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July Jamboree ~ Week 2

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    July Jamboree ~ Week 2

    July is flying by!!!

    I just saw your pictures on the Tigger thread, Chill. WOW!
    Lav, I think some of the beans may just have to go in the freezer. I don't really like frozen green beans so much though.
    Rebirth, do you still go to the Leamington spa?
    I read the most awesome post yesterday. Some of you have probably already seen it, I know I saw some of your replies. Here's a link:

    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.

    July Jamboree ~ Week 2


    That is an awesome post. I reread it today and feel energized by it.


      July Jamboree ~ Week 2

      Hey Rusty! That post energized me, too. It was just so inspirational! How are you doing? Are you travelling at the moment?

      Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

      If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


        July Jamboree ~ Week 2

        Hi Dill,

        You are so sweet to ask. I need to go over your posts and look at them again. Dill, I forgot to tell you, I saw koi when I was in Japan. Now I can picture them and your boat ( we have a name yet?)

        Hmm...well, I'm's a beautiful day and I haven't made it to the gym because I need support so have been glued to MWO. Will go in a minute. I have great news: snotty, snobby aunt is not going to be there! YAY! THANK GOD! My aunt (eeewww....I hate calling her that) has the depth of a thimble. She's one of the most shallow, materialistic people I've ever known. If she ever tripped and fell on her head, I can guarantee you there would be no brain damage.

        How are you? Do you and Mr. Dill have plans for the weekend?




          July Jamboree ~ Week 2

          No boat name yet!

          I wonder where everybody is today?

          It is a rainy and gray day here so I am kind of stuck inside. Well, also, our driveway is blocked by tree cutting crews who are cutting limbs away from power lines, so I can't get out. Hope they finish soon! In the meantime, we are up to our elbows in green beans and canning jars here!

          Weekend plans: Mr. D's brother and wife are coming Saturday afternoon and will spend the night. Should be a pleasant visit.

          Stay strong!

          Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

          If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


            July Jamboree ~ Week 2

            Dill - Missed that thread so thanks for the link, it was fantastic!

            Rusty - I hope you are ok? If you ever need to chat just post in the general discussions and whoever is online will come into the chatroom straight away. Thats what we are here for so dont cope alone if you are having a hard time.

            I just had a visit from a good male friend of mine, he seemed a bit down and when i asked what was up he said he was worried that he was drinking too much! I tried to hold back and not bombard him with suggestions and advice but let him know I would be here if he does decide to do something about it. He seemed so sad and I could see that old me in him, especially the despair and confusion when you just dont know where to start.... At the beginning everything seemed so daunting and unsurmountable.
            "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
            AF - JAN 1st 2010
            NF - May 1996


              July Jamboree ~ Week 2

              Hey Rusty. I am sorry you have a case of the fragiles. I don?t think that is a word but I sure know what they feel like. A good thing about this thread is we can hold your marbles for a while so you don?t have to. I am really glad your nightmare aunt will not mess with your head and holiday. I love Maine and wish I could sneak up on you with a nice clambake. Chill, you are the prize. You will inspire people here and in your neighborhood just by going about your daily life. We love you. I am glad your little band of koi is thriving, Dill, even if they did make off with your water lily. I love watching my fish. The raccoon ate my former favorites in the Thanksgiving Day Massacreeeee, huge golden orphs which are in the trout family and swam like bullets and flew into the air and the shubunkins which had beautiful calico patterns of blue and gold and white. I am now, however, quite fond of my four surviving baby common goldfish with have quickly reached five or six inches with no competition. There are two classic orange ones, one white, and one ?pinto?, and hopefully they will have surviving offspring one day. I hope your old kitty is OK, the odd meows are hard to hear. My dog seems more himself today so I am encouraged. Hi, Rebirth, have fun choosing your roses, I love having sober evenings where I can actually distinguish the fragrance of something other than a gin martini, we can grow English hybrids here in the high desert and the one in my avatar is Graham Thomas, a fine and vigorous gent. Hi Redstar, Lavie, Sooty (SOOTY!!!!), Shelly (I am going to buy you a really good lunch now that I can walk and see), Cyn, et. al. Love, Ladybird.
              may we be well


