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July Jamboree ~ Week 2

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    July Jamboree ~ Week 2

    Sounds as though everybody is primed for a solid AF day. Dill, there are lots of pictures of those big golden fish on Google, I just had a typo in the name in my post, it is orfe. They are schooling fish so you need at least three, they all turn at once and zip around. You will love them. Need to run out to breakfast now and will catch up later. I am so glad for the news of Sooty. Love, Ladybird.
    may we be well


      July Jamboree ~ Week 2

      hi everyone - posted on daily af thread already. Need extra strength to not drink today - social events i can't(and don't want to) get out of.

      I smoked a cigarette today - don't even know why - just had mortgage confirmed - putting it behind me and no more. May call 'quitline' for some moral support.

      I am getting a cold and am in bed lazing about until later reading, dozing and eating a bit of dark chocolate as a treat.I want to be af and will make 7 days tomorrow - it is soooo hot - thought of drinking/hangover is not appealing.
      one day at a time


        July Jamboree ~ Week 2

        Message from Sooty our Bus Driver

        Hello all you July Jamboree-ers. So sorry I haven't been in touch and thanks to all of you who asked after me. It has been so frustrating but I have a virus on my computer which will not let me log on to MYO - and lots of other sites as well. I have been able to read the thread but not able to post, despite changing my user name/password as well as my e mail address!

        I managed to get in touch with Lav via another MYO member as I wanted to let you know that I am ok and still driving the bus albeit from a distance!

        LBH thanks for trying to contact me I do appreciate your efforts - I have been able to read them through my email but not able to reply.

        The laptop is going into the shop on Monday and hopefully will get sorted - if it can't be fixed I've told Mr S that I'm buying another one. He's had to go and lie down to get over the shock!!!!!!

        Take care everyone, I'll be back as soon as I can

        love Sooty

        If anyone wants to get in touch with Sooty via email please just PM me, OK?

        Glad to see you here We'll be happy to prop you up this weekend!
        I know you've had problems in the past attending events & keeping your quits. Check out the tool box before you go for some extra courage - so many good ideas there. I've always liked DG's plan to arrive late & leave early. Helps to keep the temptations to a manageable minimum! Go to quitnet for support. I belong to several clubs there & pledge daily to remain smoke free - whatever helps, right?

        Have a good day one & all!
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          July Jamboree ~ Week 2

          Good morning everyone

          Just a quick check in before I take the doggies for their walk in the woods. Going to see my daughter later so might not get to check in again.

          Hope everyone has a wonderful AF Sunday



            July Jamboree ~ Week 2


            Lav - Keep smudging! I hope it works. My Mum has another tip for negative energy, you go around the room clapping into all the corners to move the stagnant energy around and you chant ho ho ha ha as you do it! I dont know if it works but it makes you laugh so must be worth a try :H

            The temperature here today is 37oC (almost 100f) I will most certainly have to get down to the beach later to get some air and cool off in the sea. I love to be active and this heat makes me feel so lazy.

            I had a night out last night with a couple of girlfriends and Im happy to report that the thought of joining them in drinking doesnt even cross my mind these days, I so love my AF life and cant ever imagine throwing it all away.

            I wish you all a wondeful peaceful Sunday!
            "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
            AF - JAN 1st 2010
            NF - May 1996


              July Jamboree ~ Week 2

              Good morning Jammers!
              Chill, great news about your night out with your girlfriends!
              Hi Rustop!
              Lav, thanks for getting Sooty's message to us. Keep on smudging!
              Sooty, hang in there!
              LBH, thanks for the head's up on "orfe". It made all the differnece to google!
              I still have visitors, but they are not up yet. It will be a busy day!

              Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

              If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                July Jamboree ~ Week 2

                Hello from Maine July Gang,

                Greetings from the oceanfront in Maine! Well, It turns out that I am having a delightful time! My snobby aunt is not here and won't be here and I am having the most relaxing and fun time with my mom and sister. My mother is from Maine so we have a beachfront hotel close to where she grew up. My sister and I have spent more time laughing than anything else. Last night we went to dinner in Kennebunk with my aunt (now sober for 2.5 years after drinking for 30) and uncle and then did some shopping. My aunt's husband of 40 years has always demeaned her and physically abused her early in their marriage. She finally got sober after he admitted he was part of the problem. We are so happy and relieved for her. They actually seem to enjoy being together now.

                Right now, my mom, sister and I are sitting on our deck drinking coffee and breathing in the sea air. Yesterday was an AF day and looking forward to another one tomorrow. Hard-drinking cousins will not be around us at all, and I am SOOOOOO glad!

                Hello and hugs to Lav, Chill, LBH, Star, Dill, Rustop, Shelley, Spuddle, Mr. G (Did we scare you away, heh heh) and anyone else I've missed.

                Welcome to Gaia and Bear!

                Bear, I'll be sending you extra strength today, but how well I know how tempting it is to drink when you're not feeling well and alone.:l

                I'm glad you're ok Sooty. We have missed you.

                Thank you so much to my July friends for always being here for me. You are the best! :h

                Off to church with mom and then RustySister and I are going back to Kennebunk for antiquing, shopping, and eating :-).

