Back again for another AF day.
Greenie CoNGRATULATIONS on EIGHT MONTHS! THat's fantastic, and a great achievement. I can't imagine having all that straw in my car though.
Lav planning for your dinner sounds interesting - I hope it goes well and that most of all you enjoy yourself and don't get stressed about it. I like the link to the vegan recipes by the way. Bookmarked it and want to try some.
Hi Bear, hope you are doing well today and Hi to Papmom. Quiet evenings are nice, and Cindi I hope Calgon did the trick.
Guit I hear you on the freedom thing. I am early in this but I feel a sense of freedom - at dinner where everyone else is drinking and I'm not but I say provocative things but it's not because I'm drunk! haha that can be fun.
I have been out with people drinking for 4 nights in a row. It's too much. I was ok having water but I'm tired of it. I need a little down time. I'm also feeling sad and unloved. Not sure if it's because I'm not getting it or because I'm not letting it in. All I can think of every time I look at DH are the hurtful to the core things he's said.
I know I'm supposed to let the past go but there's not been much to build on so far to make the future. From the big picture everything seems normal but on my micro level I feel sad. I'm not letting myself cry though, it seems there's now a part of me that feels the sadness without it coming out in tears.
OK now I know I'm supposed to make myself happy but I"m missing affection and support. Someone told me that at Al anon they tell spouses NOT to say anything supportive to their drinker but I think that's baloney. Recipe for destroying marriages, if you asked me.
OK now I'm going to TRY to make myself HAPPY HAPPY JOY JOY. My mind is saying BULL BULL SH SH!