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July Jamboree ~ Week 2

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    July Jamboree ~ Week 2

    Happy unhung Monday to everyone! Isnt Monday so much easier to deal with AF!!

    Bear - I really feel for your struggle, I know sobriety is what you really want and I guess its about finding the right way to tackle it for you, just remember there are no failures in life only discoveries of how not to do things...

    Rusty - You describe such a beautiful scene I almost felt I was oceanside in Maine with you, Im so glad its working out.

    Lav - Any progress with my Lav this weekend?

    Sped - I am in awe of your running! I hope you get to feel more settled at home but perhaps travelling is where you now belong?

    DIL - People like your SIL are such special souls, how they do it is beyond me but I do believe her positively will serve her well.

    Rebirth - Im glad you can see who your true friend is.... Of course you are wise! We all are to be here doing something to change habits that are destructive. One of the biggest steps in getting to the stage of wanting sobriety was learning to love myself. Once I truely did, it became just insanity to continually abuse the person I loved.
    "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
    AF - JAN 1st 2010
    NF - May 1996


      July Jamboree ~ Week 2

      Good Morning July Friends,

      It's another beautiful day here in Maine. Yesterday I spent a lot of time with my social-drinking, sweet and loving cousins-they always make me feel like I'm the most special person in the world. This morning, there isn't a cloud in the sky and my sister and I walked 4 miles along the beach in Perkins Cove, and then had breakfast at a fabulous place called Cafe Amore, which was featured on Rachael Ray's show on the Food Network.

      Shelley-a 17 mile run?! Good for you! Yup, I think you'll be ready for that marathon in October!

      Rebirth-I hope your son's birthday was everything you and he planned it to be. BTW, I saw your posts regarding NA's awful. Good thing you passed it up...and you might have said, "this stuff is so bad, I need the real McCoy," and then it would have been all over. I'm proud of you!

      Lav-Congrats on your 2nd summer AF! A milestone for sure!

      LBH-enjoy lunch with Shelley!

      Star-How are you?

      Rustop-I am envious that you have a walk-in closet. I wish I did!

      Dill-I admire your SIL's positive attitude despite having cancer.

      Hi to Gaia and Bear, Spuddle, and anyone else who drops in, have a great AF day everyone!


        July Jamboree ~ Week 2

        Boy - did I oversleep but who cares, I needed it :H:H

        The heatwave continues here as well :upset:
        I will find something to do indoors after my work is done - no going out there!

        I don't know what to tell you about Mr Lav. Yes, he was here 2 days in a row, that's about it. Nothing has really changed in his thinking. The future remains a complete mystery. I'm focusing on today & the hell with the rest!

        Hope you vacationing folks are having a great time
        Wishing a magnificent AF Monday to everyone!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          July Jamboree ~ Week 2

          Passing on GREETINGS from Sooty

          She emailed me - said her laptop went into the shop today for repair. Hope the virus removal is successful!
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            July Jamboree ~ Week 2

            Rusty I am also really glad that I didnt fall for the last craving! Thank God for this forum!! I keep repeating myself but MYO is truly a blessing.
            If I feel lonely, someone is always here. If I am struggling, doubting, someone is always here who gives me an answer. If I am sad, happy, miserable, angry..someone is always here who relates.

            God bless you all. x
            Be strong-
            We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
            Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


              July Jamboree ~ Week 2


              Congrats on your successful weekend
              The addicted brain will try anything to get you to drink, smoke or do anything you really don't want to do!!!!!
              I have avoided the af wine myself - afraid it will just lead me back into trouble.
              It's true, we all relate one way or the other.

              Keep up the great work, you won't be sorry

              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                July Jamboree ~ Week 2

                Hi Lav. Got one question. You mention Mr Lav alot. I am guessing you are talking about you husband?
                Be strong-
                We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
                Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


                  July Jamboree ~ Week 2

                  Oh yes - Mr Lav, my emotionally troubled husband of 37 years!
                  He's been depressed for quite a while but steadfastly refuses adequate treatment. He walked out of here 3 months ago, left me to hold the fort down by myself. I'm not a bit happy about his decision but know that I can't do a thing about it!!!!!
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    July Jamboree ~ Week 2

                    OK, just wrote a really long and heart-felt post after arriving home, and was bumped off (I even remembered to log on before posting!). uuuuuuugh....

                    So anyway, I was in NE helping my Mom, and wasn't able to post. I've been glad to read all that has gone on already this week.

                    Sped - Congraaaaaaaats on 11 months!!!!!! Leaving and coming home are always the most massive thresholds for me, so I understand how it feels after your trip. Thank you for your wonderfully honest postings, and for sharing your journey. What a gift to us all.

                    Lav - great with the smudging! Don't discount Chill's account of 'space clearing' with clapping. One of my favorite organizing books is by the orginator of this technique, and it is really fascinating, and makes a lot of sense. To read about it in a condensed, wonderful way, look at: 'Clear you clutter with Feng Shui'. A great book!

                    LBH - still living vicariously through your roses...but the fish....shushkikennibunkport...? What? In MN, we only had 'sunnies' and 'crappies'.

                    Rusty - my HB and I had a magical week in mid-coast Maine last year, and now it is the destination of our dreams for leaving the desert......good wishes to you, and thanks for the beautiful travelogue.....we are planning our escape to points east....water, water, water....

