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July Jamboree ~ Week 2

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    July Jamboree ~ Week 2

    Sped, good morning! Cross post.
    Glad to see you. It reminded me that you asked me if Mr. D was retired. Yes and No. He is not intentionally retired. He owned his own consulting firm, (software engineering/research) but when the economy went south, so did his business. He would rather be employed, but now is not the time. I sure hope things turn around, but it may not happen soon enough for us. He turned 60 this week!

    I can relate to your lack of motivation. I hate the heat!!!! I'm going to be walking in the air conditioned mall. I never see runners there.....sorry!!!

    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


      July Jamboree ~ Week 2

      Morning Jammers!

      Be careful running in the heat kids..........whew, too hot!!!!!!!

      My cherry tomatoes are looking good but not done yet. I set the timer for 24 hrs yesterday when I started them. They very well may need most of that time. They look very pretty
      My SIL keeps bring zucchini & yellow squash over. I'm going to slice them very thin, season them & turn them into chips - yum!

      Dill, I've been thinking a lot about Mr Lav's perception of things. He just seems to be getting a little worse each year regardless of what I'm doing or what is going on around here. He is absolutely stuck in his childhood ego & resisting any change. If he would just open his mind......just a little, things could be very different. I am frankly pissed with this therapist he's been seeing. She has him identifying with his mother..........from the eyes of a child. It's BS, it's not helping him heal & move forward. I've given him tons of material to read, it hasn't made a dent (if he is truly reading it). He is depressed & that's not being treated properly. He needs medication but he steadfastly refuses.

      Well on a lighter note it's time to get my day going!
      Will check in later
      Safe travel Rusty!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        July Jamboree ~ Week 2

        Hey Guys!

        I just wanted to tell you all that i am so grateful to know you and to have the support of this wonderful thread, I think its fantastic that we share snapshots of our daily lives across 1000s of miles and even if you take the AL issue right out the picture, isnt it nice that we do this?! Human beings with all our issues, trials, challenges and joys all getting through our day....

        The affirmation today is I AM WILLING TO RELEASE THE NEED TO BE RIGHT
        "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
        AF - JAN 1st 2010
        NF - May 1996


          July Jamboree ~ Week 2

          Oh you guys are funny today!

          Rusty - ha ha. Like the comment about the 70 pounds ago. I use to be 14 pounds lighter. Seems like I get heavier every year. My partner said I am starting to look like buddha. Cheeky git!

          Sped - Go for that run!!! I did my first kickboxing class yesterday and I am aching! My arms are so sore that I cant lift my toast. But I feel great for it. The thought of my fat cells dissolving and muscles toning up….Buddha will be disappearing soon.

          Dill - I had to smile about the four miles. I couldn’t travel in a car for that length of time with mice in a box….They petrify me! Especially if they start squeaking..oh I feel all faint just thinking about it.

          Lav - oooh. Your chips sound delicious. Never thought of slicing up vegetables…what oil is best for that? Oh that’s a good snack idea. Healthy!
          Oh I am getting hungry!
          Must be so frustrating for you to see your husband’s depression. Very frustrating.

          Chill - Wow. Your homebase sounds divine. Can just imagine you going for a walk along the coastline in your white robe ( only cause of what you are wearing in your avatar, you probably wear dungarees right?)
          I have never been to Portugal but will be on my travel hitlist in the near future. I also was to see Budapest, Bucarest, Prague....

          Anyway it seems like the summer is over in the UK. Just rain rain rain. I am sitting in my jewellery shop making necklaces out of crystal and eating pretzels…and thinking about vegetable chips ( or Crisps as they say in the UK)
          Be strong-
          We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
          Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


            July Jamboree ~ Week 2

            Actuelly your avatar is not wearing a robe. It's a lovely picture anyways. Depicts your personality perfectly. Is it you?
            Be strong-
            We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
            Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


              July Jamboree ~ Week 2

              mice in the car is a very difficult situation, to be sure! I wasn't even drinking!!!!
              It's not bad enough that they make the sounds they make, but they really stink, too!! (from a human perspective) Yes, I quit the live mouse traps. I'm back to the regular old fashioned ones these days!!!!

              Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

              If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                July Jamboree ~ Week 2

                I like to brag about how brave I am about wildlife. I like snakes, insects, never kill spiders (except black widows). But I thought I saw a mouse early this morning scurry across my bedroom floor, just a shadow, sun wasn't even up yet. And now you guys are talking about mice, mice, mice and I'm wondering if I can sleep in this room tonight!!

                Chill, I too love this forum. Sobriety issues aside, I find us such a delightfully interesting and diverse group.

                I did not get picked for a jury today, maybe tomorrow. Have been wondering how I would react if I were selected for a DWI trial. It's a real possibility in this state. Anyone else care to weigh in on what it would be like?


                  July Jamboree ~ Week 2

                  Hello lovelies! (and that includes you, gentlemen)
                  Lav - I never knew that all I had to do here in the desert was to set some tomatoes out on racks in the back yard - we're at 115 today, so probably it wouldn't even take 24 hours. (Actually, it is still dipping just below 100 during the night, so I guess outside wouldn't qualify, but I echo Sped - no wonder I feel 'sun-dried'.)

