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AF Daily - Sat 6/26

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    AF Daily - Sat 6/26

    Good morning fabulous ones!

    Today is 8 months (again), not that I'm counting. I really NEED some peppermint ice cream so the 8 month thing is gonna do it. I'm thinking of taking a cooler thingy and bringing it home and eating it whilst sitting in the admiration chair. I didn't get any over the non-2 year thing. Didn't seem right somehow.

    Speaking of counting, DG I love the 1,000 day goal!

    FH showed up last night. He was disappointed that I had not given him a chance to repair the shingle molding. It was a pretty strange conversation (imagine that :H) and ended up with me having to point out that the house had been painted as well. :H:H It WAS dark, I'll give him that..... stranger than fiction, he is.

    I'm hoping to get some pine straw today to freshen up things. Believe it or not, 6 bales can fit in the little car with the top down and the trunk open (and a lot of shoving). It is so grand to figure out how to stuff as much as you can into a day instead of how much you can avoid so you can drink. F-R-E-E-D-O-M!!!!

    Enjoy it!!
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT

    AF Daily - Sat 6/26

    Good morning Greenie & all Fab Ones!

    Would you like some fresh raspberries to go with you ice cream Greenie
    Congrats on your 8 months (again)!
    You can borrow my pick up truck today - easier to bring those bales home.

    Talking about strange husbands - mine should be showing up shortly. I'll be sure the grass gets cut first before I attempt to sit him down for a talk!

    I vote for freedom today too
    Have a great day!!!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      AF Daily - Sat 6/26

      Ab fabbers!

      Good plan with the ice-cream and the chair, Greenie. It's a long old slog back to eight months after the, um, *experiment* at eight months, isn't it? Did a similar thing myself, except it wasn't planned. Congratulations!

      Lav - I hope you get some progress with your husband if you can get him to talk.

      Hot here but I'm at work and sitting under an air conditioning portal from the North Pole. Gonna be hotter tomorrow. My cunning plan is to go for a swim while England are playing football in the World Cup, so hopefully the pool will be empty because everyone will be watching the game. Or the pool will be full of women whose husbands are watching the game in the pub. We shall see.
      AF since December 22nd 2008
      Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


        AF Daily - Sat 6/26

        Good Morning everyone!!
        It's a somewhat warm day here in the Northeast but I wouldn't really know as I'm sitting in a windowless office waiting for the phones to ring. Not a good time to be working in a Real Estate Office but at least it's a job. Will take this opp to look for something else tho!!

        Lav and DG-I swear you guys should start a mail order business with your jam-You know you have at least 2 or 3 instant customers right now!!

        lav-good luck with your hubby's visit. Hope it's not too stressful. Greenie-all I can do is shake my head re: the FH visit.

        Marshy-have fun in the pool!! I wish I had one at my disposal. Well, I kind of do-my sister's. Only 10 min away but whenever I go over there I spend more time skimming it then swimming it LOL!! Got a thing about small creatures swimming-not allowed!!

        After work I will be picking up some gutter guards (keeps the leaves out) from a freecycler (been wanting these for a while but couldn't afford them). Hmmm, not sure how I'm going to get them on-can I borrow FH Greenie?? Then off to home to take care of the dogs then over to Sis's to " babysit" my 13 yo niece and make sure the Nephs don't have an impromptu party while my sis and my BIL go to CT for his 50th birthday. I'll probably stay overnite as the boys will be home late from their gig.

        Have a fab day everyone!!
        New Birthday: May 8, 2010

        "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

        KO the Beast!!


          AF Daily - Sat 6/26

          Good Morning everyone!!
          It's a somewhat warm day here in the Northeast but I wouldn't really know as I'm sitting in a windowless office waiting for the phones to ring. Not a good time to be working in a Real Estate Office but at least it's a job. Will take this opp to look for something else tho!!

          Lav and DG-I swear you guys should start a mail order business with your jam-You know you have at least 2 or 3 instant customers right now!!

          lav-good luck with your hubby's visit. Hope it's not too stressful. Greenie-all I can do is shake my head re: the FH visit.

          Marshy-have fun in the pool!! I wish I had one at my disposal. Well, I kind of do-my sister's. Only 10 min away but whenever I go over there I spend more time skimming it then swimming it LOL!! Got a thing about small creatures swimming-not allowed!!

          After work I will be picking up some gutter guards (keeps the leaves out) from a freecycler (been wanting these for a while but couldn't afford them). Hmmm, not sure how I'm going to get them on-can I borrow FH Greenie?? Then off to home to take care of the dogs then over to Sis's to " babysit" my 13 yo niece and make sure the Nephs don't have an impromptu party while my sis and my BIL go to CT for his 50th birthday. I'll probably stay overnite as the boys will be home late from their gig.

          Have a fab day everyone!!
          New Birthday: May 8, 2010

          "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

          KO the Beast!!


            AF Daily - Sat 6/26

            Hello abbie fabbies! Greenie, thanks for getting us started and....

