Today is 8 months (again), not that I'm counting.

Speaking of counting, DG I love the 1,000 day goal!
FH showed up last night. He was disappointed that I had not given him a chance to repair the shingle molding. It was a pretty strange conversation (imagine that :H) and ended up with me having to point out that the house had been painted as well. :H:H It WAS dark, I'll give him that..... stranger than fiction, he is.
I'm hoping to get some pine straw today to freshen up things. Believe it or not, 6 bales can fit in the little car with the top down and the trunk open (and a lot of shoving). It is so grand to figure out how to stuff as much as you can into a day instead of how much you can avoid so you can drink. F-R-E-E-D-O-M!!!!
Enjoy it!!