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Journey thru June - week 5

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    Journey thru June - week 5

    Well Guys its the last few days of our June Journey and we need a name for July....
    Lav I had a look at your unusual words, they're great! It doesnt exactly roll off the tongue but the word JANIZARY means a follower or supporter..."the July Janizarys" or on a fun note "Jive thru July" or "Jubulant July" or "Reach for the July Sky"...... im really struggling this month....

    I hope everyone had a wonderful and sober weekend, here are some photos of my regular dog walk:-

    Lav - Mr L is obviously in his own way trying to make an effort to suggest dinner for your anniversary, maybe baby steps in the right direction?
    "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
    AF - JAN 1st 2010
    NF - May 1996

    Journey thru June - week 5

    Good Morning Chill, We cross-posted!

    I was posting on the end of week 4 whilst you were starting week 5! Thank you for the scenes from Portugal! It's what mine will look like in October! My pics from my vicinity are posted on the end of week 4.

    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


      Journey thru June - week 5

      Good morning Chilli and Dilli, and all the juicin', jammin', juggernautical Jezebel's and jezza's to come!

      Thank's for the pic's. Many snakes in those field's?

      Have a great day everyone!

      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


        Journey thru June - week 5

        Dill - All that green! Nice, im going to take ones from the same angle in Oct when they turn green again here. Mr G, yes we have snakes but I'd rather not dwell on them, lots of huge hares too as big as my dog.

        The Jammin July Jezebel's would certainly a fun name!
        "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
        AF - JAN 1st 2010
        NF - May 1996


          Journey thru June - week 5

          I vote for 'Jammin Jezebels' - just kidding :H:H
          Let's keep thinking G!

          Chill, you really do live in the countryside just like Dill & myself!
          Dill, your pictures look exactly like what I see when I walk - amazing

          Another 99 degree day in store today - ugh, too hot!!!!

          I'm still flip flopping moods & attitudes toward Mr Lav. Some days I wake up just feeling so sorry for him that he hasn't been able to pull himself together & enjoy life. Other days I wake up wanting to pile up his belongings in the back yard & light a huge bonfire This irritates me so because after years of hormonal mood swings, work stress, etc my mood is actually quite stable. I'm still take the herbal product Amoryn & I really think it helps a lot!

          Well, must push myself to do a bit of work before it gets any later.
          Wishing everyone amarvelous AF Monday!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Journey thru June - week 5

            Chill, I'll try to get the same views in October too! That will be fun. Hares the size of dogs?!!! Wow! I took a walk this morning and saw little brown rabbits and one ground hog.

            Lav, I can certainly relate to your statements about going from one feeling right to the polar opposite. I am glad for you that you haven't let this set you back. I think the circumstances you are in would have set me back. Alone time is still my biggest area of temptation. It's not due to loneliness. I love to be alone, drinking or not.

            Hello to you, Mr. G! We have snakes here, too, but none that are poisonous.

            I don't want a name that is too feminine because I want Mr. G and any other guys to feel welcome.

            Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

            If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


              Journey thru June - week 5

              Hi June/July Gang,

              I'm on a short break from work and wanted to say HELLO!!!! to all my friends: Lav, Chill, Dill, Mr. G, Rustop Star, LBH and Sped. I'm working with a very nice client this week. Only 3 days of work this week then off for a well-deserved 3 week vacation.

              Chill-those pics of Portugal make me want to go there. How was your date with your gentleman friend? I live vicariously through you since I haven't had a date in so long, I wouldn't know HOW to do it.:H:H

              Will check back tonight after my work out. I must must must work out tonight because the hotel I'm staying tonight offers 3 free drinks during happy hour. :-( Temptation everywhere.

              Take care, friends.



