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AF daily - Thursday, July 1st

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    AF daily - Thursday, July 1st

    Burnt my toast. Grr. Greenie, what's going on with the planets? Things feel out of whack. (Not just because of the toast :H All sorts of little crappy thing going on) It's a day for Big Girl Pants, I think.
    :grannypants: :grannypants: :grannypants:

    DG - Have a fantastic time at the convention!

    My mum didn't have her op yesterday. The hospital screwed up on the admin side and she wasn't on the right computer so didn't get called in. They were very apologetic and everything had been going like clockwork up until now but mum was stressed by the whole thing and sounded quite low when I spoke to her. Dad also sounded stressed and they were sniping at each other so it's taking its toll. She might be going in today but has to wait until they call this morning. So that's also stressful - she's sitting at home with her bag packed waiting to jump when they say jump.

    Papmom - I read elsewhere about kidney condition. Sorry to hear that. Have you got treatment lined up?
    AF since December 22nd 2008
    Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman

    AF daily - Thursday, July 1st

    Good Morning Marshy - Sorry about the screw up with your Mum, thats crap for her having to sit and wait, I hope she gets the call today.

    I was awake at 5.30am and have already been my 20km cycle.... I was really ready to jump into July for some reason (?) i hope its a good sign

    My mad friends arrive today and I feel so calm about the fact they will be drinking around me and that we will be going to bars/restaurants. I feel I grew up a lot in the last couple of week regarding AL, must be the big girls pants im wearing! :grannypants: :H
    "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
    AF - JAN 1st 2010
    NF - May 1996


      AF daily - Thursday, July 1st


      Marshy - you put those pants on and get a belt if you need to! What a mess up. Nothing like that to add to the stress.

      Chill you go on with the pants too!

      I'm going to a world cup party tomorrow where there will be lots of drinking. But I don't drink anymore, gave it up because of my health. They'll be drinking vodka and wine. I think I will be white knuckling it a little.

      Gotta find my BGP!

      p.s. had my first calendar with all ZEROS in drink tracker last month. Yeah.
      AF since May 6, 2010

      Forget the past, plan for tomorrow, and live for today.


        AF daily - Thursday, July 1st

        Morning abbers!!

        Marshy, I don't know - it isn't mercury retrograde (I'd already looked) but I feel like layering my BGPs! I forgot to say "jackrabbit" this AM too. Grrrr. Whacky are happening all right. Relative to you mum, bear with me on this while I go out there into space :H... maybe her surgeon was sick, upset, overworked, and an admin error was in the works to keep her safe. In which case, I'm glad she is.

        Chill thinking you grew up regarding AL because of the BGPs? I was thinking it was that bizarre date. :H Can't wait to hear about the weekend and....


        Gaia, Here's what I think.... (since you asked :H) I think you'll have nice pink knuckles and you'll enjoy yourself at the party knowing that if that enjoyment begins to pale, you know that you will be going X to do X which is a lovely alternative that you have planned. And...


        papmom,take the very best care of yourself. I think things look good for you because of your wonderful attitude. That goes a much longer way in our healing than we think. I'm glad you stuck around here after your initial visit. I wonder about folks that come here and say they want to hang out with us but then don't. We don't have a yeast infection do we?

        LAV!!! Tapping my foot here waiting to hear about last night!! I know you had on BGPs under your dress!

        Hope DG is having safe travels. And uni too. I'd like the highway angels with me tomorrow on my road trip to my sister's.

        There is so much bizarre stuff going on with FH it makes my head spin. Got a little family stuff brewing too. Ugh.

        Cindi.. :l Wouldn't it be nice if the universe gave us a "don't mess with this" list each day? Someone said to me the other day.. If you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans for the day. She thought it was funny but I felt annoyed - does that make my plans meaningless? Uh-oh... there I go again.

        I need to go outside with my Light Prayer and stand barefoot in the grass. I am feeling less than grounded so I shall tend to that right off! Gotta love tools. It's one thing to recognize feelings, but it's REALLY good to use tools to do something about them.

        Have a terrific thursday!
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          AF daily - Thursday, July 1st

          It looks like BGP's all round today! :H

          Greenie - We say white rabbits over here for luck on the 1st of the month.... we are a weird bunch arent we?!

          Thanks for the congratulations, its a really important milestone for me, not because I doubted I'd get here but I remember in the beginning being in awe of the members here who had as much as 6 months and wondering what that felt like. Now I know, and its bloody fantastic!

          Im off to the airport to collect my mad druggy ex housemate from 25 years ago! Maybe he will suprise me and be wearing his BBP (big boy pants!) :H

          Gaia - You are strong enough to survive the party and just remember how utterly awesome it is to wake up on Saturday mornings now hangover free!!!
          "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
          AF - JAN 1st 2010
          NF - May 1996


            AF daily - Thursday, July 1st

            Congratulations Chill!

            Big Boy Pants available too, for your friend ants:
            Sounds a bit rude, somehow :H

            Congratulations Gaia!
            Can you take your own favourite AF drinks with you tomorrow?

            Greenie I don't think you're allowed to abandon us as well as DG. Only one MWO member allowed to desert the thread at any one time. It's in the rules.

