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Journey thru June - week 5

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    Journey thru June - week 5

    Good morning Junesters!

    LBH, very sorry about your garden tragedy :l
    Mother Nature can be a bitch, eh? I'm sure you'll find a way to rescue some summer blooms!

    Dill, we've been drinking Community Coffee for years! That's one of the things Mr Lav remembered to pack the night he was running away from home - believe it or not :H

    Happy belated anniversary Dill I will be going to dinner tomorrow evening on the 37th anni of of our wedding but that's as far as it goes. Seriously! I wish things were different but they are what they are. At this point I would be happy if we could iron out some way to live in peace together, forget the past BS & enjoy today!

    The weather folks have promised lower humidity today but a temp of 90. We shall see!

    Wishing everyone a terrific AF Tuesday!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Journey thru June - week 5

      Lav, You have got to be kidding!! What a coincidence that we both even know about Community coffee. I know of it from our trips to visit our daughter. How did you come across it? I swear, I think we are related!!

      Maybe you can get across to Mr. L just what you said: "I wish things were different but they are what they are. At this point I would be happy if we could iron out some way to live in peace together, forget the past BS & enjoy today!", things might actually work out. Well, I will certainly pray that they will. You deserve peace and companionship after all the years together. You both do.

      Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

      If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


        Journey thru June - week 5

        Good Morning June Friends,

        It is BEAUTIFUL here in Chicago....where I am working....WHOO WHOO....only 1 more day and then it's vacation! These 12 and 14 hour days are wearing me out! I turned down the free booze at the hotel last night. Had an intense workout instead and felt much better.

        Spuddle-so sorry about Sunday! Isn't that frustrating? It's happened to me numerous times. Yup, I'm with you about having wine in the house. I can't calls my name all day and then I answer....always the WRONG option, like you said. At least you haven't lost your commitment, and that's fantastic.

        Rustop-I am anxious to see any pics of's fascinating getting to visit other places through this thread.

        Dill-Belated Happy Anniversary! You both forgot? :H Love it. 33 years...Congratulations! Community Coffee I've never had but I do like chicory in mine. I'm a coffee drinker as well....and I like it black, high octane plasma coffee, not wimpy coffee. No good! Dill, my dad is Irish and German, my mom, Canadian French and a sliver of Native American Indian. You can't tell by looking at me that I have Indian bloodas I am a red-head with alabaster skin and freckles.

        Lav-I think Dill's suggestion regarding Mr.Lav is a great one. You both deserve to have happiness....even if it is many years too late. I'll be anxious to see the desserts you whip up with your new bun pan!

        Chill-what a fascinating bird....what kind is it? I love your new avatar....very soothing.

        LBH-sorry about the garden disaster, and to think you are going through all this whilst still in a cast.:l

        Sped-safe journey to Michigan and Indiana. Hope the visit with your son goes well. A rolling stone is what you are!

        Well, back to work!

        Have a great AF day everyone!



          Journey thru June - week 5

          Not sure if I managed to post this or not. Thanks Chill, have never used Photobucket before so have a lot to learn. I have been using Picasa but photobuckets seems easier.

          Hope everyone is doing ok. Love catching up and learning about all your travels, gardens etc.

          Will log in again later, off to play on photobucket!!



            Journey thru June - week 5

            My little buddy (the energizer bunny) on Easter Sunday
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Journey thru June - week 5

              I need some updated pictures of my grandson - if he would just stay still long enough

              Chill - what kind of bird is that? Very interesting!

              Spud - if there was a bottle of wine in my house right now I would definitely lose my quit!!!!!!!!!!!!
              I poured the last of the wine down the drain March 25, 2009. Haven't had a drop here since! Get rid of it, get it out of your mind. You'll be glad you did!

              Dill, we visited New Orleans 10 years ago. Sooooo hot in June/July! We've been buying Community coffee online ever since. I think we are twins

              This crappy weather has given me a headache this afternoon. It could also be just a tiny bit stress related.........I know, I know..........
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Journey thru June - week 5

                Rustop, that is an awesome scene! Is that where you live?! When was that taken?
                Rusty, I am very proud of you skipping the booze and heading for a work out instead. Very Impressive!!
                Lav, EG is soooooo cute!

                Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                  Journey thru June - week 5

                  Rustop - Is that the view from your house? I take it its from winter time and you dont actually have snow now!

                  Lav - Energizer Bunny is adorable!! Do get some new ones....

                  The bird on my windowsill is a Hoopoe, they are very popular here and look great when they're in flight as they have beautiful striped wings.

                  I am absoluted exhaused tonight, its been a mega hot day and I spent it sanding down my garden furniture then applying 3 coats of teak oil, very satisfying though.
                  "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                  AF - JAN 1st 2010
                  NF - May 1996


                    Journey thru June - week 5

                    Good morning everyone

                    Was just playing around with photos yesterday. Not very computer literate where they are concerned, teaching myself so thanks for your input Chill. Yes that's the view from my house, it was taken a few months ago when we had snow. All very green at the moment. I actually have very few scenery ones, I guess we take where we live for granted. Loved the photo of your grandson Lav. I have some of the pets so I must post them, you all hear about them every morning.

                    Another beautiful morning here, just back from my walk. Hope you are all doing ok. Will check in later.



                      Journey thru June - week 5

                      Hey everybody! I have been having computer issues and it took me 25 minutes today to get on this site. I am so frustrated. I wonder what is going on?