                Journey thru June - week 5

                Finally, finally, I can use my sweet little laptop. In an internet cafe, in Chicago, about a block from Lake Michigan.
                I am visiting my college roommate whom I met in 1968. She is married to a guy we both had crushes on when we were freshmen. Their condo is on the 32nd floor of a high rise overlooking the lake, complete with balcony. It's a wonderful place but don't think I could live very long in a place where you can't just walk outside (and be on the ground). Going to Michigan tomorrow to visit a friend from high school. Then headed south to hook up with my son in Indiana. Looking forward to helping him get settled in a new apartment.

                Chicago is a place where I've done so much drinking. My friend has over the years basically stopped drinking but every night we sit and watch her husband slug down the red wine, start slurring words, get argumentative. What an awful thing to live with an alcoholic.

                Went on a river cruise yesterday to look at Chicago architecture. 5 minutes into the ride the heavens opened up and it poured. Everyone ended up purchasing ponchos that look like they were made from blue saran wrap. What a motley crew we were after an hour and a half. Today the weather is heavenly, 78 degrees, breezy.

                Lav, hope your anniversary dinner helps you and your husband get some communication going. Mine passed in June without comment.

                Chill, Portugal looks like California to me. Does it have mountains?

                Dill, your pictures are why I love the midwest.

                Hello to all to come. Hoping to see Lilmea when I get to Indiana. Later!


                  Journey thru June - week 5

                  Hi everyone

                  Have had a busy day or two so just got around to checking in.

                  Sped - Enjoy Chicago and Indiana. We were at my husband's nephews wedding last year in Indiana and spent time in Chicago. Lovely city and my girls loved the golden mile and Gurney Mills further north. They spent 5 hours there on the last day. I'm not a shopper and would have loved to have spent more time sightseeing in the city. Maybe some other time.

                  Rusty - Enjoy your vacation, it sounds as if you deserve it.

                  Lav - You have the patience of a saint and are an example to the rest of us.

                  Chill - Love the pictures. Not very computer savy at doing stuff like that. Can you post how you did it? The first one reminded me a little of some of our country boreens (small irish roads).

                  Some of your asked yesterday what Irish college was. Well, originally Gaelige (Irish) was our first language. However, between being under English rule for so long and after the famine people had to immigrate so English became more popular and replaced Irish as our first language. However, there are parts of the country where Gaelige is still the first language, Gaelteachts. During the summer school kids go to the Gaelteacht for 3 weeks to brush up on their Irish which is compulsary in the schools. They dont have to go but a lot of them do as it's great fun. They go to college in the morning and then in the afternoon they have acitivities, sailing, kayaking, football, all done through Irish and at night they have ceilis (dances with Irish music). I have one daughter who loves it and one who refuses to go so to each his own!! My oldest daughter is practically bi-lingual and switches to Irish no problem. The younger one who wont go may find her oral's in her final exams more difficult but you cant force them.

                  Great suggestions for a July name, I dont really have anything better to add.



                    Journey thru June - week 5

                    Hi Rustop,

                    That ino. about Irish College is fascinating to me because I'm 1/3 Irish. My great-grandparents were from Waterford. I must get to Ireland some day.


                      Journey thru June - week 5


                      We did travel to Ireland 7 years ago. What a great trip!
                      We took a ferry from Galway to Inishmore & spent the day walking thru the ancient ruins. And what an amazing view from the cliffs! We certainly heard a lot of Gaelic spoken that day - nice memory If anyone gets a chance to go there - do it!

                      OK, I'm no saint - I'm really not all that patient (with Mr Lav). It's just that I've had a lifetime of being ignored by him in one way or another & have learned how to fill my time. (The drinking was a bad choice but that's no longer an option!). Today I amused myself with a little online shopping at King Arthur Flour. I love baking anything & couldn't resist this bun pan:
                      Bun Pan - New England Hotdog

                      I was intrigued that you can fill this pan with chocolate cake batter & make 'dessert buns' that you can fill with fruit, etc. I'm envisioning fancy desserts for my daughter's future baby shower, holidays, etc.