                    Love to all, forgive me for not mentioning all names, I am 'fried'....more soon --
                    to the light


                      July Jamboree ~ Week 2

                      My heart goes out to you. My ex husband suffered from depression and it was a very frustrating marriage on my part. Nothing was ever right for him. Nothing was ever good enough. The grass was ALWAYS greener on the other side. When he went to the other side the grass was greener on the side he just left.
                      I tried to tell him he needed councilling but he didnt want to know.It was always the world's fault never him. How do you work with that? Mind you, we both were very heavy drinkers which didnt help matters whatsoever!

                      It was like the blind leading the blind
                      Be strong-
                      We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
                      Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


                        July Jamboree ~ Week 2

                        The idea that somehow, some day, he will control and enjoy his
                        drinking is the great obsession of every abnormal drinker. The
                        persistence of this illusion is astonishing. Many pursue it into the gates
                        of insanity or death.
                        ~ from the Daily Recovery Readings

                        Hi Jammers!
                        Rebirth, my son has married someone much like your first HB. It is so hard as a parent to watch. I pray for him (them) all the time, but it is out of my hands. I pray that he finds peace and happiness.

                        Lav, I can't believe it's been 3 months. You say he has done this before. How long did he leave for at that time and what triggered his return?

                        Cyn, welcome back! I'm going to look for that book you mentioned. I am very much into Feng Shui. I am really intrigued by LBH's fish, too. I had never heard of the shubunkin or the golden orfe. Our farm pond holds mostly catfish, crappie, blue gill, bass, sunfish, grass carp and now some koi. We enjoy feeding the fish, especially with our 4 year old grandson.

                        Rusty, thanks for checking in and giving us a description of your vacation. I have been to Maine 3-4 times and absolutely love it! There is something so special about the air and the sky. A 4 mile walk along the beach? Was that in the sand?!! That would be quite a work out!!!

                        Sped, starting new weeks on this thread does seem to be sort of a mystery! We don't start our week on Sunday or Monday like most traditional threads. We start it according to the number of days. The first day of the month starts the first week. Then around 7 days later, one of us remembers that we are on the second week. On that day, the first person to post will usually start a new thread. If you ever want to start the new thread, just go to the Monthly Abstinence section and look at the top of the page. You will see a button on the left that says "New Thread". Click on that, name the thread and start posting!

                        Helloooooooo Sooty! (Thanks Lav for keeping her present for us!!!)

                        Happy unhung Tuesday, one and all!

                        Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                        If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                          July Jamboree ~ Week 2

                          Morning everybody,
                          Sizzling here in the southwest.
                          Cyn, if I'm hot then I can only imagine what it's like where you are. Dawn, dusk, and night are the only times it's comfortable outside.
                          Commiserate: I hate it when I lose a heartfelt post!

                          Rebirth, thanks for being such a wonderful addition to this thread. Sorry to hear about your ex. I've learned after many failed attempts that you can't fix anybody but yourself. Sometimes even well meaning suggestions can backfire and produce the opposite effect.

                          Rusty, I'm having Maine dreams. Keep it up.

                          Lav, how busy does your business keep you? Are you able to get away and travel any?

                          Wondering where Red/Star is?

                          Lunch with LBH today. She has promised to "dress" me for my son's wedding in October. This is a formal wedding. I am a blue jeans, T shirt kind of girl. This should be interesting. Kind of like playing dress up!


                            July Jamboree ~ Week 2

                            Morning Dill,
                            Cross post. Sorry to hear about your DIL. I feel quite anxious about my son's upcoming marriage. She's not the one I would have picked for him ( like who's going to let me pick???). She's beautiful and brilliant but to me she seems cold and self centered. Plus I feel like I don't really know her. Have never spent any time alone with her.
                            What ever happened to arranged marriages??


                              July Jamboree ~ Week 2

                              Good morning Jammers,

                              Arranged marriages Shelley? I can only imagine the one my parents would have picked for me :H
                              I really didn't know the guy my daughter married but she was so happy & determined! He's turned out to be great, I have no complaints. Have fun lunching & shopping with LBH today. I have a feeling she will turn you into a beautiful mother of the groom

                              Cyn, thanks for the book idea, I will look into it for sure.

                              rebirth, I'm spending a huge amount of time reading & exploring different ways of seeing things. A book called 'Radical Forgiveness' by Colin Tipping was recommended to me by Greeneyes. I am trying to get my brain wrapped around that process, it's very interesting.

                              Dill, he disappeared for 2 months early last Spring when I first joined MWO. The year before it was a 2 week disappearance. He is very emotionally unstable & in denial. If when he agrees to go get some help he fights it & nothing changes. I don't know what's going to happen but I'm sure he is not going to destroy my new found peace of mind!!!!!! Screw him!!!

                              Well, on that lovely note, I need to get my day started
                              My EB grandson & his Mom will be here for dinner tonight so I'm happy :h

                              Have a terrific AF Tuesday!
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                July Jamboree ~ Week 2

                                Hi everyone

                                Have had a busy morning busily refilling my walk in and putting all the clothes away neatly. Wonder how long that will last!!

                                Cyn - Welcome back. I too am going to look for that book. You should see the amount of clutter I have in my bedroom at the moment.

                                Lav - You have the right attitude and that the main thing. Stay strong.

                                Dill - Sorry about DIL but I guess it is their lives and they have to live it their way.

                                Sped - Glad you and LBH had a nice lunch.

                                Rusty - Enjoy Maine, we had quite a few vacations there while living in Montreal, its a beautiful place.

                                Chill, Sooty, Star, Rebirth, LBH and anyone else I missed big hello.