                      I missed alot so here goes.
                      Rustop21, how interesting about Irish college. I am 50% Irish, my family is from Achill Island and are still there. I love anything related to Irish culture and thank you for sharing.
                      Rusty, great job on working out instead of the free drinks. You have to be feeling good about yourself right now. It will be great to have time off, you certainly work long hours.

                      Chill, I loved your pictures of Portugal. You sound like you've been keeping busy with many things: dog walks, household challenges, socializing.

                      Lav, how interesting that you and your husband will celebrate your anniversay, seeing how things have been. Your grandson is beautiful, you are so lucky to have him close to you.

                      Dill, how's it been going? You are blessed to have the summer off.

                      LBH, sorry about the hail. It is so destructive. We have had three severe storms but other areas close to us were nailed, we just had loss of electricity and branches down.

                      Sped, I love Chicago. How interesting for your to spend time with your friend and her drinking husband. Very unattractive. Chicago is such a great city in the summer. I love Grant Park and I think the taste is going on. Have you had a chance to experience the Taste? I miss when we lived close and took the time every summer to spend time there.

                      Spud, I really admire your willingness to be honest and take stock of where things went wrong. I also fail if there is booze in the house. It is hard to believe how lousy it feels to be hungover.

                      I had a busy weekend, helping a friend with an openhouse. I love the preparation for a party if it is shared. It is almost as much fun as the party. There was no drinking in the afternoon, then some in the evening. Mostly it was good food, good conversation, and spending time with old friends. I am still eating the leftovers that were shared.

                      No plans for the 4th which is kind of sad. When the kids were little we always had a cookout and fireworks with lots of people over. But next week is vacation so I am looking forward to time off. I hope my computer works more consistently. I know it has something to do with the storms we have had.

                      Off to work. Sending you all positive wishes for a great AF day.
                      Formerly known as redhibiscus


                        Journey thru June - week 5

                        Hi Everyone...... we need a name and we need it fast!! Please please ideas or we are going to end up as the Jammin Jezibels!! :H

                        I have friends flying in tomorrow for a long weekend and went supermarket shopping this morning, I bought beers and wine and had forgotten how much they push up the groceries bill, Im saving a fortune!! Not to mention how wonderfully awesomely happy not drinking makes me.....
                        "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                        AF - JAN 1st 2010
                        NF - May 1996


                          Journey thru June - week 5

                          Morning from Michigan,
                          South Haven to be exact, small town, artist colony on the eastern shores of Lake Michigan. Staying at a B&B that doesn't serve breakfast until 8:30 and i've been up since 5:00. Running through the quiet streets this morning, so many houses for sale. Guess Michigan's been hard hit by the recession.
                          My son left NM this morning heading east. We will rendezvous in Indiana tomorrow.
                          A friend of mine from high school lives here. She is an active alcoholic, in fact she was pretty drunk last night. Feel like lessons are just being sent my way telling me how awful alcohol can make someone's life.

                          I too am of German and Irish descent. I have never been to Europe but feel it's a place I must get to soon. All this talk about coffee (guess that was yesterday) is making me long for a decent cup. Must check out Community coffees.

                          LBH, too bad about that hail. Doesn't that always happen to us in June??

                          Spuddle, hang in there. It's a journey but well worth it.

                          Star, have not been to Taste of Chicago. Sometimes the sheer number of people in Chicago can be overwhelming to me. I'm much happier in the middle of a cornfield!

                          Rustop, My friend wants to know if your daughter went to Irish school on the Dingle Peninsula. She went there last year and has been raving about it ever since.

                          Chill, Jammin Jezibels works for me. I love you bird picture. This morning on my run I saw a fox. Don't think I've ever seen one in the wild before.

                          Lav, Dill, Rusty, all of y'all. Thinkin about you.


                            Journey thru June - week 5

                            Good morning all!

                            Shelley, you can come sit on my deck & see all the wild life you like, fox included. I just need to be sure they don't find their way into the chicken coop!!!! My brother moved to Holland, Michigan last summer. My SIL is Dutch so she feels closer to 'home' there,

                            Finally a break in the heatwave today! Maybe my hair will relax a little - hate frizzy hair.
                            Well, I'll let you know how the dinner out goes. It doesn't feel like any sort of celebration at all - just a meal out on a Wednesday.......

                            Have a great day one & all! Whatever name Chill comes up with for July is OK with me - no pressure Chill

                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Journey thru June - week 5

                              Hey Gang,

                              Rusty here.....taking a break from work. My last day!!!! Ok, so the plan for tomorrow morning is to pad around in my fuzzy slippers and pop bon-bons while reading yesterday and today's posts, enjoying the scenery of the Journey photographers Dill, Chill, Lav, Rustop and anyone I may have missed, take a long run and swim in my pool.

                              Oh damn, my client is coming back from the loo. He took a newspaper with him so I thought his visit would be long enough so I could chat with all of you!

                              More you guys,


                              Im just pasting Rusty's last post as she had it on week four.....
                              Rusty - I love tomorrows plan!!!
                              Lav - Im thinking of you tonight and hoping it goes well

                              You all are being very quiet about tomorrows name so dont say I didnt warn you :H
                              "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                              AF - JAN 1st 2010
                              NF - May 1996


                                Journey thru June - week 5


                                Ok, he ran off to the loo AGAIN! Geez....maybe it was the sushi we had for lunch.

                                Here are my name ideas for July:

                                July Jewels
                                July Julips
                                July Jazz

                                You can't say I didn't try. Ugh, well here he comes. His face is beet red. Guess it WAS the sushi:H