                      See, I'm harmless
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Journey thru June - week 5

                        Goodness I love the photos that are popping up. I shall join in as soon as I see how to do it. Hello Lav, Dill, Star, Shell, Rusty, Rustop, Sooty, G., Chill et. al. I spent the last couple of days trying to catch up in my garden, no easy task with leg cast and cane, everything took forever and I kept being pulled in other directions at the same time with one thing or another. This afternoon I stood in the sun in the beautiful quiet garden and watched as an ominous black wall stretching across the sky approached, and when it hit, it was with explosive hail, so fierce, hard, and dense that it was soon two or three inches deep. I haven?t really gone out very far as it remains icy but I can see from the windows that the ten inch lily pads are shredded to the size of peas and the wonderful veggies and flowers I grew from tiny seeds are stripped bare and broken. Nature can sure deliver a dispassionate hammering to ones plans. Shock and awe. Tomorrow I shall start in one spot, practice tunnel vision so I don?t bawl, and begin to clean up and tend to what remains. I am grateful for the skills that I have acquired here, they help with all things hard. Love, Ladybird.
                        may we be well


                          Journey thru June - week 5

                          Good moring Everyone! Today's affirmation is ALL IS WELL IN MY WORLD.....

                          For loading photos the easiest way is through PHOTOBUCKET, just upload your picture then on the left hand side where it says SHARE THIS IMAGE go to the last option which is IMG code click on it to copy it then paste it here, I look forward to seeing our different parts of the world!

                          The other morning I had a visitor to my bedroom window ledge.......
                          "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                          AF - JAN 1st 2010
                          NF - May 1996


                            Journey thru June - week 5

                            hello lovely people. i had a right royal cock up on sunday with wine. i had issues and chose th STUPID option. after a day in bed feeling crap and pity party im back at it. so annoyed with myself but im not gonna dwell on it. we have lots of wine in the house and i thought i was ok with it. obviously not. mr spuds is locking it away and keeping the key. less temptation. im back at it now (sobriety). I HATE DRINKING. I LOVE SOBRIETY.
                            Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
                            Keep passing the open windows


                              Journey thru June - week 5

                              Hey Friends!
                              Spud, don't fret for too long. Just learn and move on. This quitting is a different experience for each of us. You have your own learning curve. I appreciate your honest post as it is a helpful reminder that just when it seems most certainly isn't!
                              we have lots of wine in the house and i thought i was ok with it.
                              I have started calling it "the amnesia factor".
                              LBH, I'm soo sorry to hear about the sneak attack upon your garden staged my Mother Earth. I feel quite certain that she had good purpose and you were, sadly, collateral damage. Of course, here in Ohio, such a storm could have turned into a tornado and taken our house with it!!! So, in that light, count your blessings!:H That leads me to a question: do you have tornadoes where you are? I look forward to you sharing photos of your area. See if you can't give me a glimpse of Moses, as well!
                              Lav, I love online shopping. I can remember a time not so long ago when the thought terrified me! No more. I am a regular Amazon shopper and other sites as well. Yesterday I bought a dozen bags of Community Coffee which is a New Orleans brand and I love it, but can't get it here. Some of the bags were medium roast, some decaf medium/dark and some were coffee/chicory blend. I'm a big coffee drinker, although I limit it to the morning only these days.
                              Rustop, that's very interesting about the Irish College. Thank you for explaining. I feel like I learn so many interesting things on this thread. I look forward to you learning how to use photobucket so we can see scenes from your area, too!
                              Rusty, I'm part Irish, too. My mother's side was half Irish, half German. I love the Irish. Liam Neeson is one of my fav actors.
                              Chill, "All is well with my world." Thank you. I loved the picture of your visitor!!
                              Sped, our intrepid traveller! So glad you and your laptop found an internet cafe. I have missed you!! I hope you can hook up with Lilmea. That will be awesome. On the subject of anniversaries, ours was the 18th. We both forgot!:H I guess that happens. It's 33 years for us.
                              Well, I'm off to meet a friend for an early morning walk. Strength to all!

                              Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                              If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.

