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AF Daily - Wed 6/30

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    AF Daily - Wed 6/30

    What a Wednesday! Uni your plan sounds like a great one.
    Very long busy day at work today - BUT lovely skate practice and had a really honest chat with someone about a person who is being very manipulative and trying to portray me as a 'bad guy' to the rest of the team.

    I had been scared this was happening as the person is a drama queen - so relieved that others see through it! I also was very frank (too frank, possibly a bit rude) to my boss today - and I don't care (huuuge change usually so worried about what others think of me) - it feels good saying what you think!I also will now trust my gut instincts too from now on.

    I'm off for a bath in a bit to soak away the remains of the sweaty skate session - I'm liking the honesty - I'm going to bed happy - and sober - and smoke free!
    one day at a time


      AF Daily - Wed 6/30

      Happy Hump Day! Is it a full moon?

      Lav, I hope you are having a nice evening. I like what Chill said about finding something to be grateful for. I guess I needed to hear that tonight! (not saying you did or didn't!!) Yes - please tell us what you wore and where you went and what you had and all that.

      Greenie, I somehow imagine you set up your wood pile like a game of Jenga???? FH on a skateboard????? Yikes. Did he drink the beer before running over the bottle?

      Uni - very good to see you here today. I'm so glad you were able to talk to someone yesterday, and that you were able to talk to your doc about a med change. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

      Chill, your weekend sounds like the pilot episode for a sitcom. We need a "munching popcorn" smilie as I will be sitting on the edge of my seat waiting for the details! Hope your X flatmate behaves.

      Bear, good for you speaking up at work and also sorting things out with the skating group.

      Marshy, very sad to hear that the woman of interest is moving. :upset: There must be someone really fabulous right around the corner for you. I hope your Mom is doing OK.

      Hello to all other fabbie abbies today. I'm packed up and ready to go to San Antonio. I have to get up at 2:45AM so am going to bed NOW. Hope I can fall asleep. I'm so excited!!!!!

      Hope everyone has a fabbie abbie rest of the week and holiday weekend for USers. And it sounds like Canada-ers too.

      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        AF Daily - Wed 6/30


        Have buckets of fun in San Antonio! Are you going to be able to visit the Alamo? And remember, be sure and suck up to your roommate so she invites you to her summer place in Wisconsin! Come on, you're in sales, you can do it!! :H

        Have a wonderful time and check in with us because we'll be lost without you!



        AF and One Happy Girl


          AF Daily - Wed 6/30

          :H I'm really looking forward to spending time with this woman. I hope we become closer friends.

          My new sponsee went to an AA women's group pot luck tonight and there were over 20 women there. She said they are having a lot of fun. Can't believe I'm missing THAT one!!!

          Will try to check in from S.A!!

          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            AF Daily - Wed 6/30

            Sober Day 9

            Hi everyone-

            Seems pretty crazy this sober time is really flying. I am still on taper down medical detox but I am going for abstinence and attending AA meetings and if I already mentioned that on this thread I apologize I can be forgetful. I am enjoying being sober more than I expected. I do get sleepier a lot earlier in the evening before I was always buzzed staying up to watch "one more show" now I don't even watch TV, just read. So I guess some of the "real me" is coming back I never used to be much of a TV person till I started zoning out with my wine and movies, shows whatever. I want to start excercising but can't afford a gym membership at the moment and it is blazing hot here in Tennessee with tons of humidity so its hard to even be outside for 5 minutes. Anyway, hope everyone is having a good Wednesday.

            MG29 :thanks:
            I ain't afraid of no ghost....


              AF Daily - Wed 6/30

              hey everyone!! Chiming in very late but better than never!!

              DG-have a greeeeeaaaaattt time in S.A. (that was supposed to be Tony the Tiger!!). Can't wait to hear all about it!!

              Uni-good going on getting into chat and talking with a friend. Keep up the good work!!

              Bear-wow! you actually told people what was on your mind? I am so impressed!! I dream about doing that all the time but don't have the guts.

              Chill!! Oh my-what a weekend you have in store for you!! Can't wait to hear all about it.

              Marshy-chin up!! Everything happens for a reason. Hope your mom is doing better.

              MG29-wow, your experiences being sober mirror mine almost to a T!! I too stopped watching as much TV and started reading at night. Also get tired earlier. Can't afford a gym membership either even with the wine savings and with my asthma I absolutely can't be out in hot humid weather. But, when it's nice and dry out, I take nice long walks. Walked 2+ miles today at lunch and managed to get my 10,000 step in by the end of the day. First time ever I think!! DG-3 activity points!!

              So my health conditions are finally sinking in. Very overwhelming and it doesn't help that professional assistance is a couple of months away but I'm intelligent and have a medical background so I will muddle through until my appointments. I know I won't die in the next 2 months but I have this huge urgency to get everything planned (nutritionally wise) and settled NOW!! That's the type A part of me I guess. One offshoot of this whole thing is I suddenly want very much to leave in the morning with a clean house so for now bed is made and dishes are done. Still need to work on the vacuuming and dusting but at least I'm picking up stuff and putting it away. Thank god for a 4 day weekend so I can catch up.

              Good nite all!!
              New Birthday: May 8, 2010

              "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

              KO the Beast!!


                AF Daily - Wed 6/30

                I've managed to get myself into a funk.

                I'm having trouble with the part of the serenity prayer where you'd like the wisdom to tell the difference. I always seem to think to hard over that and just get more and more muddled. We really can't control much so for the most part do we just do nothing? How is that OK?

                One more thing. Exactly what gender is Lady Gaga?
                Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                  AF Daily - Wed 6/30

                  greeneyes;899427 wrote: I've managed to get myself into a funk.

                  I'm having trouble with the part of the serenity prayer where you'd like the wisdom to tell the difference. I always seem to think to hard over that and just get more and more muddled. We really can't control much so for the most part do we just do nothing? How is that OK?

                  One more thing. Exactly what gender is Lady Gaga?

                  That is the part that gets me, too. I keep waiting for the wisdom and I don't get it. I must ignore it. I am muddled. It must be my fault.

                  I am being hurt over what I say on here so please do not ignore what I am posting right now.

                  Oh. And I have no idea who Lady Gaga is or what gender she/he is.

                  Why am I so out of it??

                  AF April 9, 2016

