I have "popped" in from time to time - and was shocked and devastated to read about Cowgal. I just haven't been able to post. I am good though. I am really good. Not long after I made that last post, my life changed. It had to. I stopped drinking and I started to run.
I had always swam regularly but had never ran in my life. But, my daughter set me a challenge...to run with her in the Asics British 10k in London on 11th July. I decided I had nothing to lose and took her on. My challenge was made easier when my husband and son fell about laughing their heads off! I was definitely going to show them!:H
To cut a long story short.....I have been training hard over the last few months. I can now run for over 50 minutes and my longest run so far has been just over 5miles. I ran the Race for Life in May which was 5k and a week on Sunday I will be in London, taking my position to run the 10k which is just over 6miles. I am doing it to raise money for Alzheimers.......and have raised over ?500 up to now.
Some might say I have replaced one addiction with another....and maybe I have. All I know is that I LOVE the way running makes me feel especially afterwards. I can't say that about drinking. I can't wait to get my trainers on, my cap on, my i-pod and music and I'm off....just me, and my thoughts, pounding the pavements.
After July's race I know it won't stop there.....I will keep it going. I might be doing the 10k for Alzheimers but I'm also running for me, for my health, for my sanity and for my life.
Just wanted to say hi but also sorry to all my good friends for not staying in touch:l