                July Jamboree ~ Week 2

                Hey all,
                Back in NM. No one home. My husband, oldest son, fiance, etc. are all in Santa Fe making wedding plans for October. Don't mind missing those planning sessions as I do believe the mother of the bride only pretends to want other people's opinions about things. I am bushed after 2 days of driving and lots of thunderstorm driving (terrifies me). I took a well deserved nap.

                Did our thread change? Now it says permalink. How do I read things posted earlier in the week?

                My poor old boy kitty is so happy to see and hear me. He won't leave my side. I don't think my husband talks to our kitties when I'm not here.

                Thought all the way across Oklahoma, Texas and NM , how unhappy I would have been today if I had played out my little alcohol fantasy.
                Chill, you mentioned having a nice glass of wine on the beach, watching the sunset. When I think about drinking again there is nothing positive associated with it. It would have been me in a motel room in Oklahoma drinking cheap wine. I don't think it would have happened if I hadn't taken the antabuse. Think my tool box is getting pretty full and pretty fool proof.
                Eleven months tomorrow!


                  July Jamboree ~ Week 2

                  Welcome home Shelley & congrats for staying AF! You did it & now you can wake up proud & strong on your 11 month anni. tomorrow. Good for you!!!!

                  I posted on the week 1 thread this morning - Duh! My coffee hadn't quite kicked in.

                  I had a PM from a friend of Sooty's. She is just fine but dealing with a computer virus & can't log on to MWO! I'm going to send her a regular old email & let her know that we've been concerned!

                  Wishing everyone a good & peaceful, AF evening. Take care of your pets.........they love you

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    July Jamboree ~ Week 2

                    Morning. Just saying hello quickly because I have a busy day today. My son is turning 6 and he is having a birthday party. Been making chocolate cake and cupcakes etc
                    Oh it brings out the child in me. I cant wait for the guestd to arrive.
                    Have a lovely saturday evryone. The weather is beautiful here. xx
                    Be strong-
                    We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
                    Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


                      July Jamboree ~ Week 2

                      Lav - Thank you for the up date on Sooty and thank goodness she is fine..... its scary when friends go missing on here and you cant contact them

                      Rebirth - I just want to say you are doing such a great job! I hope you have a lovely day with your son, isnt it wonderful it wake up on another Saturday without a hangover!!

                      My best friend from back home in Scotland just arrived in Portugal for her summer holidays and Im going to meet her this morning. We last met just before New Year when I poured out my heart to her about my drinking and my plan for stopping. She and I were double trouble back in the days and her drinking is still concerning and she knows it. However, being the awesome friend she is, she was nothing but encouraging to me and has continued to tell me how proud she is of me, Im crying just thinking about what an amazing friend she has been. We 1st met when I was just 14 and she introduced me to GIN!

                      I will check in again later Guys, wishing you all a wonderful AF Saturday :l
                      "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                      AF - JAN 1st 2010
                      NF - May 1996


                        July Jamboree ~ Week 2

                        Hello there,

                        Just joining in here too. I go back and forth between daily and weekly threads. Sometimes I think it's nice to commemorate each day. Sometimes I like the chatter and history of the week. Oh well, in any case hello!

                        Rebirth I hope you have a wonderful day with your son. 6 is a special year - so many changes and growing independence for them!

                        Hi Chill - so great you got such support from your friend. I hope someday to have a friend who knows about my struggles. That must be nice.

                        Hi Lav, and Dill, and sorry if I go back on the thread I'll love this post!

                        Have a great AF day!
                        AF since May 6, 2010

                        Forget the past, plan for tomorrow, and live for today.