                  Rustop - send some of the rain here, would you? I'm thinking of your emerald existence. LBH - remarkable that you have a plant with a 30 year relationship; that's 10 years longer than my first marriage. And how lovely that you managed to re-home 'her' with the right foster mother. Rusty- travel safely, and hold onto the memories. Dill; the name of the boat??? Chill and Rebirth, keep the good vibes coming. Sped; hmmm, food for thought; is a DUI a jury trial in your state? I was up for jury duty recently; the crime, a man who allegedly tried to have his wife and in-laws killed. In this state, the defendant is in the room while the jury is being picked...I found it all quite chilling.

                  Anyway onto lighter thoughts - I do 'release the need to be right', but I'm not telling my HB -- (just joking.....sort of). HB is wonderfully back here for a few days, and we're off on a tiny road trip for a wedding this weekend (an elder-wedding, my favorite). Happy AF weekend, and happy unhung mornings.

                  Till Monday - Cheers -
                  to the light


                    July Jamboree ~ Week 2

                    Cyn - You sound in great spirits, I hope you have a great weekend away.

                    Sped - Im a bit like you liking all creatures although I cant say I like snakes!
                    I used to be a townie so the only creatures Id ever seen were flies :H now im a country girl all sorts find there way into my house, anyone have any idea what this is!
                    I also have some adorable tree rats in the garden.....

                    Im off to my spinning class now at the gym, will check in later.....
                    "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                    AF - JAN 1st 2010
                    NF - May 1996


                      July Jamboree ~ Week 2

                      Good morning everyone

                      Fab photo's Chill. The great outdoors is the place for mice and rats as far as I am concerned. They say we are never more than a few meters from a rat. As we live in the country I am sure that is very true. I dont think we have too many close to the house, our cat takes care of that!!

                      How those of you in hotter climes are doing ok. We had thunder and lightning last night. The dogs were terrified. Both spent the night in our room which they never do but the little JR was shivering from top to tail. Did not get a great nights sleep as a result.

                      Just did a run to the airport (hubby is going to Russia fishing for a week) and walked the doggies. Now have to catch up on things in the house - ugh hate housework!

                      Hope you all have a great week-end.



                        July Jamboree ~ Week 2

                        Chill, that's a cricket for sure although it looks like it has a stinger. Tree rats...are they like squirrels?
                        Rustop how hot does it get where you live?

                        I've been up for over an hour, got up just after 4:00. Too hot to sleep. Complaining about the heat doesn't make it go away so I AM NOT COMPLAINING!! I just want to please cool off just a little or how about some rain.


                          July Jamboree ~ Week 2

                          Good morning kids!

                          Chill, that is a cricket......I'm pretty sure (it will make a chirping noise at some point). We're not overrun with squirrels here - the hawks pick them off. Bunny rabbits? There are tons of them around - cute but very destructive.

                          Shelley, it's hot, humid & downright foggy here this morning!
                          Rustop, we have thunder storms on an almost daily basis here. One of my dogs shakes so hard she looks like she's vibrating! She hides anywhere she can - I once found her in my shower!!!

                          Feeling a bit like an idiot this morning! Yesterday afternoon I managed to slice the tip of my baby finger clear off while slicing zucchini!!! It bled for quite a while before I gave up & decided to go to the ER! Didn't want to call my (newly pregnant) daughter for a ride & risk upsetting her & I didn't want to call my DIL for a ride (she would have had to wake my EB grandson from his nap). So, I called Mr Lav!
                          He left work, picked me up & drove me to the hospital without complaining. By the time I was seen, the bleeding had stopped on it's own & there wasn't much they could do for me. Can't wait to see what it looks like healed..........kinda gross! Well, at least my zucchini chips turned out nice. They spent about 15 hours in the dehydrator.

                          Wishing everyone a funky AF Friday
                          Keep your finger safe!

                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            July Jamboree ~ Week 2

                            Hello everyone - I'm so happy to be back, it has been torture being without my laptop and being unable to contact you all.
                            Thank you so much Lav for being the "go between" you did a good job!
                            Haven't had time to catch up with all the news yet, just couldnt resist jumping straight back in!
                            See you later
                            love Sooty


                              July Jamboree ~ Week 2

                              oh so I am finally meeting Sooty! Hello!
                              Be strong-
                              We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
                              Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


                                July Jamboree ~ Week 2

                                YAY!!! Sooty's back!! We missed you.
                                Lav, OMG! How much did you slice off? You poor dear!!!
                                Chill, I'm with Lav and Sped. That's a cricket. They rub those back legs together to make their cricket sound. I love that sound. Those tree rats look kind of icky to me.
                                Sped, I hope you didn't see a mouse, but set a trap just to be on the safe side. I can't stand mice! I get them a lot in this old farm house we live in. This house was built in 1870's on a limestone foundation. It's very common for us to have mice get in when the weather turns cold.
                                Rustop, Does Mr. R go fishing in Russia every year or is this something special? Is he going with a friend? What kind of fishing?
                                Hey everyone, have a wonderful AF Friday!

                                Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                                If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.

