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Journey thru June - week 5

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    Journey thru June - week 5


    I'll be thinking of you tonight, too. I hope it is better than you thought and I will be praying very hard that you get some peace, relief, and closure from your anni meeting with Mr. Lav.

    And your grandson is an absolute doll! If suddenly you find him missing, he is swimming with Auntie Rusty in her pool, eating a popsicle and trying not to laugh at her sporting her swimsuit that says ZEPPELIN!


      Journey thru June - week 5

      Just a brief check-in with suggestions of July Jubilee (a season/occasion of joyful celebration); July Jazz (or a similar musical ensemble of July Jam or July Jamboree); or simply, July-Just-Say-No/Never/Nada/Non/ etc. I shall be here whatever the name and with photos thanks to Chill as I am discovering the navigation of Photobucket!!! Love, Ladybird.
      may we be well


        Journey thru June - week 5


        You mentioned all the ones I INTENDED to put as suggestions....we were on the same wavelength for sure. Any of those names will do!

        Thank you for all your support. I so appreciate you.



          Journey thru June - week 5


          What is that a picture that you can see from your house???? Fascinating!
          Dill....loved the flower! Beautiful!

          Will check in tomorrow!


            Journey thru June - week 5

            Dear Ones - Here I am on the last day of June, saying hello for the whole month. I see from my login that I haven't been here since May 11th - please forgive my absence. A combination of work and travel have kept me spinning day and night, and I very foolishly let MWO slide. For a time I was out of computer contact: an 18 day trip to celebrate my husbands special birthday (mid-decade one) which was life-changing (Chill, part of the time I was in Spain - close, but no cigar!). I have returned with a plan to alter my work, and am excited by the new verve that I feel. More than anything, 'balance' was the word of the trip, and I am savoring the idea still. Much to tell. I've already completed 2 more trips since the return from Europe on June 7th, helping my Mom grapple with getting herself and her house ready for a downsizing transition. Just returned from Princeton NJ (Lav - was I close to you at all?) where I journeyed to celebrated HB's birthday on his day. I am sick of airports and security lines and arranging for dogcare, but it all must be done. 3 more trips before mid-August....

            I have had a bumpy AF time in these last weeks, so I am thrilled to be starting a new month, and grateful to be back in the fold, if you'll have me.

            In the meantime, I was at least able to catch up on this week's activities - will have to read backwards to catch up with everybody - LBH, what's this about a cast, and how is your eye? Lav - hope your dinner tonight went well.

            And PS, my heritage is Scots/Irish/Welsh. On the morning of my 50th birthday, I awakened in Dingle, and as we drove towards Shannon in the dawn light, the mist was rising everywhere, and I thought that perhaps we were floating through the hills and dales. I hope I never forget that feeling.

            Cheers to all -
            to the light