                          July Jamboree ~ Week 2

                          Good morning everyone

                          Did not get near the computer yesterday. Hubby was working from home and when he finished teenage daughter took over!! MWO has become so much a party of my daily routine and I really miss it when I cant log on. I feel it keeps me focussed.

                          Chill - Just saw the Tigger thread, awsome photos. Enjoy your friends visit.

                          Dill - Thanks for that link yesterday, brillant post. Enjoy Mr D's brother and wife's visit.

                          Rusty - Hope you are feeling better today. Loved your description of your Aunt, I know a few people that it applies to as well!!

                          Sped - Bet you are glad to be home. Congratulations on your 11 months today, you should be so proud of yourself.

                          Lav - Thanks for letting us know how Sooty is getting on. Hopefully she will soon be back with us.

                          Rebirth - Hope your son's birthday went ok yesterday. 6 is a lovely age, enjoy. Now 16 thats a whole different story.

                          LBH, Gaia, Star, Cyn, Sooty and anyone else I missed big hello.

                          Have a great week-end.



                            July Jamboree ~ Week 2

                            Hi Jammers!
                            Rustop, I know what you mean about MWO helping with keeping focused. It's good you could get back on today!
                            Chill, it's nice you have a friend that understands and supports your choice. I still marvel at how easy it sounds to non drinkers to just quit. But the reality of quitting for people like us is anything but easy. I have not shared this struggle with anyone in my 3D world except for one friend who is a problem drinker herself and is trying to get "control". My closest friend I have also mentioned it to, but I have not gone into detail. She is supportive of my choice, too, even though she has been my biggest drinking buddy over these last 30 years. I sometimes wonder if she has her own secrets.
                            Gaia, good to see you! Our thread started out being a monthly thread, but we found for many of us early on that if we "messed up" then the month was not a success, so we broke the month into more achievable weeks so every one could find a measure of success. It seems to work pretty well this way. The over all goal is AF for us here.
                            Rebirth, have a wonderful day with your 6 year old and chocolate cupcakes! I miss those days. I commend you for putting your family where they belong: first and foremost before alcohol! You are one wise woman!
                            Lav, thank you for investigating Sooty's disappearance! I feel much reassured.
                            Sped, I am so happy you defeated those random alc thoughts and came out the victor. You are a shining star! I remember way back 11 months ago when you came on the monthly section on the AF daily and announced yourself. Then for a long time you didn't post and I wondered if you had given up. I was really happy when you started posting with us and that you had NOT given up in any way, shape or form! You inspire me.
                            LBH, I had never heard of golden orphs nor shubunkins, so naturally I googled. Now I have a new mission! Next summer we will try to locate shubunkins and golden orphs. I was surprised at the lack of info on the web about the orphs, and there were no images. I will bet they would be pretty pricey though. I don't think I would put anything smaller than 12" in our farm pond. Maybe I will have to start some in an aquarium and grow them. I was shocked at the price of koi! I got mine for $10 a piece from a local guy who mostly stocks farm ponds in our area. They were 12-16 inches. That turned out to be a darn good price!!! I asked about koi at a local fishery and they sold theirs for $60-$90. So, I got 7 healthy fish for the price of ONE.
                            Rusty, Cyn, Spud, MG29, Red, Sooty, and all else who stop by, have a good UNHUNG and AF weekend!

                            Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                            If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                              July Jamboree ~ Week 2

                              Morning Jammers!

                              Woke up to the rumble of thunder this morning! Wonder if there is some special meaning in that??

                              I finally received my sage sticks yesterday so I fired one up & smudged the hell out of Mr Lav's garage last night........this is the extra garage that he built for himself to hide in, I'm sure it was filled with negative energy. I will do the house sometime this weekend

                              Good to see you here Gaia, welcome!

                              All this talk about fish is making me miss the tiny pond we used to have at our old place. Hmm, there is plenty of room here for one!

                              Have to run, will be back later.
                              Wishing everyone a super AF Saturday.

                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