                Have a great AF day, everyone!




                  July Jamboree ~ Week 2

                  hey all I drank - back on the horse today - need to seriously review my plan - somehow mentally I can't let go of drinking and think that I need it to socialise.

                  Doing lots of thinking - going to spend more time here - I need to focus and associate with people who don't drink.

                  i have done 3 months af previously - something is different this time and I'm not sure what

                  i think it's when I think long term rather than in the now - just refuse one drink hmmmm
                  one day at a time


                    July Jamboree ~ Week 2

                    Morning all!

                    bear - it was and still is all about commitment for me! Same thing with the smokes, I just keep telling my addicted brain 'Nope, I don't do that anymore'.

                    Rusty, good to hear that you are enjoying your Maine vacation, sounds nice

                    Dill, enjoy your house guests!

                    Well, I'm expecting another Mr Lav visitation today. More on that later.

                    Shelley, Congrats on your 11 AF months - great job!!!!!

                    Greetings all around & wishing everyone a super AF Sunday!
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      July Jamboree ~ Week 2

                      Hard to be back in NM. Feel like I've been bitten by a traveling bug, just want to keep moving. I start jury duty on Wednesday so have to stay put at least for a while. I hope you all are having good summers. I remember feeling anxious back in the spring, worrying about the approaching summer. Just not a fan of the season. High 90's forecast for later in the week.
                      Met up with my running group this morning...17 miles!! Sounds long but with good company and an early start (5 AM), it was wonderful. Keep this up and I will be ready for my marathon in October.

                      Rusty, have fun in Maine. What a wonderful place it is.

                      Will try to be more positive about summer. At least I'm spending this one sober!


                        July Jamboree ~ Week 2

                        If you get itchy to travel again - I have a whole lot of spare room here
                        I'm sure you'll find some worthwhile way to fill your time & make it through your first AF summer.
                        This is my second AF summer - can't believe I'm saying that but it's true. Hot & humid here too & I'm not a fan. I tried to do some trimming on the foundation shrubs this afternoon but didn't finish - the heat about killed me. I'll try again tomorrow if I can.

                        Wishing everyone a peaceful evening.
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          July Jamboree ~ Week 2

                          Good morning everyone

                          Lav - well done on 2nd AF summer. It's people like you who give me hope.

                          Another beautiful morning here. Had an early walk with the doggies as I am waiting for the guys to fit my walk in closet. We put an extension on the house about 7 years ago and the builders did a fairly basic job in the walk in. Rail, some shelves etc. Having it done properly now, pull out drawers for shoes, handbags etc. Cant wait!! You would not believe the amount of junk I took out of it though!! Have a busy day ahead of me sorting it out. Great to wake up unhungover and feeling fresh. A lot to be thankful for.

                          Hope you all have a wonderful week, will catch up on the posts later.



                            July Jamboree ~ Week 2

                            Happy unhung Monday, Jammers!
                            Rustop, that's a great feeling to get organized, isn't it? Have fun with your new closet! Maybe I'll clean a closet today too.
                            We had a really nice weekend with Mr. D's brother and wife. They are easy people to be with and we talked and laughed and had a good time. It's amazing in that my SIL is in the midst of chemo treatments for ovarian cancer. I don't know how she manages to stay so positive, but it's awesome that she can. These two are "social drinkers" and can take it or leave it. Since the chemo, she is haveing to leave it for now, but it is a non issue for her.
                            Rain here today and thunder storms. Good day for closet cleaning!

                            Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                            If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                              July Jamboree ~ Week 2

                              Hi all,

                              Dill I don’t live far from Leamington Spa. Its about 45 minutes by car. I use to work there a few years back

                              LBH I love your avid descriptions of your garden. I get lost for a moment and imagine that I am there. I find being in a beautiful garden immensely calming. I was actuelly admiring your avatar rose. Does this one climb up walls? Or do they all climb up walls?? I don’t have green fingers but just moved to a new place and I need to cover a garage wall.

                              Chill. its so lovely to have a supportive best friend like yours.I have mixed reactions from my close friends. One of mine is disgusted that I have stopped because she has lost a drinking partner. The other has been concerned about my drinking for years and is so please that I am abstaining. The first one drinks like a fish and the other one drinks socialbly. I love them both but you can guess who I will be drifting away from.

                              Rustop61 I know what you mean about missing this forum. I had a busy social weekend but I have been struggling with very strong cravings the past 5 days. Last night I wanted to go out and buy myself some alcohol free wine. I knew deep down that it would have been a disasterous step so I logged on quicklyand seeked advice. Got the answers pronto. I love the support on here and that its 24/7. Very addictive forum!!

                              Dill thank you for calling me a wise woman. No one has ever said that to me. I must be doing something right for a change

                              Rusty. arggh I am jealous!! Your environment sounds heavenly. I could do with such a view for my soul.

                              Hi Gaia, bear73

                              Be strong-
                              We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
                              Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


                                July Jamboree ~ Week 2

                                Hey everybody,
                                Are we supposed to star a new week? Not quite sure how to do that.
                                Lav and Dill, don't be surprised if I drive a little farther east next time.
                                97 degrees here today. Lunch with Ms. LBH tomorrow.

