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AF Daily Thursday July 8

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    AF Daily Thursday July 8

    Good morning Abbers!

    Hot & foggy here today - what a strange combo :H

    I'm starting to feel a touch of jealousy hearing about people's vacations. Such a nice & normal thing to do this time of year. I know I have a snowball's chance in hell of getting out of town this year due to my shitty situation. I have traveled in the past with my daughter & with a girlfriend but that can't happen now. Oh well!

    I do have some work waiting for me so I'll shut up & get to it!
    Wishing everyone a terrific AF Thursday

    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

    AF Daily Thursday July 8

    Hey Lav!! I'm here and very unmotivated to do any work . It's a little cooler with a nice breeze in the town where I work, 45 min east of where I live. At my house this morning it was still very hot and oppressive. Can't wait for the cold front to come through on Sat-sick of the AC going. Want some fresh air in the house to get rid of the doggie smell . Hope you guys get the cold front too.

    Sorry you can't go anywhere this summer. I can't either due to finances. Losing that 3rd job really sucks and I haven't had time to find anything else. My bank balance is the lowest it's been in a few years. we do get paid this week but there is no cushion left. Lean times for sure. I'm making do by laying on my chaise lounge, reading library books, listening to the bubbling of my new pond and watching my dog run through the sprinkler, trying catch the spray. I try to imagine I'm not in a city but on vacation in the country. Need a big imagination for that I tell ya!!

    Have a good day and try to get some work done. All the raspberries picked by now??
    New Birthday: May 8, 2010

    "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

    KO the Beast!!


      AF Daily Thursday July 8

      Happy Thursday ABenators!

      no holiday here either, too much to do. zoom zoom!

      had a nice seafood dinner last night near the hotel. had a couple o'douls and watched the sun go down into the San Fran bay. nice and relaxing after a long crazy day.

      be well you two and all to come...
      nosce te ipsum
      (Know Thyself)


        AF Daily Thursday July 8

        Hello fabbie abbies! Lav, thanks for getting us started today. Sorry to hear you are feeling a bit down about the on-going situation and how it's limiting you for this summer. Maybe you can save up whatever you would have spent to go on a super duper vacation once this passes one way or the other??? The fabulous thing is that you are getting through this without drinking. Don't ever lose sight of what a positive thing that really is for people like us.

        P3, I found it relaxing to just to read about you sitting in the chair by your pond with a book! With P3Pup jumping around in the sprinkler! Sounds relaxing to me.

        Det, when you speak of all your work travels, I think I would rather stay home with a good book than hit the road! Although it sounds like you had a nice dinner and sunset yesterday.

        All is well here. Just trying to recover from this cold. Am going to take another day off from working out and doing a lot of business stuff. I went to AA and weighed in at Weight Watchers (yuk). I will do a little book keeping today and then get some rest. I feel better today than I did yesterday, so maybe one more low key day will get me back in the saddle again.

        Have a wonderful AF day one and all!

        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          AF Daily Thursday July 8

          :thanks:Good morning. I am new to the MWO site and this is my first visit to the ab forum. I have 7 days AF today and feel hopeful and clear minded. I looked in the mirror closely this morning and my eyes are clear!!! I was working out this a.m. and my husband was strumming his guitar, (House of the Rising Sun). I said nothing, but boy did I feel a touch from God (as I see him). I truly am in the house of the Rising Son and if I stay on track will continue to be clear eyed and moving forward.

          Husband is in denial about my drinking, but I believe in time he will come around to it. I find it confusing that he asked me why I think I have an alcohol problem??? He doesn't ever drink more than two beers and then it is rarely. Sometimes I think I am more manageable to him if I drink and wallow in my guilt and self pity. Hmmmmm something to explore.



            AF Daily Thursday July 8

            Aww DG-sure hope you continue to feel better and better. Nothing worse than a summer cold!!
            I must get a piccy of my new pond. Now mind you, it's very small-teeny actually but just right for my teeny yard. Hoping to get the fishies into it this weekend after the heat disappears. I'll try real hard to get a pic and post it this weekend. At least the poor plant that I took for dead after it's transplantation has revived!! Can't say the same for the white pine sapling I dug up at the same time but I'm holding out hope it too will come around. Survival of the fittest is my motto!!
            Hi Patongar-Congrats on 7 days!! That is so awesome!! I'm sorry your DH is not as supportive as he could be. Hopefully he will come around.

            Hi D-I don't envy you your travel schedule either but your evening with great food and scenery sure sounded nice. Gotta take the good with the bad right?

            Ok, I really need to get some work done or I will not have a guilt free staycation!

            Will check in later!!
            New Birthday: May 8, 2010

            "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

            KO the Beast!!


              AF Daily Thursday July 8

              Hey ho!! Fly by hi! See some new peeps here!! And I saw AFM poking around before I left. I have to look back and see what's happening.

              I've got such addictive traits - why does that continue to suprise me? I did a dive bomb on the ice cream but I am as AF as ever!
              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                AF Daily Thursday July 8

                Lav, you can come visit me!!
                Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                  AF Daily Thursday July 8

                  Welcome back Greenie!
                  Thanks for the invite but I think I'll wait until February to head down your way :H:H
                  The heat up here has been quite enough, unfortunately.

                  I am eternally grateful for my AC
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    AF Daily Thursday July 8

                    Patangar, big welcome to you! and huge kudos on your first week AF. look forward to getting to know you here.

                    well, I'm tucked into a hotel on the cusp between Hayward and Oakland. if anyone is familiar with the local news it's a BAD night to be out and about especially if you look like me (casper the friendly ghost) LOL! think I'll lay low and stay near the hotel. but I must find something to eat first. if I'm not back in 45 minutes come in shooting!
                    nosce te ipsum
                    (Know Thyself)

