to stay on this course. Today I do not want to be on this road but I have no choice. It is for the best. I hope tomorrow I WILL want to be on this road.
Sorry for the monologue...