Hello everyone! I'm really loving all the posts this week and all the sharing from new (to this thread) people. AWESOME. The talk about "high functioning alcoholic" really got me thinking since yesterday. I guess we all start out "high functioning" and then the functioning lessons over time. I think the amount of "functioning" we have when we quit simply depends on when we quit. Or simply how lucky we were. I was very lucky I didn't have numerous DUI's and lose my job / marriage / home due to drinking. I sure drank enough and took enough risks for all that to happen. So I'm starting to think I am a "lucky alcoholic" rather than a "high functioning alcoholic." I certainly wasn't functioning anywhere near my capabilities in the end. Or really in the middle either. Now I have the opportunity to be a high as possible functioning sober person and that is what matters in the end!
I went to the early meeting today before my business stuff and Step Coach showed up! Just yesterday his wife told me he wasn't able to get out to meetings as his oxygen tank doesn't last long enough. But there he was anyway. I hope he left in time to make it home on what he had left! He is an amazing person in his commitment to AA and to helping others in order to help himself. What an example he sets.
I went to a meeting later this morning - my first time at that one. A women's 12 step study. A big group too and VERY diverse. Executives to tattoos and everything in between. I'm realizing just how uncomfortable I am in women only groups. I'm grateful to be recognizing this problem and also grateful for the willingness to face it and start to figure it out. I'm sure it boils down to trust and other baggage from the past. I'll work through it.
There was a newcomer at the second meeting. She is 62. So we took group conscience and did "first step" so everyone shared a bit of their story. That was nice for me too since it was my first time in that group. The newcomer started off by introducing herself and saying "I have a desire to stop drinking." She spoke up after a number of women spoke and said "I'm an alcoholic." She said she has struggled with that in her heart for a long time. I suppose she walked through the doors because deep down she was ready to face it, but scared. No reason to do that alone!
The fact that I was uncomfortable in that meeting (all women) tells me that I need to keep going back to that one. (at this stage in my program - I know I need to)
Will be reviewing Step 1 with sponsee #2 tomororw. She's been to 45 meetings in what will be 30 days on Tuesday.

Well, lunch break is over - time to get back to work. Hope you all are having a wonderful day.