            :yougo:CONGRATULATIONS ON 8 MONTHS AF!!!:yougo:

            My last drinking experience was a painful one too. But for me, it was necessary to F-I-N-A-L-L-Y accept, 100%, that I'm an alcoholic. (or addicted to acohol or whatever term people like) I also learned how truly dangerous "a drink" (hahaha) is for me when it can take 8 months for it to end. (and only 2 months AF to get to relapse!) YOU GO GIRL! Have some extra peppremint ice cream for me.

            So FH didn't want a midnight hair cut? He is truly a Man of Mystery - very unpredictable. If my X husband showed up here in the night to complain that I didn't let him fix my mold problem....well.... (or a haircut....) Greenie, you need a truck. AND your fun little car.

            Lav I hope the afternoon goes well. At least the lawn will be mowed. (seriously...:l to you because I know this has been a frustrating and sad time for you. I really do hope you and Mr. Lav make some sort of progress together today.)

            Marshy, hope all is as well as can be with your Mom this weekend. I wish I had an AC vent from the north pole in my house. These wall units don't really cut it some days. We are thinking about a remodeling project for the 2nd floor which if we do it, will including adding central AC upstairs. That would be heavenly! Enjoy the pool tomorrow! Hey...swimming with all the wives can't be ALL bad, right?

            P3, it is wonderful that you can be "present" to help your family watch the kids and all that. Before sobering up, I could never be trusted with that sort of thing. (nor would I want to - it would interfere with my drinking and I would be oh so very stabby about it!)

            Yes - I love these busy days that are full. Yesterday was a bit MORE full than I would want every day to be. But I was content at the end of it, and through it, and got so much accomplished. And NOTHING to feel guilty or remorseful about. Went to bed with a clear conscience and woke up that way too. GRAND!!!

            Apricots from Michigan showed up for the first time at the farmers market today!!! So the jamarama is postponed until tomorrow where I will first do the berry jam and then try my hand at some apricot preserves. P3, I'll send you some!! I've been meaning to comment for Raven.Joy that I DID make some marmalade! Kumquat Marmalade!!! (I'll share that with you Raven.Joy!)

            I love weight watchers Key Lime Pie yogurt. I know I know. Not organic. Not from hormone free cows. Artificial flavors and sweeteners. But I love it! Just had some along side sweet cherries from the farmers market.

            OK. Now I'm going to get ready and to the festival to sell some dang raffle tickets by the beer tent. I won't even be tempted by beer. :yucky: I'm sweaty from Curves but it's such a hot day I think I'll freshen up with what Mr. D calls a "guy shower" (aka bird bath) and hit the road. Maybe if I'm a little stinky the guys will be more likely to think "FOOTBALL!" and buy tickets. And by the way these tickets are for a REAL football game, not that sissy soccer stuff. :H (Bears v. Patriots on Dec 12 - 4 tix plus VIP parking pass - and yes, tailgaiting IS allowed in that spot!)

            OK - zoom zoom. Hello to all yet to come and have a fabbie abbie day one and all.

            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              AF Daily - Sat 6/26

              where are my manners? Huge CONGRATS TO GREENIE FOR 8 MOS AF!! :wd::woot:

              DG-I'd buy a raffle tix from you but I don't think I want to be in Chicago in Dec . New England in Dec is bad enough :H . Hope you sell a ton of them tho!! Make sure you get those guys after they've had a few!!

              I love ALL yogurt and try to forget about the artificial stuff in it (except for Stoneyfield Farms but it's so dang expensive!!). Speaking of WW-I bought their pedometer that tracks activity points!! $5.00 off coupon my leader had so good deal!! Can't wait to try it jogging to compare my guaging of activity points with its guage.

              You know, I've always been available for my sis and her family. She always made sure there was wine available for me as well as dinner but I never had more than 2 glasses just in case. Of course I really resented the fact that I had to stop after 2!!

              well, the day is dragging on and on. Can't wait for 5pm. BTW-ran to Wally World at lunch to pick up an Rx and they were just putting out the cutest July 4th flip flops for $3.00!! If anyone is near a store, you should really check these out!!

              New Birthday: May 8, 2010

              "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

              KO the Beast!!


                AF Daily - Sat 6/26

                Doggygirl;895748 wrote:
                And by the way these tickets are for a REAL football game, not that sissy soccer stuff. :H
                Lordy! You'd be living dangerously if you said that over here tomorrow when our sissies have been thrashed by the German sissies

                Hope the ticket touting goes well!

                Papmom - Workers unite! I'm still working too. In fact - have to go!
                AF since December 22nd 2008
                Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                  AF Daily - Sat 6/26

                  Evening everyone - it's a super hot one here - good plan Marshy with the pool!
                  Spent lovely day in Wales with an old old friend,shopping for unneeded clothes and cheap accessories and talking about life - most enjoyable!

                  Then round to friend's for BBQ for a couple of hours before they got started on the booze big time and the poker(compulsory booze and nine million cigarettes).
                  I'm at home with a magazine, dvds,small pack of pringles and my beloved diet 7 UP.
                  Cats are in and it's a lovely peaceful summer evening.