            I suspect one of my tools has become ice-cream. I've ditched it as of, um, yesterday. Will see how it goes. An ice-cream-free July sounds good.
            AF since December 22nd 2008
            Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


              AF daily - Thursday, July 1st

              Marshy;899710 wrote: I suspect one of my tools has become ice-cream. I've ditched it as of, um, yesterday. Will see how it goes. An ice-cream-free July sounds good.
              Seriously???? I'll keep you company if you are since I haven't had any in the 2 hours I've been up. :H

              PS... we like rude.
              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                AF daily - Thursday, July 1st

                Good Morning All

                Congratulations on 6 mos. AF Chillgirl. Way to go! Enjoy your crazy weekend with your friends. You sound strong so I doubt you will be tempted. It sounds like one of your friends will be validation for all of the reasons some of us can't drink.

                Gaia, Good for you on the drink tracker. Keep putting those AF days behind you! Enjoy yourself at the party...Do you have an exit plan for the party?

                Greenie, I love your positive, spiritual outlook and I too believe that everything happens for a reason.

                Marshy, Sorry about the craziness going on with your mom. As Greenie said, maybe it's a good thing that she was cancelled. Hope she gets in today.

                Cindi, Are you okay? You said something in yesterday's daily thread about being hurt over what you say here.

                Lots to deadlines to meet today so I can get up bright and early in the morning to go away for 4 days. I'm going to a retreat and taking a Chi Running workshop at the Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health. Will squeeze in a massage while I'm there too.

                Kripalu - Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health - Get inspired. Explore fresh perspectives emotional wellness, physical health, and spiritual sustenance.

                AF Since April 20, 2008
                4 Years!!!


                  AF daily - Thursday, July 1st

                  greeneyes;899716 wrote: Seriously???? I'll keep you company if you are since I haven't had any in the 2 hours I've been up. :H
                  Seriously. If I've got some in the freezer at home, I can't leave it alone. Sound familiar?
                  AF since December 22nd 2008
                  Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                    AF daily - Thursday, July 1st

                    m3 that looks fabbie! You are using the "I" word. Going alone? Rooming alone or letting the universe pick a roomie? Inquiring minds want to know.
                    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                      AF daily - Thursday, July 1st

                      Happy July Abbers!

                      I don't know why I'm feeling so strong this morning! Maybe it's acceptance.
                      Nothing to report about dinner, it was just dinner & an early one at that. My evening was over by 7:30 pm. I seriously could sit & cry over it but I choose to not do that. If Mr Lav chooses to live the rest of his life in depressionville he's going to be there alone. I'm not going there again! No fucking weay!!!! Sorry :upset:

                      Marshy, I truly hope your Mum's needs are taken care of very soon! I spent 27 years of my life working in hospitals - I know their routine!

                      Chill, CONGRATS on your 6 AF months :yay:
                      Good luck with your weekend guests

                      Gaia, CONGRATS on your 30 AF days!! What a great feeling - be proud, feel the strength & take it with you this weekend!

                      I'm going to get to work, today is a new day! I've decided to stop waiting for things to change - I'm grateful for what I have right now

                      Have a terrific AF Thursday.
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        AF daily - Thursday, July 1st

                        Greenie, I am going by myself, just moi. I am leaving the kids and husband behind. I am staying in a double room so I will have a roomate...don't know who it will be but definitely a non-snoring female!! It will be a long drive but I love a road trip and of course, the "me" time.

                        My oldest daugher is giving me a run for my money. She has Asperger's (mild form of autism) and she has hit puberty (recently got her period). This has just added fuel to the fire of all of the issues she has. I need to stay strong and fill myself (emotionally, spiritually, and physically) so I can return for another round!!! Kripalu is a wonderful, spiritual community. It used to be an Ashram and before that, a monastery. Lots of wonderful people to connect with there. Tanglewood, an outdoor concert site in the Berkshires, is within walking distance and it just so happens that James Taylor and Carole King will be performing while I'm there. I'm happy, happy, excited, excited. :h

                        Just catching up on yesterday's threads...

                        DG. Have a good time in San Antonio. I went there several years ago and went two-stepping one night!!

                        Bear, You are sounding strong. Stay AF and true to yourself. You will find that the more days you have behind you, the more confident you will feel (and the less BS you will put up with from other people). FYI..There is a daily meditation book put out by the AA called Twenty-Four Hours a Day. I found it very helpful during early sobriety.

               Twenty-Four Hours A Day (9780894868344): Anonymous: Books

                        Lav, How was the anniversary dinner?

                        Papmom3, Have you ever tried natural remedies/diet for asthma. Just curious. Hope you feel better soon.

                        Where's Det these days?
                        AF Since April 20, 2008
                        4 Years!!!


                          AF daily - Thursday, July 1st


                          We cross posted. Awwwh. Your hubbie doesn't know what he is missing by not having you fully in his life. Even though you are sad, you sound very solid. It is so hard to see the potenitial of a person or a relationship but the other person does not want to or cannot see it. What do you children think of all of this? I'm sure they are supportive of you.

                          AF Since April 20, 2008
                          4 Years!!!


                            AF daily - Thursday, July 1st

                            :l Lav.

                            m3 - sound even MORE fabbie!!

                            Gaia, Just for the record and to give achievements their due......

                            You are less than a week away from 60 days correct? You achieved 30 days in early June and the full calendar month of June was another goal in itself. So you're about 55 consecutive days right? Right on, GF!!!!!
                            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                              AF daily - Thursday, July 1st

                              Ice cream, you scream, we all scream for ICE SCREAM!

                              M3 have a great weekend. You do some interesting things with your time!

                              Exit plan, yep, gonna have one. Feel a scheduled appendecomy coming on...
                              AF since May 6, 2010

                              Forget the past, plan for tomorrow, and live for today.