                  Day 2 AF for me - I have the living sober book from AA and find it inspiring - does anyone recommend any other AA literature as a starter for me?

                  I know my life is better without alcohol - I need to truly accept that (not just know it) and get through the phase of being AF seeming a monumental effort/sacrifice/totally overwhelming.

                  Focusing one day at a time (well one weekend at a time really,weekday evenings are usually pretty safe)

                  Am enjoying my chilled out Saturday evening in alone!
                  one day at a time


                    AF Daily - Sat 6/26

                    Helloooooooo Abberoo's!

                    Great stuff Bear! For me, this af lark was pretty overwhelming too. I think it was the stripping away of the al soaked fog and bulldust, and then i was left with little ol me! But this has been an amazing experience, and learning curve, and once i embraced the 'overwhelming' factor, and just went with the flow of the real me unfolding, it was scary, but real exciting too. Well worth the slog!
                    Now, freedom reign's, and no chain's. It's just magical, and the treasures, and pleasures of this universe keep unfolding before me for me to enjoy. How? Why? I stopped drinking, and stayed stopped.
                    Simple solution, bit of an effort and persistence required, but a very, very small sacrifice to make, for the joy of getting our life, self, family, and friend's back.

                    Congratulation's on 8 month's Greenie! x
                    I'm stuck on the chocolate soy ice cream at the mo'. I sometimes do a litre in a sitting. I think it's becoming a problem.......;-)

                    (should've put sandwich warning!)

                    A safe, sober and magical weekend to all!

                    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                      AF Daily - Sat 6/26

                      G, that was a "light lunch" length post. 1/2 Sandwich if that!

                      Bear, good for you on another AF day!

                      I'm back already. The organization I was to sell tickets for are going to be mighty disappointed at how few tickets I sold. I just couldn't do it. The family people are not interested in anything but getting through the day with their kids and getting out of the heat (don't blame them!). The beer tent people are.... I just can't do it. In the old days I would have had a few myself to "get in the mood" and then yukked it up and sold plenty of tickets. I suspect if the cause were right, maybe it would have felt different. Or maybe not. There was absolutely NO urge or temptation to drink. Just the opposite, if anything. I had no problem selling raffle tickets at the AA picnic to the attendees, to help pay for the free picnic. But I couldn't hawk sports tickets being raffled to the drinking crowd.

                      What's up with that?

                      So now I'm eating ice cream and pondering the meaning of life. Which I am pretty sure has nothing to do with raffle tickets. At least I hope not.

                      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                      One day at a time.


                        AF Daily - Sat 6/26

                        Doggygirl;895888 wrote: But I couldn't hawk sports tickets being raffled to the drinking crowd.

                        What's up with that?
                        Hummm... good question. I've become more selective about how I expend my energy. And energy "esposure," if you will. Maybe something along those lines. Or maybe the drinking crowd had a yeast infection.

                        excuse me a minute while I go fall on the bed laughing
                        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                          AF Daily - Sat 6/26

                          Oh God - yeast infection talk again - now, now ladies :H:H

                          Well, the grass is nicely cut, chicken feed picked up & properly stored & a bit of CPR applied my aging printer - A decent afternoon's work courtesy of Mr Lav! Talk? Not so much BUT he did suggest we go to dinner Wednesday in honor of our 37th wedding anni.
                          That's actually saying A LOT because we haven't celebrated our anni in more years than I can remember..........pathetic, huh? He admitted that hi is 'trying'. OK.

                          I plan to spend this evening in the AC, in front of something stupid on TV with a big bowl of homemade pineapple raspberry sorbet
                          Well, someone has to eat all those raspberries :H

                          Hope everyone has a comfy AF evening.

                          Congrats again Greenie on your 8 months, very cool

                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            AF Daily - Sat 6/26

                            Greenie eight months is an amazing accomplishment. I do hope to be able to share news like that some day. It's members like yourself that provide encouragement by reaching significant milestones. I'm so happy you're here to share with us. John
                            Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                              AF Daily - Sat 6/26

                              greeneyes;895902 wrote: Maybe something along those lines. Or maybe the drinking crowd had a yeast infection.

                              excuse me a minute while I go fall on the bed laughing
                              YES!!! THAT'S IT!!! :H:H

                              When the head of this group wants to know why I only sold 24 tickets I tell him they are lucky I sold THAT many having to be in the midst of all that yeast infection.

                              Lav, I wish things sounded more promising with Mr. Lav. At least it sounds like he helped you with some stuff and that is something. I hope you suggest a place for dinner Wednesday that is ultra chic - some place you've always dreamed of going but wouldn't want to spend that much money. I hope that's where he takes you. Order the lobster. Or better yet, make it the surf n turf.

                              I'm going to watch something stupid on TV tonight too. Only I don't have any home made sorbet. How did you make it???

                              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                              One day at a time.

